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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Landing on ships

    We did actually get a instruction on firing out the window of the Gelandewagens in convoy duty. But the officers we had wasn't exactly battle hardened so for all I know it could be bullshit. Are you a marine? In that HBO show Generation kill they shoot while seated all the time. That should be fairly correct seeing as its based upon the book with the same name. What I am sure about is that it is common practice by PMCs in convoy duty. Anyway, be looking forward to your reply -sparks
  2. sparks50

    Russian Grenade Launcher Videos?

    Awesome clip.
  3. sparks50

    Bomb dropping alarm

    Definitely. Though ww2 style dive bombing in a A10 has it charms too
  4. sparks50

    GTA 4 / PC

    Its no doubt a great game, (IMHO) if you can look away from the performance issues and have a decent computer. I have been having a lot of fun with it, and I haven't even gotten to the multi player part yet! The game is packed down with features like a Christmas tree. They seem to have been tinkering and fiddling with it forever. Which makes it all the stranger why they would just trow a unfinished port out like that. About modds: http://www.thegtaplace.com/ http://www.thegtaplace.com/
  5. sparks50

    No Army?

    Its just the politically correct thing to do for a shooter.
  6. sparks50

    Landing on ships

    I belive it has been confirmed that Arma 2 will NOT support objects on top of moving vehicles like in VBS2, but my memory may be failing me.
  7. sparks50

    How many players?

    So what Im extracting from this post is: A: Will the AI be harder for the player, and B: will the AI demand more CPU-resources so that the amount of AI we can play with is effectively lowered?
  8. sparks50

    CSLA3 Phase1

    This saves my Sunday, thank you!!
  9. sparks50

    Interface discussion

    There will be a quick-command menu in Arma 2, in addition to the old complex one.
  10. Didnt youtube start with 720p some weeks ago? Thats good enough for me(dunno if its restricted somehow). The usual 480kbits is decent too. So I don't see the problem Jerry.
  11. sparks50

    ArmA2 and Bohemia Interactive

    If your mom stepped on them, there would be no Arma 3
  12. Let me sneak in a "awesome". Also thanks for putting the Arma edit section on the same page as the rest of the Arma board. I'm not too sure about the lack of functionality and color scheme, but I guess thats where the "beta" comes in.
  13. sparks50

    ArmA2 and Bohemia Interactive

    Well, a wise man said its not a discussion until someone disagrees. I'm just trying to understand what Second is saying, not starting ww3
  14. sparks50

    GTA 4 / PC

    Its still third personperson, with a option able first person driver cam. I really don't like this recent trend of GOW fire-from-cover fighting. It just feels completely wrong to accurately blind-fire.
  15. sparks50

    ArmA2 and Bohemia Interactive

    I wish they could cooperate more and share solutions. I don't think the army would mind(or at least I wouldn't, and cooperation could cut down on the costs of the simulation) I guess being on different sides of the globe complicates this a bit. Anyway, its dumb to speculate in another mans business. Better keep my mouth shut
  16. sparks50

    ArmA2 and Bohemia Interactive

    Do you mean BIA?(Bohemia Interactive Australia) BI and BIS is the same thing.
  17. sparks50

    ArmA2 and Bohemia Interactive

    Timing is everything. OFP came to a empty table back in its time.
  18. sparks50

    GTA 4 / PC

    They skipped doing the PC port properly, just so that they could reach the Christmas sale. What a shame. Ive always liked Rockstar so I really didn't expect a move like this from them.
  19. sparks50

    New BIS service available

    Sounds a bit like the SpeedTree tech.
  20. sparks50

    ArmA2 and Bohemia Interactive

    Well, the core part of any army is the infantry, and I think BI did well by focusing on them.
  21. sparks50

    GTA 4 / PC

    Hows the online? I still don't know whether to buy this game or not
  22. sparks50

    cheats on laptop?

    This wont answer your question, but I would very very much recommend you get a mouse for your fps shooters on your laptop. Even a cheap $5 mouse would be better than the pad.
  23. I Would guess a "no" to all of these questions(since they probably would have told us about it otherwise.)
  24. sparks50

    Believability in the missions

    Agreed. I also think WW2 fits the limited game-engine better than modern warfare. That could be a idea for a expansion pack, one that people would actually want to buy. Are you listening BI?
  25. sparks50

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    My favourite warfare for singleplayer, nice selection of addons too.