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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. It will with a 3rd party voice recognition software :D
  2. Most weapons can be fired from the pilot seat, by turning on the manual fire in the action menu.
  3. Press TAB to change targets, fire when the square gets a diamond-like shape.
  4. You have to applaud them for having a afro-American main character though. I still remember the mod that changed CJs skin to white being by far the most popular mod for GTA San Andreas, even more so than the hot coffee-thing.
  5. sparks50

    Fluid Stance(Better cover system)

    I think the new Call of Juraez game has the best cover system I have seen in a video game, feels very natural. Its like a supercharged version of the Vietcong cover system, and I wish BI could make something like it. SVWNdlpfUu4
  6. sparks50

    International Politics Thread

    My local paper calls it the largest airborne operation done by the Marines since the Vietnam war, which is probably more accurate.
  7. galzohar: The magic is in the players, not the mission :) Tactical Gamer is one good public alternative. But even better than that, is some kind of clan or closed community where you can play with like minded tactical gamers.
  8. Third party voice recognition commands work very well, but be prepared to do a bit of tweaking to get it just like you want it. It makes leading AI squads that much more entertaining, sometimes I almost forget that I'm playing with bots.
  9. sparks50

    ILS Pro II

    Sounds like a German RTS, can we call it Farma? :D
  10. sparks50

    Arma 2 flash game

    http://www.arma2.com/flash-arma-ii_en.html This thing is complex!:D
  11. Theres no doubt they have. Arma mark test reports confirms it. However, you may find the game for some reason does not like your computer and decides to protest by being really slow.
  12. They are probably holding out until the game is in the shop of their target audience or something in that regard.
  13. I wish they would include it as something you have to use a command line to enable. So the majority whos computers it works on, and are nerdy enough to wish for it, could enable the paralax free sights. Just a small wish from me.
  14. I think he mixed up battalions with platoons. But even just platoons would put a large straint on the game. 50 x 50 = 2500 AI.
  15. sparks50

    Fluid Stance(Better cover system)

    Better than nothing :) My dream thing would be the automatic find height function similar to when you take cover in Vietcong. Aim through the sights and you will pop up.
  16. sparks50

    Fluid Stance(Better cover system)

    Isn't there already one? aim down while crouched and use TrackIR or ALT key to look ahead.
  17. Crysis 2 is going to be with consoles too though.
  18. The cheesy ( :D ) launch trailer is on the biggest Machinima channel.
  19. 8/10 from Norwegian gamer.no http://gamer.no/article.php?articleId=20270&page=2
  20. sparks50

    Americas Army 3

    A dev seem to be excusing the poor game here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/thankyoudevs/index.html quoted it in case it is removed. Also worth noting is the new 0.86 Project Reality mod patch. With this one plus Arma 2, Its a good week for tactical gamers despite this disaster :)
  21. sparks50

    International Politics Thread

    Should probably be mentioned that people with the proxy servers are pirates and do not represent the Swedish government. Seriously though, I cant understand how you can fear and respect something turning into a oppresive religious dictatorship.
  22. Coyle you can check out the development at the Dev heaven page. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/roadmap/ace-mod
  23. That is not a very good idea. Unless you get the shop to mark the package as a gift, be prepared to be robbed by the Norwegian state. When you import goods where the cost of it (including shipping) is over 22,5 Euros, you have to pay a tax of 10 Euros, plus an additional 25 % tax of the price of the game+shipping+the first 10 euro tax. My tip is therefore to either buy a digital copy, or from a Norwegian shop.
  24. sparks50

    Voice of the closest players on field

    Indeed. The mouth also moves synchronized to the speech. teDw7Q8ss-Y
  25. RO is fantastic, I'm a big fan. The only thing I missed in the former ones is the huge maps and planning in hundreds of custom missions that the Bohemia games provide.