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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. Judging by the large amount of bugs seen in screenshots and previews, it seems unrealistic to me that the game will be completely sorted out in May or June.
  2. Jesus, Im glad Im having day off tomorrow, so much to see. And Dslyecxi those screens were stunning. I hope you have a good server because I spread them over the web:D
  3. Guys cool your jets. I actually liked the full preview, it was very in debt, and honest about what the reviewer thought about the build. It will be very interesting to read the upcoming other previews, now that the journalists can really sit down with the build and spend some time on it, so that we can get much more in debt information and a LOT of new screen shots.
  4. I hope my C2D E6850 3.0ghz wont be too much of a bottle neck with the 275GTX GFX card.
  5. sparks50

    Need new Gaming PC, recommendations?

    Find yourself some good guides, building a computer is much easier than you think. Its a lot of fun too! You don't have to be a genius to do it. Im not sure how "fried" your motherboard is, but there are probably salvageable parts, meaning you can save money.
  6. I think Google is trying to say that robot-talk on the radio is still there. Maruk, Ohara, It would be very nice to hear from you how the progress is on smoother radio voices? Has it been given up or has it just not been integrated in the game yet? BTW, GUI size seems to be adjustable in options :)
  7. The water looks a lot better than Arma in this shot: http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/4-armory_blog6.jpg
  8. sparks50

    Need new Gaming PC, recommendations?

    What happened to your old computer? Surely there must be some parts working or stuff that can be sent to warranty?
  9. Ohh, Its ON! :D Nah, ontopic, these screen shots are incredibly random.
  10. I certainly hope the performance is a little bit better than that.
  11. With 14 Hellfires, the Reaper IS the artillery:icon_mrgreen:
  12. sparks50

    Firefox ArmA 2 Skins for "Personas"

    They look great, I got at least one of them loaded now. Though it is kinda of a tedious process to do them manually.
  13. Google translate should give you a rough idea. http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/4-tiscali_games_preview_april_6.jpg Hmm, what is this, 700 meters view distance?
  14. sparks50

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    Honestly I don't understand this "thing 3cm closer there or not mil spec and fail" attitude. We all know these tanks/planes/helicopters will not act anything close to the real thing, so why is the visual appearance so life-or-death important beyond the "cool factor"? I can partly understand the need for the right things to come from the correct branch, for history purposes, but beyond that, a visual detail is only that, visual.
  15. Ouch, that sounds even more demanding than Arma. No highest graphics for me I guess. That inventory system looks interesting.
  16. sparks50

    ARMA 2 : 18+ rating vs Arma 1 : 16+

    This is strange, this early packshot from a German distributor seems to be marked with 16+? (unknown ratingsymbol) Could it be that they originally intended for 16+ but got rejected? http://www.gol-clan.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2452
  17. sparks50

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    That would be epic. Proper sight alignment for the win! :)
  18. sparks50

    Crosshair Accuracy

    Its good enough as it is
  19. sparks50

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    First question. Will you be banning the spamming guy over me? :D
  20. They are well adapted to Armas elderly fanboys. I hope they include an option to remove most of the HUD in the difficulty settings. The majority of things displayed, I simply do not need to know, or can find out otherwise. BTW, for those who aren't familiar to these bicycles: the Paratrooper bike is fold able in real life. It can be dropper with airborne soldiers, thus increasing the range and speed of these soldiers when they hit the ground(of course depending on the terrain). I wonder if it will get any such functionality in the game.
  21. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Nope. The PR devs has indicated that their next project will "sooner be an Indy game than yet another mod". But theres still a lot of cool stuff to come for BF2 PR. One of them is all these cool new factions under development: Canada Poland The Netherlands Russia Israel Germany Australia Norway PMC(Private military contractors) France
  22. sparks50

    Deadfast's Translations

    You can probably turn it off though.
  23. sparks50

    Sahrani - the actual size

    Thats good news!
  24. The Arma 1 armory had automatic addon integration as well. I rarely ever used the armory, but I hope they fix it so that the AI gives 100% throttle in races, because right now its so simple to win it, because they drive slowly, even on straights. It may sound minor, but it ruins the whole point of that challenge.