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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. sparks50

    Gun laws in the United States

    The best Federal Government evidence has concluded that there is no way to stop, or even greatly reduce, either production of drugs in foreign countries or the smuggling of drugs into the US. What does that say about how effective governments are at stopping weapons at the border? The truth is that if the population of certain continental European countries and the UK really wanted weapons, they would get it without any problem from the law. Not if it causes more harm than it does good through a legal, controlled market. But thats another discussion.
  2. sparks50

    Gun laws in the United States

    No it isn't. Read some reports of other cases that aren't the incredibly tiny interesting percent that the media focuses on, and you'll realize that real life is not an Agatha Christie novel. But what can they prevent? I think your asking extremely much from the government here.
  3. sparks50

    Gun laws in the United States

    Im gonna have to side with Celery here. Ive yet to see any evidence that reducing(or increasing) availability of guns resulting in more, or less gun crime. Studies that focuses on perpetrators show that neither a majority, nor many, nor virtually any murderers are ordinary "lawâ€abiding citizens". Rather, almost all murderers are extremely aberrant people with life histories of violence,psychopathology,substance abuse, and other dangerous behaviors. People do not suddenly become murderers out of nothing when given the opportunity to.
  4. If you want proper teamwork on coop your usually gonna have to go on a closed server.
  5. sparks50

    Gun laws in the United States

    The 2nd amendment does not mention an armed overthrow of the government.
  6. sparks50

    Gun laws in the United States

    He says he wants to be able to carry concealed, and own a suppressor legally, he has not said that he wants to carry concealed a suppressed weapon. Suppressors have multiple uses. They improve range safety by allowing better communication(Try to shout hold fire when 10+ shooters with earplugs are ripping it up downrange), less noise pollution for neighbors, smaller risk of inflicting permanent hearing damage by accident etc.
  7. sparks50

    Daytime thermal use - 'cheating' ?

    Walker, you guys are the worst rabbithunters ever. I booted up the red harvest campaign last night with OA loaded(its more fun now then at the A2 release), and the FLIR in the laser designator was very helpful. In Chernarus, its hard to spot people at distance without it. The UAV should also benefit from it.
  8. @feint Great shots and shopping.
  9. Play.com IceBreakr? They used forever to ship mine. And when I got it, I got the Rig N roll game I preordered half a year ago, on the very same day, in separate packages... Really weird.
  10. Its never too late to pick up OFP gold edition Wolf, recommended if you like a great singleplayer campaign. You can buy it used at amazon for the price of a meal.
  11. He was talking about Flashpoint elite? Most people know the Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis name as the PC game. That review score is actually worse than he described, 5.4. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/operationflashpointcwc/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B0
  12. Checking Gamespot , the review score is 8.7 :confused: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/operationflashpointcwc/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B2 Flashpoint generally got good reviews.
  13. sparks50

    Identifying The Enemy

    Use binos if your unsure, and check the map. The best tip is to never shoot unless you have a good ID.
  14. sparks50

    New beta 71900 is up!(OA)

    Recoil is way overdone. The m4 should mainly kick backwards, with minimal muzzle rise.
  15. The Eurogamer review is well written. Ill quote a part of it.
  16. I filmed the entire thing! OBnrJoV2mZg Is there anything Steven Seagal cant do?
  17. sparks50

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Laggy the car horn over MP was in Armed Assault too, at least after some patches.
  18. I hope(but doubt it) that the flashlights have a powerfull blending effect in night CQB. The more powerful flashlights are like a weapon system in itself, with an effect somehow similar to a flash bang. On another note, the press coverage thread is so much better now that discussion is restricted, good job mods :)
  19. Not exactly game breaking stuff, I bet it will be fixed fast. There is a screenshot of the PMC SUV there(with an AI seen walking through it), so its definably there. Perhaps its just not selectable in editor?
  20. sparks50

    [SP]Baghdad Police Station

    Having a hard time surviving the first minutes with the enormous waves of insurgents.
  21. Another question: does the mods you load automaticly enable in the list, or do you have to turn them on every time you start the game?
  22. Rommel: still no horizontal recoil in first person on the infantry weapons right(like in Armed Assault)? I wont complain though: the WIN is obvious.
  23. Why is that weird? Many reviews use stock footage because the reviewer cant be bothered to take hes own.
  24. From the discussion thread, posted by mafia101
  25. If the Russian game was in English, it would be easy for people from other markets to import it at a lower price than in their own country(where costs of operating are higher)