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Everything posted by sluggCDN
Me and my buddy came across this problem too when trying to add custom weapons addons to our MP mission.
You see, I bought two copies of this game. Not that I'm bitter and request the refund. No, not at all. Tell me which other game has such a loyal fan base where ppl buy multiple copies of the game and come back to its forum after hours of gaming frustration to leave some feedback, so the devs could make improvements to their product. ArmA still has fans like this. But if BIS will continue down the current path its support group will inevitably evaporate in a matter of months. I saw the recent video clips of ArmA 2 build and I'm getting worried. It looks so much like ArmA boosted with a few addons and a new island map. Consider this: OFP has been a great title, achieved alot, made numerous groundbreaking innovations and spawned off a whole new genre. Many bugs have been weeded out and new features have been introduced with every consecutive OFP patch and conversion mod. ArmA 1 on the other hand sported the same bugs OFP: CWC had upon its release. It's seems like ArmA 1 was based on the OFP version 1.46, not 1.96. Plus many other new bugs. Now, just imagine - and I could see some ppl burning me up on a stake for this hieresy - what if Codemaster took OFP, learned all its shortcomings and didn't introduce the multiple bugs like BIS did in ArmA; instead they made it an OFP2, a true mighty successor to the great game, making it all the OFP was and so much more. Where do u think ArmA 2 will be. I could see this forum getting really vacant because ppl will be busy enjoying what ArmA might have been... I just don't want ArmA 2 to go down ArmA 1 path. Now that the Game 2 has been announced and is in developmental stages I think it's the right time to log in certain requests or at least to make sure devs don't introduce something they think is a trifle matter, just to find out later, after the release, that for their audience it's a major show-stopper. Lets make sure they don't leave the rusted damaged tires for ArmA 2 .
Indeed, it's like they released something that requires so many fixes they barely have time to create extra new content. I just hope they don't screw this one up, because lets agree we didn't see it coming with ArmA after so much success and achievement in OFP. I hope lessons will be learned and ArmA 2 will be what ArmA aspired to be.
@Madus_Maximus Somehow I have doubts that "some AI detection fixes" are gonna fix the AI issue or the gameplay call it a crystal ball or not. AI can be improved forever in our days. Well, there is eye candy crap that is a must and then there is eye candy crap that definitely is crap. We have flying insects, flowers and amazing depth-of-field blurry effects in ArmA, yet tracers are considered by some an eye candy crap, in a game that's presented to us as the most realistic milsim out there. Yes, they fixed it; what's surprising it took them 4 patches to arrive at that fix, all the while they had a dysfunctional option "Tracers Off" sitting in the Settings panel. It's even more surprising considering Tracers Off actually worked in OFP:RES. All I'm trying to say is that somehow the sense of priorities with BIS kinda went askew. I guess they know better what's priority and what's not. But somehow it's patch 1.08 and there are basic things still to be fixed. I can just shut up and other ppl can shut up and it will appear like all is cool and nice. And we will have the most amazing game after all. And BIS will keep on pumping out amazing sequels full of these amazing innovative features like rusting wheels and laser shooting sniper rifles and alike...
this is all fine and dandy, but... when BIS comes up with a list of changes like this you got to wonder what are they thinking about?! When the bugs mentioned above will be fixed who's gonna notice it, or let me re-phrase it - how will the fixes affect gameplay overall. When AI will be able to shoot from behind a sandbag it's not gonna change the gameplay. Anti-cheat? - they'll find a way to hack it sooner or later. But lemme tell you what will get noticed - realistic tracers, realistic vehicle explosions and damage, different character animation system, the list goes on. If BIS cannot figure out how to do tracers they can just look at 6th Sense Addon. They spend month on "a more reliable VON" (what's VON??? - everyone uses TS...) instead they could do something about character animation so the controlls are more fluid and seamless so we can finally snap outta those long reloading animations whenever we want. The point is a developer either gets it or doesn't. If they don't they get phased out by someone who does get it. BIS at one point managed to deliver something amazing, but the follow-up was very weak. ArmA with all it amazing graphics still hasn't moved beyond OFP in terms of gameplay. Seems like they did everything right the first time and then just kinda lost it and did the complete opposite the second time around. They introduced some bizzare inexplicable "new features", like rusting wheels or tracers in sniper rifles. You cannot blame it just on engine limitations. What's even more puzzling is that there is clear and loud feedback from the community that wants them to get it right and they kinda ignore it and go about it their own way. I know I sound a bit sidetracked, but here is my point. What makes me think ArmA 2 move is a bit premature is the fact that in ArmA, BIS failed to get too many things right they should have gotten right in the frist ArmA release, considering how much has been done in OFP by themselves and by the comunity. It seemed like in ArmA many of those great things that had been achieved in OFP have been rolled back in favour of a few graphic gimmicks. Now, ArmA 2 will have a larger scope than ArmA. If they failed with ArmA what makes you think they will get it right on a larger scale? Fix ArmA, prove you can get it right then you'll have less things to fix in ArmA 2. But the question is - do they really know what they are doing? ArmA is afterall an infantry sim. Ground and airborne vehicles are just a sweet extra. Thus it should be first of all about how the gun feels in player's hands in game and how easy it is to control your character. And in that department there is quite a bit of improvement to be had in ArmA.
@sickboy I think BIS vision somehow got blunted since OFP. They are definitely concentrating their efforts on the wrong aspects of the game. I completely agree that BIS completely buggered up the things that were so brilliantly done in OFP, those little details that were setting it apart from any other game titles out there. One small example: Wheel damage model in cars and trucks - so simple so perfect in OFP; a wheel gets shot up, it sinks into the ground. Isn't it what happens when you puncture a wheel in real life? In ArmA IT TURNS RUSTY!!!! OH my god why!? Another thing: tracers. Sickboy did an awesome addon for the tracers. Tell me how difficult was it? Don't you think BIS could have done it? - instead of lets say animating the insects or grass blades. How vital is the presence of insects in a milsim game? We were promised realistic weapons' balistics and recoil model after their real life counterparts. Instead we get friggin' tracers in sniper rifles?! I know it was partly changed, but it took them sooo long to do something that was a no brainer. That tells me they aren't really concentrating on things they ought to concentrate on. I was whatching the latest ArmA 2 video - BIS nowdays is bent on introducing a realistic, true-to-life rabbit motion animation. Ladies and gentlemen, we now can see a rabbit running in the grass in "slow mo" WOW. I personally don't give a sh** about rabbits - when will we have a skeleton animation in ArmA? Don't need ragdoll or havoc, just give us an ability to snap out of those stupid freeze-ups when we can't do anithing until rpg/magazine reload animation is finished; or how about the ability to move with a binocular.
Yet another ArmA sound modification
sluggCDN replied to chammy's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
here is a good reference how it really sounds: iraq footage tell u one thing from my experince of firing a weapon. After the first mag, even if u have ear plugs in, you will have hard time hearing all the nuances of individual weapons. They will sound more less the same except for the rate of fire. U litterly go deaf. That's why u shout when u give orders or respond & communicate. If u don't u want hear anything. Just a simple analogy - try setting off a firecracker 4 inches away from u ear and see whether you hearing will be the same . Now imaging you just set off 30 firecracker; and that's just one mag. So the bottom line is - don't turn your sound selection process into the endless perfection exercise. As long as it has the punch, it's fine -
I don't want anything new. Just good old things from OFP that due to some idiotic "reasoning" have been taken out of ArmA and replaced by something even more absurd. Example: in ArmA if you shoot vehicle wheels a few times THEY TURN BROWN!!!!! WTH!!! What happened to the most simplistic idea of deflated tires that was so brilliantly realised in OFP for the first time in an FPS? VERY SIMPLE - your tires get shot out they go flat. Why does BIS feel compelled to reinvent the bycicle where it's absolutely unnecessary. Just sink the wheels geometry slightly below its axis when it's damaged, nothing else. They can turn brown only after the whole vehicle burns out - but not before then Vehicles that get shot up also shouldn't turn rusty brown until they had burned. It happenes so many time in the game when u ride in a hummer, u come under fire, u speed up and all of a sudden your car turns shitty brown. It's still operational but it's all rusty. It's things like that that just kill ArmA; If they focus so much on the game's appearance these are the things that should be figured out first - don't leave it to the modders, BIS - u are not giving us the tools any time soon anyways.
I and my buddy have download beta version a while ago, when it was first available on the forum. We are old fans of MFCTI as well as [ROX] CTI in OFP days. Since there was no way to tell how long we'd be waiting for bug-free ArmA MFCTI we started tinkering with it ourselves. I'm not sure whether 1.08 patch have fixed the JIP problem, but we had been hosting our version of MFCTI online and ppl were able to join us in progress without any problems twice last week. A couple of things we changed: 1. dead bodies and destroyed vehicles removal script were deactivated; the battlefields now look particularly nasty - Siezed cities look very dramatic with bodies and burned vehicles strewned around. 2. Expanded Ammo crates capacity 3. Divided large cities such as Paraiso or Ortego into several sectors with their own flags. So u got more AI and more flags to fight for in a large city. Fighting becomes really brutal when AI firgures out your position and just charges you in waves. Issues noticed: 1. If commander is and AI and AI squads are generated they do not move out off the base to capture nearby cities. They just all just stay at the base. 2. At one point the map just pops up on the screen without activation; there is no way to toggle it off; you can even run around with the map up. The only way to get rif of it is to get out of the game and re-connect. 3. Another major annoyance is the presence of the Score action/command in the centre of the screen and at the top of the list of the action menu in the lower right corner. There should be no action command on the screen unless its hard-coded ArmA command like rearming, reloading, gearing or swapping weapons.
OK, this really looks like Soldier of Fortune theme. To be honest with you, guys I wonder how many ppl will connect with the idea of a cowboy hat (unless they are from Texas). I think BIS is losing their mind. Mercs in cowboy hats! Ladies and Gents, it's down the hill from this point on for the OFP franchise. I just can't believe this. Things seemed to be looking up with the release of patch 1.08 and now THIS!? It looks like a very desparate move by BIS to get some sales in US.
6thSense.eu Presents: Tracers (Beta)
sluggCDN replied to sickboy's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
@sickboy dude, what u've done is absolutely awesome!!!! One question - have you done testing with 1.08 patch. I believe I experienced some problems yesterday running the latest tracers mod on top of the 1.08 patch. When armed with AK74&GP25 and Makarov, there was a bug with weapons models. I had Makarov in my hands switched back to AK, but the gun model remained that of Makarov; I was able to fire 30 rounds in Full Auto outta Makarov! In the left top corner the weapon selection indicated I was armed with AK and I could toggle Semi & Auto modes back and forth. I'll test it again to see whether it was just one off. -
I say Thank God they starightened it out. At least you can turn those damn lasers off in sniper rifles!!!! If SAW doesn't fire tracers no biggie - it's still rules ArmA even without tracers. If you like those tracers switch back to Cadet.
Arma rule #1 - RAMBOS DIE FIRST! This is an example for all BF2-minded kids - don't try THIS in ArmA. link
Yes, I believe BIS has finally fixed the issue with the upcoming 1.08 patch; you'll be able to toggle it off in Difficulty setup, as you should have been able to from the very start: o small arms ammo now has tracers only in arcade, reduced visible fire too o changed ammo audible/visible settings o defined Vickers mgun tracers I just hope it doesn't mean something else scroll down this page (hyperlink below) and you'll see the complete list of changes. The tracers are under the changes made to Weapons.pbo 1.08 fixes log
Yet another ArmA sound modification
sluggCDN replied to chammy's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
absolutely outstanding!!!!. I always wonder why BIS can't do it, why do they are completely off the mark when it comes to sound. They should be the pro's... -
Arma rule #1 - RAMBOS DIE FIRST! This is an example for all BF2-minded kids - don't try THIS in ArmA. link
actually that car explosion was kinda funny - suicide bomber factor!!!
I've been playing Evolution on 1-8 hellkitchen. so far the server was blessed with reasonable amount of "sane" ppl. Quite a few folk join in and are willing to play squad-type game. My call sign is "Alpha One" in case your were at 1-8 hellkitchen u might have come across me. I'm really hoping crCTI or MFCTI will be released soon. TK-ing idiots are sorted out very quickly on "1-8". So far "1-8" was the most stable, teh most populated server.
I just want to say that the graphic engine coupled with the environment/weather effects and the scale of the island make the game world a masterpiece. This is one aspect where ArmA hasn't dropped the ball.
didn't you know that commies are little dumb ppl that walk around with a bear on a leash and drink vodka by buckets - what did u expect from the poor dumb peasants? that is my sarcastic alter-ego busting out dude, I find west AI very stupid too. Any time a have a chance I swap m16 for Ak74. AK is much easier to control than m4/m16 and it has the full auto mode. You'd probably get slightly different outcome if you replay the same scenario over and over again.
Why is it impossible to find this game in Canada?
sluggCDN replied to oblisk's topic in ARMA - GENERAL
I policed one copy of ArmA in North Van's Park&Tilford EBGames store. It was kinda tucked away at the top. Took me some time to find it. -
I don't think it requires any comments - looks like something straight from ArmA ver.1.01 hind heli video
Someone said that Evo is like a turkey shoot - I think this person never actually played Evo. I play on 1-8 hell kitchen server. They must have the AI settings maxed out. The moment AI spots you in its vicinity you have at least one enemy squad coming at you; and not in a straight line - they flank, pop from behind, supported by light and heavy armor. I consider myself an experienced OFPer . And I never played such difficult AI before. We have a group of buddies that played OFP CTI for years with squad tactics all worked out and coordinated. And we still get our buts kicked on a regular basis by AI. From time to time we see some really skilled and fine teamplayers showing up on the 1-8 hell kitchen server which makes the game an obsolute delight. I don't think there are currently enough good, seasoned players in the community to created a good quality TDM game. And another point in favor of Evo - it's like playing multiple seperate singleplayer search & destroy missions without the bullshit storyline tying it together. Straight business, no BS. You can play it in any order. Rank system in Evo is also a strong asset. I wish it wasn't flushed everytime server is restared.
I know some of you may disagree with me and say it's such a small thing and that there are some other much larger issues BIS has to deal with. And yet BIS prides itself on being the sole developer of the most realistic infantry milsim. This is the premise we are being sold on. The tracers topic somehow gets forgotten. We are playing supposedly the most realistic milsim game out there and yet sniper rifles fire tracers. Even BF2 hasn't made that mistake with all their intensions to cater to the larger gimmick-thirsty crowd. OK, sure some ppl like to see laser beams in ArmA. But there is an option in the settings that should let you toggle the tracers off - AND IT DOESN'T WORK, 3 patches later!!! We already have three patches released and BIS somehow again forgets about it. Don't give me the same crap that it might be difficult to implement the true tracer effects or the community will somehow fix it. BIS already has it implemented very nicely in VBS2 which is based on the same engine as ArmA. How hard is it to included it into ArmA? Or ArmA retail prices doesn't cover such expensive technological feature as tracers -reserved solely for VBS2? If it won't be done properly at least fix the Settings toggle option. C'mon even BF2 done it right! Here is VBS2 video VBS2
Nobody's getting angry. I'm just hiliting the part of post I want to be noticed. I'm really hoping BIS is workign on it. On the other hand it seems like only yelling will get BIS to notice some obvious omissions. Any changes made or content added in VBS is done by BIA, thousands of miles away, for a different product. I thought we live in the 21st century. What does miles have to do with all this. I just think BIS has just spent to much time workign on such useless thing as flowers and grass and forgot completely about the core features of any military game - accurate representation of balistics, projectiles ets. If BIA did it how hard is it to do for BIS. In VBS2 it seems like they also have tracers every 3-5 rounds. 5 years after the release of OFP and we are still firing lasers. BIS hasn't even listed tracers fix as part of the 1.07 patch! If anyone a has any idea how to change tracers or add new textures and frequency of tracer rounds please point me to it. Is there a tool to edit the weapons config.bin? - I tried to open the it in Word and I get lots of garbage in it