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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Red cabin lights.

    Old pirate captains used a patch over one of their eyes, moving it from one eye to the other when going under deck, to preserve the natural night vision(large pupils) for the dark rooms. Perhaps a solution for the modern day air force? :p
  2. I hope it will be moddable, it seems like a great platform for modern combat, or any other era.
  3. sparks50

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Try clicking “display†then “camera view.†and check for interfering light sources.
  4. sparks50

    Vehicles in-game speed experience

    Theres a limit in the physics engine, after passing 130-150kmh(cant remember) the car will literally start flying. This is why community addons depicting fast cars such as Ferraries are barely any faster than the in-game Lada.
  5. sparks50

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Another attempt at macro photo. Cottongrass, only found in the Northern Hemisphere. Damn hard to photograph because the wind moved it all the time :p You can barely see my Border Collie swimming in the background.
  6. At least it works, which is more than I can say about GTA 4 MP on my computer :p
  7. Its not so hard really, follow the forumrules and dont annoy the lot of us. Dunno if this has been posted, I find these guys hilarous. tVkqg9jelsM
  8. But is it a free distribution when part of a paid package?(the magazine and its DVD)
  9. You are correct, they are usermade. Warfare is also based on a usermade mission, and more often than not is also being modified by users.
  10. Im sure they asked the right people before printing it. Its cool to see Arma 2 get this much attention.
  11. sparks50

    Toy Soldiers - great video

    Here are some Arma screenshots with a fake tilt-shift effect added that I made some time ago. Its nowhere near as cool as Albert Schweitzers video though :)
  12. New alpha gameplay from GC(thanks to [EC]DR.NOobFragger at PR forums) The movement and cover system looks amazing. _2PN5J31mlQ sVjqDVpBCZQ
  13. sparks50

    Toy Soldiers - great video

    The magic of tilt-shift :) I especially liked the firetrucks, they genuinely looked like toys
  14. sparks50

    semi realistic games

    I have a cousin who did textures for IGI 1. The second one wasn't as good though.
  15. You should use Yomas addon synch instead, that way only the relevant files will be updated. Unless this was some sort of huge update where every file was changed.
  16. No it wont, Arrowhead wont include Arma 2 content, like islands, campaign, missions, units etc etc.
  17. Yapab: VBS2 is based on Arma 1, Arma 2 is further developed and supports multiple cores. Edit: dingyisun beat me to it
  18. To recap, heres how the VBS2 FLIR looks like. (Now, if we could only get a UAV with camera independent of flight movements as seen in this clip, we will be doing recon for real :D) ZdRu1OCHtM0
  19. sparks50

    Arma 1 abandoned?

    From the Arrowhead Q&A session: Of course Jennik isn't representing BI in this question, but it can seem like Arma 1 will stay at the beta patch forever. Not an ideal situation.
  20. OHH, BI dodges Codemasters punch and sends a right hook! :D Awesome, just awesome. I'm looking forward to the expansion now. And thanks for sending the questions Wolle!
  21. To answer the topic, no they do not work. Armor is not simulated, neither on tanks or body plates.
  22. sparks50

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    With my MX518(win xp) there is definably a stuttering in vertical movement, no stuttering in horizontal movement. But I still prefer it over the old mouse smoothing, because It feels more direct.
  23. sparks50

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Thats pretty cool. I use a program called Autostitch, but Im experiencing a large loss of detail when converting the images to pano.