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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Earth Hour 2009

    I pretty much turn off all nonessential lights anyway.
  2. Yes the actual APP/MIL symbols are a nice touch.
  3. sparks50

    FOV Management

    FOV in options would be excellent.
  4. Here you are, still not released though http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=45275#45275
  5. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    There seems to be some sort of helping system integrated in the Arma 2 editor. Dunno how comprehensive it will be though. (Thanks Rickjames)
  6. sparks50

    The HUD

    Rickjames, read hes post again. Gameplay footage of Arma 2 so far shows the same hud as Arma 1. But it can always be modded away if you dislike it so much. Personally, I need to see what weapon I have selected and which firing mode it is in. This knowledge is second nature for a fighter in real life, but since our game is on a computer screen, it does not translate very well. Thats why we need the HUD, or at least parts of it.
  7. sparks50

    Game physics

    Arma physics test, bunch of barrels rolling down hill: Just a cool video I found on youtube
  8. Disposable AT4s would be nice too. After all, its not an RPG, but more like a recoilless rifle. Edit: Someone needs to tell BI that rocket RPGs hardly creates smoke trails eitherÂ
  9. One thing that bothers me in Armas graphics department is how the grass abruptly disappears after 25 meters. Sadly both OFP 2 and Arma 2 has this nasty limitation, and for obvious reasons, ground vegetation must be a real killer performance-wise. Arma 3 perhaps?
  10. I'm sorry, I just have to post them here, they are kick-ass!
  11. http://www.arma2.com/small-a....en.html
  12. http://www.vgchartz.com/forum/thread.php?id=61409&page=2 Theres a lot of "pre-rendered trailer, game will not look anywhere as good as this" in this thread, which is strange for me, since most of it isn't far off what we already have in Arma 1, at least with addons.
  13. Ubisoft grabbed the Far cry name from Crytech and then advertised Far Cry 2 with: This kind of thing is usual in the gaming industry, and as much of a BI fanboy I am, this sounds more like nonconstructive whining. But at least it may get the word out there with this name confusion. Go to court if the case is as good as it sounds. But why would CM ask for the rights of the name if they knew they couldn't make any sequels with it?
  14. I do definitely think Arma 1s graphics are underrated on the higher settings. I impressed people with it on a LAN in 2007, with 3rd view, walking along a company of armored vehicles kicking up sand as they invaded Rahmadi town. But it downscales horribly for less powerful computers. Turn off the grass, and suddenly it almost looks like OFP again. And a few of the objects are a bit basic seen up close.
  15. sparks50


    I hope all sides can be hostile to each other if set so in the editor. Reminds me of Command and conquer type of games, 5 factions in team deathmatch
  16. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    My local gamer site picked it up, dunno about others though. http://translate.google.com/transla....state0=
  17. Thanks for separating the pack so that the size can go down again.
  18. sparks50

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Once again amazing screens Tankcommander Opteryx: Nice fort. Is that fort there in real life?
  19. sparks50

    Air Combat..

    CAS Daniel: Yes that campaign was amazing. Its the only time Ive had fun flying jets in Arma.
  20. sparks50

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    Im gonna take a gamble on Russia first. BI may have seen the What's the NAPA faction?" thread and decided to keep us in pain wondering
  21. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Finding music to a videogame sounds like a fun job. I know a couple of good unsigned bands on Myspace I would ask for free deals.
  22. sparks50

    Collector edition ?

  23. sparks50

    ACE-compatible Evolution missions

    All mods completable to xeh should work normally. The ACE mod itself has only one module, there is no "mods" changing it. The reason for this is to keep simplicity so that the whole community can adopt it. This way people wont have to get 20 different mods to get into a server.
  24. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    OFP had a budget of about $600,000. I guess money after all isn't everything then.
  25. sparks50

    Disable AI contact reporting on DeDi Server

    That doesn't take away the text on chat though.