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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. It gives the gameplay aspect of having to tag the target before fire, which is like night and day compared to the stock BIS Javelin. My request would be to have some eyecandy and function of the Javelin HUD, like in PhilippRauch's Arma Javelin Concept. (sadly this wasn't released for some reason, you can look it up on Youtube) Thanks for the addon! But is it still fire and forget VS moving targets?
  2. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    http://www.ofp2.info/ftp/pics/news/pics1/21.09.09-mp-5.jpg Looks like the driver and gunner position is correctly separate and not "one man does it all". thats good news.
  3. sparks50

    US Army 2009 Units

    That last one there looks like a hunters camo, I hope it doesn't win. The current one looks so nice and unique. Great respect to Vilas, that was a cool thing to do.
  4. By the way, aren't those soldiers the same guy with a slightly changed posture? :p
  5. And a desktop wallpaper! Thanks for the tip Trit
  6. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Thats all right for me if it results in a better and more stable framerate.
  7. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    "Maps" as in missions?
  8. I guess they could legally do it(depending on the content of the mod), but Ive never seen it happen.
  9. sparks50

    Wheres Freetrack support ?

    You couldn't have used one of the 2000 other threads about freetrack? :(
  10. Great to have developer input, can we expect any attempts at "fixing" this issue in a later patch? BTW I recommend the Firefox auto-dictionary, its a lifesaver for my English spelling as a non-English speaker.
  11. I would rather see VON upgraded with "newer technology and codec" so it can compete with mumble.
  12. sparks50

    International Patch (read more...)

    Already suggested numerous times. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=84688&highlight=language You shouldn't have supported the German publisher by buying it there. (with all respect) Thanks to people like you doing this, we may even get a similar situation at a future BI game, because you paid them for it. I think BI or the publisher may have signed some kind of contract that prohibits other languages than German for that version.
  13. sparks50

    Selling Mods and Scripts for Profit

    In theory Im all for it, it fits well into the "sim" thing. BI could even have some sort of license/compensation system set up so they demand a percent for every sale. But I dont think the community is around the game is large enough, and the modding done too far seems to be too limited for many tasks without source code/professional tools. And the engine is limited itself in several areas. I would absolutly pay for a simulator grade Apache helicopter with all the right toys In Arma 2. But is Arma 2, like FSX, capable to be made such high quality addons? No, it does not seem that way.
  14. sparks50

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    The tiny jump into the door does not classify as a real vehicle in/out animation in my eyes. Again, its just a tiny wiggle with the gun and some waving of arms, universal for all weapons, its not a "real" animation. Peeps: where did you get that from?
  15. Thats good to hear, less explaining we players have to do :p
  16. sparks50

    ArmA2 Project Reality

    First of all, you may want to try PR so you have even a remotely accurate idea of what it aims for. This is as far from Vanilla lonewolf BF2 you can possibly get within the constraints of the engine. Secondly, NO there will not be a official PR mod for Arma. We already have our ACE mod, PR people is busy with their indie game and 0.9, and the Arma engine is different to mod in, so can someone close this thread now?
  17. The sad thing is that the forums are the place mod makers gather feedback. But its also the place where the nitpicking and complaining people go to do their thing. In the meantime, the wast majority who loved the weapons and other things about this mod are playing the game and having a great time. Its like the principal, who never sees the school but the bad kids who are called into in hes office. I hope the windmeter will be included in the light-version. Along with all standard weapons "ACEified" with backup sights, adjustable sights etc:bounce3:
  18. It would be great to have a developer popping in to reveal the true identity of the CC:GM engine :)
  19. I heard some rumors about the Black Elements engine from alpha prime being used I hope its not true. I think looks a bit like the AA2 engine some places, but hard to tell.
  20. Care to write specs of your system? I would imagine the developers would like to see them since it may be computer specific.
  21. sparks50

    Name That Town

    The Arma 2 towns are generally downscaled for performance, they are not a perfect replica of real life.
  22. Maybe they are using the Linda system? http://linda.bistudio.com/ Either way, looks awesome.
  23. sparks50

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    Ported from OFP, the models would probably look pretty out of place in Arma 2 unfortunately.
  24. sparks50

    The Main Problems of Arma/Arma 2

    Lets also bring back cardboard style ironsights, People walking like they have been stabbed by a pole, no join in progress etc at the same time shall we? After all, these are the things that made OFP great, and the reason why Arma1 and 2 is a complete failure in any possible way and form. :)