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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. Looking forward to screenshots Icebreaker :D
  2. sparks50

    Meet the yelling spy

    More funny yelling here :D fOvglodUIcA
  3. sparks50

    Unit expansions

    If I were to buy it, it would have to be gameplay changing stuff, fixing hardcoded stuff that modders cant fix, not just more addons that function sort of half way compared to their real life counterparts.
  4. sparks50

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    No, it was just something to think about, for the direction of this mod.
  5. sparks50

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    I loved the Unsung mod in Armed Assault. As you may know, the ACE mod is going modular in ACE 2, meaning it will be a lot smaller, and the extra ACE units and weapons will be optional(ACEX). To have a Vietnam mod building upon ACE 2 module, with backpacks etc would be amazing. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2
  6. sparks50

    Which Internet Browser Do You Use?

    Latest Firefox. I like the spell check, "awesome bar", customizable quick search and all those addons you can install. Plus I have used it for a long time so I know it pretty well.
  7. I think he has the same problem as me, some ATI HD cards seems to simply dont like Arma 2. I get bad fps pretty much irregardless of the settings.
  8. Other than Shac tactical, it seems like most clans and communities have left ACE for Arma 2. I used to play a lot on Tactical Gamer, but after Arma 2 came out, the ACE server became deserted. A shame I think, I had a lot more fun with Arma 1 in its final days of life, than I have with Arma 2 now. Other than ACE 2 arriving, I really hope BI fixes the VON. Its hard to understand why it work so bad in Arma 2, when it seemingly is the same thing that worked so well in Arma 1 after some patches.
  9. sparks50

    pimp my gun (beta)

    Thats not very ergonomic :p
  10. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Looks like you are right. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3506/3973548535_d65d749780_o.jpg And here I was thinking that I was really good compared to everyone else
  11. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you made a video "testing" realism, but with Hardcore off? Thats not fair. ARMA AI isn't very effective either if you set AI skill to a low number.
  12. sparks50

    pimp my gun (beta)

    It has a pistol grip :p Backup, or fire both barrels for that extra firepower
  13. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6934 Ontopic, for me it seems like the speech system, like the 1+9 and quick command system had a lot of ideas added to it, but it all ended up being bloated and not really better. They are going to have to redo a lot of it to get it better. But there are also things I like about the A2 speech system, such as the more random/naturally chosen words from time to time.
  14. sparks50

    Desert Stormers ACE

    Did you place the PBO in the Missions folder? You can also place it in the MPMissions folder and access it by hosting a game in multiplayer.
  15. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Agreed. I also seem to get a better performance/GFX ratio on Dragon Rising anyway, but thats probably because my ATI 4890 doesn't like Arma 2.
  16. These will look great on the Opteryx maps
  17. sparks50


    Seeing the beautiful Humvee interior, the Humvee modeler must cry every time he plays the game, such a waste with the vanilla FOV :)
  18. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Where? Its not under 3 where hold fire etc is.
  19. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Thats what the planned patches are for. If the DLC is worth paying for and beats any mods that may be out there, then people will pay for it. By the way I wouldn't be surprised of the DLC packs contained a British faction.
  20. sparks50

    Desert Stormers ACE

    The map maker, Opteryx, has made hes Armed Assault addons unavailable in protest for BI not upgrading the Visitor tool for Arma 2. There are still several places you can get the latest Avgani+Aghan village though, like here: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/addons/opx.7z
  21. sparks50

    Strange ANN web site Found

    I guess this is like the William Porter blog was in Armed Assault, but in a news site form instead. http://www.armedassault.com/william/ It seems kind of late for that though? A2 has been out quite some time, and its hard to care for the A2 story now. Perhaps we will get an introduction to Op Arrowhead in it. That would make sense.
  22. sparks50

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I like the "wait for my fire" command.
  23. I thought the FSM editor was exclusively for A2?
  24. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2