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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    CAA1 public release

    Is the CAA1 addon sync server down? :(
  2. sparks50

    (SP)ACE Road to Freedom

    I am simply getting a CTD with no error message when I press "continue" on the map briefing screen.
  3. There. Make sure your ACE is up-to-date, and ask server owners to do the same.
  4. I bet it has something to do with the recent ACE release. Big bump in traffic. The slowdown started around the same time as the release.
  5. STK: Please use the search function, asked 200x before. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Frequently_Asked_Questions_about_ACE2#How_do_I_use_the_googles_or_masks.3F
  6. Maddog: Or more specifically, ask the server owner to update it. edit, beaten by Turin.
  7. The standard ACEX is an addition of units, content etc, so the way I understand it, the PLA ACEx mod will only require the 60MB ACE 2 barebone module+ the 70kB CBA.
  8. There's definitely a lot more western than eastern gear at the moment, I bet they wouldn't mind more modders with a love to the east to join the ACEX team.
  9. Who needs them when you have the SKS rifle :D
  10. The patch has Battleeye included in it. I hope its not kicking random players, as it sometimes used to do in Armed Assault.
  11. Just look where Yomas is instaling the different PBOs at, then download high-speed from FTP, and place it where Yomas was placing them. Recheck files in Yomas and you should be all done.
  12. A quick refresh (F5) fixed it for me:)
  13. The wounding system isn't integrated yet. It is. But it is module activated. I should probably be more precise, the medical items etc in the mod apparantly isn't made to work yet, the wounding system is, according to shacktacer on server. Does someone else think that making sandbags could be better if it was a bit faster? I appreciate the realism in real time values, but I think the time should be compressed a tiny bit for the sake of gameplay. Real operations can last for days, in Arma the timespan is usually a bit shorter.
  14. The wounding system isn't integrated yet.
  15. The good people at Armaholic are now hosting it here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4443
  16. DarkestKnight specifically where and when are you crashing?
  17. http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2009/12/marine_IAR_120209w/ I guess the USMC are getting rid of firepower they don't need when fighting terrorists.
  18. Sounds fair to me. Hope to see a dedicated ACE wiki soon :)
  19. Have transport ready, and you'll be all fine for covering a large area :)
  20. sparks50

    MoH Receipient Can't Fly A Flag

    Couldn't agree more. Heres a man being jailed for not having a green enough lawn: http://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninterest/article847365.ece