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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    The Main Problems of Arma/Arma 2

    Lets also bring back cardboard style ironsights, People walking like they have been stabbed by a pole, no join in progress etc at the same time shall we? After all, these are the things that made OFP great, and the reason why Arma1 and 2 is a complete failure in any possible way and form. :)
  2. sparks50

    Windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

    With only 3gb of RAM, would x64 still be make any difference in performance?
  3. sparks50

    semi realistic games

    IGI 1 was pretty decent for its time, but IGI 2 was just flat out bad IMO.
  4. sparks50

    District 9: The Movie. Your views.

    Its not scary at all really, but the aliens wouldn't win any miss universe competitions. The first half is a mockumentary, then it slips into a generic action movie halfway.
  5. sparks50

    A Statement about BIS. What do you think?

    Ill say OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 can easily compete with the (hyped)VBS systems, if you factor in community made addons. Id love to see BIS learning more from BIA and how they do things for the military. BIA + BIS making a game closer together would be a win-win situation for all. I doubt many VBS 2s are sold anyway, despite its big price tag I just dont think it has the potential to sell to cover the costs like a commercial game has. BTW youll get this reply for free, no reason to thank me.
  6. sparks50

    Indian army

    Im more of a cowboy guy to be honest.
  7. sparks50

    District 9: The Movie. Your views.

    In my opinion, the movie falls together in the second half into a generic and not particularly well done action movie. The first half was somewhat good with the mockumentary style though, but the main character was pretty annoying.
  8. sparks50

    SLX Mod 2.0

    Himmels: no-AI talk on radio mods are available for both Arma 1 and 2. I always use them when I can, because the robo-talk is an immersion killer.
  9. sparks50

    Why in the world....

    On a sidenote, please make the thread titles more descriptive next time, like "Why does my game gain FPS with Anti Aliasing enabled?" Because this general forum is already a big enough pain to read as it is. :D
  10. Let me correct that: in my quest of stopping fanboys from valsing around spreading rumors about DR, in a Arrowhead thread of all places. No I know that, but on this subject, its totally irrelevant. Actually, hes just drawing a current rose to understand it, thus why I edited my post(and left a *in construction* mark at the end, that you missed.). To say that it is going to be impossible to create any menu system because of the rose system being used is ridiculous. Now this is not a thread about DR, so take the needless fanboyness somewhere else thanks.
  11. Each to hes own Mehman :) You'll be hard pressed to find tactical teamwork in public servers so accessible and in such large amounts as in PR. Just go into some server, join a voip squad and go tactical with some strangers for some minutes. It has the instant accessibility of the lonewolf mission of public Domination, but the teamplay and realism of a clan-night, and thats what I like about it. The BF2 engine has its limitations, but its an ok addition to playing Arma.
  12. For all we know the rose menu can be very moddable. The BF2 rose menu is definably moddable judging by mods like PR and FH2. And for the record, I dont like the unnecessarily complex and messy 1-9 Arma menu's and I wouldn't be surprised if BI were to suddenly swap it out with something more natural in a future game. Especially in Arma2 things have become really bad for newcomers to the series because of the added quick menu, that is nowhere powerful enough to work on its own, and still relies on learning the old system, that is now partly hidden thanks to the quick menu. This messy and bloated system does not add to realism, or gameplay. I like it because its what we've had since OFP, but its scaring newcomers off needlessly.
  13. I dont even think of it as FLIR, its just a black/white nightvision. OPA VBS2 FLIR will be great though.
  14. sparks50

    How is the final patch for ArmA ???

    Herbal: the issue is that the latest patch is a beta, thus no Linux server and somewhat complicated install. Some may also say it puts a barrier on the multiplayer, because of the 1.14-1.16b split.
  15. This is coming along to be a great patch bugfixing wise. Finally no high speed auto rudder, flying will again be fun now with the planes affected. As for performance, I agree it would make more sense to not give out this early, as new models may weight some MBs. Lets hope this is the case.
  16. Theres no reason to bring politics into it. You should be playing the game for the history, tactical situations, teamwork and fun. I'm interested in history from any side of any war, irregardless how unpopular the part of history is in present time. WW2 is an awful long time ago, I bet nobody reading this thread was even borne at the time. Looking forward to Red Orchestra.
  17. sparks50

    rFactor - Le Mans Series - 1000 km @ AIA by PTSims

    Awesome concept.
  18. Everything you mention here can be "fixed" by simple changes in the options.
  19. I doubt it, seeing as the exp pack will have FLIR, no reason to do the job twice.
  20. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I remember the terror attacks at the Taj Mahal hotel, the Indian police had vintage ww2 grenades and rifles to fight the terrorists with. (before the military arrived to assist) But being a powerful state in explosive growth, and prepared for a war against Pakistan(a state broken away from India), they must have a lot of proper battle gear in the Army. Anyway, we probably shouldnt be discussing politics here. It is after all just a silly storyline, an excuse for two digital parties to shoot at each other.
  21. sparks50

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Personally, GIMP is my "poor mans photoshop" :p http://www.gimp.org/
  22. Gigan: did you find the rabbit with the auto animal spawn module, or did you place it in the water yourself? If the module does spawn animals in the water, then that sounds like a unnecessary drag for performance.
  23. sparks50

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    They are very cool Laggy, and thats why I'm not sure if you painted them(The internet, you know) Take it as a compliment! :) Some nice and intense photo's up there BloodnGuts.
  24. And now the PR 0.87 patch for BF 1.5 is released. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/66634-project-reality-v0-87-patch-released.html