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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    The Hunter

    Responsible hunting is done to stop animals from hurting them self, by regulating the number of individual animals.
  2. sparks50

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    Well, it feels good to be right lol
  3. sparks50

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Dont. The demo is way old, and after all the patches that has been since it, the demo is in no way representable for the current game.
  4. Google translate worked fine for me.
  5. sparks50

    Good Music

    Yes hehe, I made a comment to clarify the situation
  6. sparks50

    Good Music

    Nah, make it cheap. BI team, three cases beer and Singstar.
  7. sparks50

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    I believe this was a glitch that was fixed in a patch. Not sure though, think Ill may test it
  8. sparks50

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    Thats not a watering down as in more arcade.
  9. sparks50

    Parralax free sights

    NeoArmageddon: Ace has removed its paralax free sights, for now. I think it would be wrong to give to give these sights abilities that they don't have.(zoom) Another way could be that a Reflex/Aimpoint was slightly faster to get into aiming mode, and was more accurate in the first second of this mode.
  10. sparks50

    release date?

    "Demo" springs to my mind.
  11. In a earlier GC 08 video they say that a much smoother speech is being worked on, just not implemented in current build, I'm putting my faith in that.
  12. sparks50

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    OFP Elite wasn't watered down
  13. sparks50

    Earth Hour 2009

    Hey, hes a rebel Be a good boy now Opteryx.
  14. actually, its a small flower seed flying through the air, probably a Dandelion seed. If you see at 1:44, in the lower left corner as the closest tank enters the screen, you can see another one. So sorry, no UFO
  15. sparks50

    Ross Kemp: Return to Afghanistan

    Yes, it just looks very obvious that its a metal detector to me.
  16. sparks50

    River in ArmA 2??

    Even better, when you die you will not turn into a bird, but a cow. Imagine being the last survivor and having the whole server follow your every move
  17. sparks50

    Ross Kemp: Return to Afghanistan

    Anybody know why the metal seeker used to find IEDs was blurred out in the latest episode?
  18. sparks50

    Earth Hour 2009

    I think its more about the symbol of caring than the actual results anyway. Over here is heavy protests from the environment movement anytime someone proposes to build clean energy like wind, water, wave or nuclear power. So we keep buying coal-burning power from Russia instead
  19. sparks50

    ArmA II too Good to believe!

    Im pretty sure I could build a PC for less than 800 USD that would still beat the 360 in most multi-platform games. And when you consider that Microsoft charges 50 USD a year for gold membership, and that games for consoles are roughly 20-30% more expensive, and cant be modded, its not really the bargain one would think.
  20. sparks50

    Parralax free sights

    Not really a big issue since the soldiers in Arma are world champions in keeping sights aligned, but it would be a nice detail to put in, especially in the sights of fighter planes, not just for Track-IR users, but also for people like me, who have their thumb on the ALT key 30% of the time.
  21. sparks50

    A Question About Patches.

    And if you are brave, the 1.15 beta patch(comes with separate .exe)
  22. sparks50

    Flight Sims X/2004/lockon etc..

    We are more into Hawx
  23. sparks50

    Pilfius + arma = <3

    I had to download voice recognition from microsoft website for my localized vista.
  24. sparks50

    Earth Hour 2009

    I pretty much turn off all nonessential lights anyway.