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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    ArmA maps are TOO large for public servers

    Can "the world of believers"(namely 2-3 people active on the forum claiming to be the majority) define why making their own missions does not make Arma a "glorious pvp experience"? Peter, seems like what you want to play is a AAS(Advance and Secure) In AAS you have to take control points in a specific order. So the enemy can not go behind the lines and grab other flags. Theres already some user made missions that does this. Like this one: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=72430 As for missions being too big, theres a very simple solution to this. Open the editor, import the mission in question, move the flags closer together. Thats the versatility OFP/ARMA is all about.
  2. Speaking of the map HUD, I find it to be too small to be of any practical usage. If I can, I usually use ctrl+m instead of it.
  3. sparks50

    'Team Leader' in a sniper team

    Yup. The spotter is often a former sniper, with more experience, and they can alternate. But in Arma, the usage of a spotter is very low due to lack of grass at distance. You are better off with a secondary sniper.
  4. That hits the mark in my dictionary. But never mind, I have better things to do.
  5. Monty, this mod has 70 forum pages of people praising it, the beta has several groundbreaking features, and much more. And you are calling it a failure because a few addons isn't included yet? I have no business in ACE dev, but surely you can see how unreasonable you seem.
  6. sparks50

    ARMA with SSD / Flash drives ?

    I could test it in a heartbeat by copy-pasting the Arma folder to a drive. But sadly I do not have a 45gb flashdrive!
  7. sparks50

    GTA 4 / PC

    The new patch is out. The thing is, after having completed the relatively short story, I can not see any reason to go back to GTA 4.
  8. Lets be glad its just a game. And blended to death, how gruesome, I didn't even know the USMC deployed blenders My favorite setting in the Clientside config: ACE_RADIO_SILENT. Peace and quiet at last.
  9. sparks50

    ARMA 2 High Command?

    Theres some in game footage of it here at 3:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx7LRtWEycM
  10. sparks50

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    I think BB is underrated amongst many shooters. Been having a Red Ryder in our cabin for years, its cheap to buy, free to run and surprisingly fun to shoot too. It trains basic weapon handling and aiming skill, great for kids and a good family activity.
  11. sparks50

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    That looks great. With the editing, I think it looks a bit like a video game, GT4 to be specific
  12. sparks50

    Arma Addon Sync 2009

    I definitely agree that this thread is not in any way getting the attention it deserves. Thanks for the screenshots
  13. You are talking about two different ranges here it seems. A 9600gt is definitely not the lower range of Arma players hardware, But in terms of what you can buy new today, it is.
  14. sparks50

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    Thanks Doomguy!
  15. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=56;t=77007;st=0;entry1318832 You could have asked a mod to move the existing topic instead of making a new one.
  16. The fps drops I notice is whenever I see the smoke effect(explosions or smoke grenades). It seems to demand a lot more than Madmatts old package, while not really looking any better.
  17. sparks50

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    Could it be possible to enable team switch? It seems that for every five AI infantry I buy, two of them get stuck.
  18. sparks50

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    orson: I used this service: http://tiltshiftmaker.com/ It fakes a tilt-shift. Great editing there Tankcommander, made my head pop
  19. sparks50

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    -Avgani and ACE apache
  20. sparks50

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    -It contains ACE weapons?
  21. sparks50

    Q1 date (?)

    And give us time to enjoy the mods to Arma
  22. sparks50


    Sends me to a domain seller website.
  23. RPGs? Sahrani-life, Sahrani-Ville, City life and the list goes on. No lack of missions for this cop car. The car looks incredibly flashy, I like it