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Everything posted by sirex

  1. sirex

    Breath Holding?

    please god someone ban USM-75R.Highspeed. kids and computers are not a good mix. edit(2): dealt with. nvm.
  2. sirex

    What will you do?

    1) go on multiplayer server 2) call sikky at work.
  3. sirex

    Foliage dynamic effects

    grass has always bugged me in games as its implemented as "mini trees". you cant bend it or pat it down. you run along and go prone and bingo, you cant see anything at all. it'd be nice if you could find a hillside with grass, and pat down an area to make a place for your gun to see out. wont happen though, too cpu intensive, unless they had a static "this is patted down grass" effect, which might suck once you know what to look for. as far as AI, i'm not really bothered.... intend to play the game with as little AI involvement as possible and not really bothered either way about the single player campain mode. no offence to BIS as its not their fault, but i dont expect the AI to actually be more than cannon fodder in a multiplayer game. not saying the AI will be easy to kill, but i wouldnt be suprised if they just annoy you to fight with.
  4. sirex

    Armed Assault

    if you mean they run without much downwards force, i thought that too. the animation is "right". but it lacks the feeling that the gear they carry is heavy. thought tbh, at this point i couldnt care less, just want to play the game before its ancient. p.s: yea, placebo will be along shortly i expect.
  5. sirex

    German Publisher

    I wont install software using starforce. yup, that goes without saying.
  6. sirex


    can someone explain this a bit better ? - i dont really understand the original post, or its answer.
  7. sirex

    United States Military Team

    yay, anouther over serious clan (sorry, squad / division / brigade / <insert miltary term>). ......next...
  8. sirex

    Dangerous effects

    without deformable terrain that's taking it too far, imho.
  9. sirex

    Dangerous effects

    these details would be very cool :-) back blasts from launchers really should be in there somewhere. or at least, a visable trail behind the tube/rocket. throwing mags might be a bit tricky, but it would be alot better than dropping them on the floor so maybe it'd be worth it, it also enhances the team aspect. its like some games, when you run sideways and prone (and roll) your actual screen rolls. in other games, its just an animation. it'd be quite cool to roll out from cover and set up your rifle rather than shuffle your butt out :-p it'd also be good if you went to a diffrent pocket each time to pull a magazine out, rather than the "never ending pocket of monkey island" way. :-)
  10. sirex

    Bullet holes in vehicles?

    i couldnt say their doing a great job at that. -- even those looking for information have to hunt around and weigh up the rumour mill, i'd be suprised if many people who weren't already looking for armed assault have even heard of it.
  11. sirex

    Close Quarters Combat

    to be honest, imho, if you manage to use a knife on someone, you deserve the reward of getting the advantage of a silent (ish) kill. in ofp people never really made any sounds when shot. - and its a good thing too, as after 30 minutes of playing those sound samples would get real old, real quick.
  12. sirex

    trenches and taking cover

    its too much to ask for. - but it would be jaw dropping if you could dig foxholes. game3 maybe :-)
  13. sirex

    Close Quarters Combat

    oh yes, i wasn't saying you should have a block / parry complex hand to hand knife fighting system. -- it'd just be nice to be able to silently poke someone with a knife if you need to. i mean, the time will come when there's the other team occupying a town and you enter the town from the other side, - they might have tank backup, and you wouldnt want to go around blowing holes in everyone, the tank would just hunt you down by sound. the other option is when you approach a town you hold back, sit.... wait... pick someone off maybe.... wait a bit more.... etc. -- but even then, while all these people are sitting up hillsides sniping, if i were the one getting attacked, i'd ask a team mate to approach them from behind and knife them while i rest up in cover. knifing people really is very satisfying. there are other things that would be good in the game, maybe even before this were added. - but it'd be nice to see it. once your talking about cutting fences / rope, and hand to hand combat then ok, thats alot of work to add (plus it'd suck i expect, sword fighting games usually do). but poking someone with a knife / bayonet would be nice to see. if you couldnt knife someone, it'd still be fun to go out of your way to blow someone away point blank, but it loses some of its edge. on a side note, did ofp1 have claymores ? - i cant remember, but i dont think it did, did it ?
  14. sirex

    Close Quarters Combat

    well, no matter how you cut it, at some point you'll find yourself standing behind a group of players, wishing you had something other than the "please turn around and blow my head off as soon as i fire" option. i guess its as per knifes in real life, its better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. edit: besides which, i predict a knife kill in ArmA is going to be even funnier than a knife kill in bf2. if arma is meant to be approaching a wider audience, it does need to be fun :-)
  15. sirex

    Close Quarters Combat

    some things need to be in a game just so you know it's there. knifes are one of those things. Just because you might never use it, its still nice to have on a bind in case you find you need it. hell, its nice to have just so you can scribe your initials into the trees and stab your clan mates when waiting for a match to start. never ignore the fun to be extracted from parts of a game that arnt used in normal play. besides which, a fixed bayonet when creeping round a town versus other humans i can see being used, alot. - a hand held knife, maybe not.
  16. sirex

    Close Quarters Combat

    i know they fixed bayonets in the falklands apparently, they fixed em in iraq too. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004223179,00.html (yea, the sun is about the least reliable source, but blame google)
  17. sirex

    William Porter's Blog

  18. sirex

    William Porter's Blog

    last time i checked people fighting wars write letters home all the time in case they get killed......
  19. sirex

    Armed Assault Preview

    i meant lost intrest in ArmA. -- dont get me wrong im sure it'll be great. - just cant be arsed to sit around and wait for it. by the time it comes out it'll be a joke at this rate. even if they said "it'll come out 01/01/09" at least you'd know where you stand. until there's a hard fast release date, its vapourware as far as i'm concerned.
  20. sirex

    Armed Assault Preview

    until i see a release date they can write whatever they want. -lost intrest in AA for now.
  21. i dont know about you, but when im driving, there's one speed and one speed only. flat out.
  22. sirex

    Community: LOOK AT YOURSELVES!

    fact of the matter is, most of the people on this forum, the one's that have waited for years for ArmA. the ones who are gagging for the game to come out. -- they'll have the biggest let down of their whole life. ArmA will never live upto that type of expectation. personally, when the game comes out ill go "yay", install it, and have fun. - i wont be looking to see if they fixed every bug / issue that i've been tracking dayly for the last 4 years.
  23. sirex

    Best place to preorder from?

    steam would be fine. just d/l and burn the steam file to a dvd when done. -- but id prefer it boxed. waited this long for the game, having a .exe appear on the desktop would be an anti climax :-) btw, steam updates dont cause you to enter a round late. - thats punkbuster.
  24. sirex

    Amred assault gameplay footage!!!

    heh. sometimes i wish placebo would ease up a bit on the threads just so we have something to talk about ;p even if its a repost :-)
  25. sirex

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    great vid. cleared up alot of my worrys about the game :-)