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About scribe308

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi does anyone have any basic guidance on what to add/remove/change to make an OFP add-on work in Arma? I've spent some considerable time (I'm a beginning scripter) comparing an Arma and an OFP add-on and am trying to find the "tricks" to making the old OFP add-on work. Ideas? Suggestions? A FAQ or tutorial in this area would be hugely helpful for us folks trying to convert old add-ons... Thanks! Scribe308
  2. scribe308

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    Please make sure the Ranger UAV and control station come out again in FDF! I can't tell you how much fun it was to fight with UAV sensors over the enemy! But, could you make the altitude adjustable on a slider scale or something to get away from enemy fire? FDF Rocks! So does FWatch! Scribe308
  3. scribe308

    Unmanned Vehicles? UAV or UGV?

    There have been several UAVs in OFP that have worked very well... FDF Mod had a great Ranger UAV and control station that worked very well in OFP. Vigilante and Dragon Warrior as well. The Fennek vehicle also had a hand-launched UAV with a control station. There were alot and I'm hoping they'll be "translated" to Arma for use there. Scribe308
  4. Is anyone working on making any unmanned aerial vehicles or ground vehicles? (My favorites are: Dragon Warrior (UAV fly, hover) Vigilante (UAV, OPFrenchpoint) Ranger (UAV, from FDFmod 1.3) I think these are soo cool, and allow a new modern aspect of sensors and intel to the game! Scribe308
  5. scribe308

    Will Fwatch be usable with ArmA?

    Thanks Kegetys! I'm a fan of your work! Scribe308
  6. scribe308

    FDF Mod playable with ArmaA?

    OK, thank you for the reply! Scribe308
  7. Fwatch is sooo cool! I really hope it or something like it will work with ArmA! I really want to record specific shot data and wound/kill data form the game! Scribe308
  8. Does anyone know or have they tried to play FDF Mod with ArmA? It's a really cool mod that I like for the UAVs. Scribe308
  9. Hi all, Has anyone bought copies of Arma from Bontonland in Czech Republic? I just splurged, and it cost me 115.00 USD (2447 CZK) for 2 copies with shipping to USA! Man am I excited!!!! I'll do the conversion to English where possible, and just play away. Til then I'll sit here and read about it some more. Happy Simming, Scribe308
  10. scribe308

    F-Watch Compatible?

    Someone, anyone, Please, please tell me that F-watch will be compatible with Armed Assault...... Even if it's only positive speculation! Thanks in advance for any facts or opinions... Scribe308
  11. scribe308

    File read/write capabilities In ArmA?

    Vistrel, You said it well. That's exactly why I'd like to have it. To track kills, or any other variable you'd like for any purpose. Hacking potential aside, I'm hoping for this type of capability.
  12. Hi all, Do any of you know if ArmA will have support for file manipulation? I'm talking about the ability to read from data files or to create a new file and write to it using scripting. Something like F-Watch? This would be **highly** useful to many folks.... Scribe308
  13. scribe308

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    **I'm hoping also for equal or better scripting ability in the game. **File handling and manipulation would be awesome too! (like F-watch gives us!. **Multiple monitor support would be great too...
  14. Hi all, and especially General Barron!, I'm trying to use F-watch to capture 3 key strokes for watch, compass, and map, and a left-mouse for trigger pull and can't figure out the right syntax for the commands in F-watch. I want to write them as they occur to a file, with the player's position (getPos) and direction (getDir). I apologize, I'm not a programmer, but I have gotten the basic F-watch items to run that are in the documentation. There's no other documentation I can find on Fwatch except what came with it. I'm basically trying to get all these captures in-game and get them written to a file. Any help on code examples? Thanks for any info in advance, Scribe308
  15. Thanks guys, I'll try your ideas. BTW, do you think it's easier to have this in a script that constantly runs? a continual loop that checks for enemy dead and delets triggers when that condition is met? Scribe308