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Everything posted by sirex
there's a reason why games dont make themselfs 100% realistic. war isnt fun.
yea, it would definatly give ArmA an edge.
seriously, i personally know of 3 entire clans waiting for this game. -- i expect there's many many more people that are waiting, but not actively like us :-) btw: whats the big fuss over the respawning ? -- if you dont like the fact that you just respawned because it dosnt feel realistic, you know what you do ? - exit the mission and start again. job done.
yea, i do agree. - but thats why i dont think EA are right. it'd be a tough time for BIS to resist the EA effect.... if BIs just get a box on a shelf somewhere, anywhere. let word of mouth do the rest. its very under rated. but if a game is good enough, people will buy it.
yea, bf2 is a good game. i've played it my fair share. -- but it's not half the game it should / could have been.
you realise EA have sh*t on every title they've ever produced ? the aim has always been to produce disposable games. Games with a wide enough audience to get 12 year olds to buy it, and with a short enough life span for them to be able to sell you their next bowl movement. OPF was about quality and longevity, just about the polar opposite. you did play godfather for the PC, right ? edit:... or bf2 ? .... or NHL ?
yea im kind of hoping the bad press will make BIS show us more information to prove it wrong
signing with EA is just about the only thing BIS could do to make me not buy ArmA :-P
yea. definatly not in canada.
im willing to bet that ArmA will be one of those games that no publisher wants to touch, somehow comes to the market anyway, and goes massive.
it does seem to be a rather poorly written piece.
bear in mind the video compression will make the smoke look like crap, as it takes colours that are close to each other (like in smoke) and gives them a flat, uniform color. -- dont worry too much.
yea. i was hoping it was fraps that caused the frame rate :-) otherhow, yes. it looks amazing :-)
yea it was cool. -- the frame rate was appauling though, im a little worried now.
it'd lag like hell.
seconded. -- come on lads. lets all chip in and deliver this game to the shops. -- ill go get my skateboard.
they could sell this game for twice the price, round the back of the bike sheds in an unknown school somewhere in the world, unadvertised, and it'll still be a top seller. anyone involved from code to shelf would be plain dumb to not jump at it. there's a small army of people waiting with baited breath for this game.
i hope so, or i'm going postal at BIS's HQ 9am monday morning. you hear me BIS ?!!!!!!! give us information or prepare to die ! er. yea.
yes, please keep us updated. -- im in the uk with no TV and i been hitting the armedassault website every 2 minutes for information. !!
anyone know if VBS, OFP:E or anything have legs ? i.e if armed assault may have it ? do you have any idea how long in video games i've wanted to look down and see legs/feet ? its crazy.
what i mean is... why do you have to be sitting down to see your own legs ? that's what stupid. on this forum people have raised questions over the projectile accuracy, lighting realism, weather, animations for entering and exiting units, and hand postitions on guns amounst other things.... and having no legs when standing up causes concerns ? besides, it'd be good to see your own legs when their wounded, its hard to get immersed in a game without these little details. the ability to twist your head was a great feature of OFP as you can look about without causing a noticable disturbance in your bush / camo / whatever. would be nice if armed assault took it further. e.g: in OFP when prone and you turn your head, it hits a limit. - in real life you just twist your upper half too so the limit is further round. you can twist to see fully behind you without moving the gun. this would be useful in game to check behind you (prehaps for formation positions) quickly without the "spinning round on your belly like a bottle" effect. @ Kyle. thanks.
i cant see my legs, but if i duck i see a knee ;-) can you guys see full legs / feet then ? -- WHO STOLE MY FEET? !
amen to that.
nah i dont want to bash BF2. its a good game and i've played it since day 1. It's just annoying that it could and should have been so much better but marketing / greed got in the way. ....plus DICE's ability to balence a game, and fix known bugs is appauling. Ok, fixing bugs isnt easy, but when the game came out there were so many.
yea, it is a little strict isn't it :-) oh well.