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Everything posted by skruis

  1. Foxhound, Sonsalt: thankyou!
  2. Ok, I've released beta's of the client side mod and the updated desktop application. You can download the mod and the desktop application. Extract the @athena folder to your Arma3 directory and add it to your launcher. Run the setup.exe from the app zip and then launch 'Athena Desktop'. In Athena Desktop, click 'Start' and then in Arma3, start a mission: you should start to see some data come through.
  3. I've cleaned up the Altis background image a bit to provide some additional clarity. Also added unit directional indicators: In this pic, there are several infantry groups in close proximity (B Alpha 2-1, 2-2, 2-3) supported by a motorized infantry group (B Alpha 3-3 in a Hunter HMG) but you can clearly see where each of the units is facing. I'd also like to point out that the group markers are selected dynamically based on the vehicle the group leader is or is not riding in. The app does not require any pre-placement or pre-selection of associated markers. It'll pull the units, groups and vehicles and see who belongs to what groups and what vehicles they're riding in. Based on that, it generates the group icon data automatically. Should have a beta version ready soon. Just have to cleanup the 'follow' code to have the map auto pan as you move around and update some of the GUI to accommodate for the re-engineering.
  4. I've spent some time (12 hours) re-engineering the solution as a client side mod and while there's a few bugs, it's working pretty well. Originally, I was using the Arma2NET mod to help get the data out of arma but this time around, I opted to create my own extension (Thanks to KillzoneKid for his tutorials) to give myself some additional control and make the install process easier for players. So now the @Athena mod contains some updated scripts and a new extension. I haven't released this version yet but hope to soon. So the data gets dumped to a user configurable folder (in case you have 2 pc's [desktop/laptop, desktop/Windows tablet], you can share the folder and run the app on a separate pc w/ it's own screen) and you can configure the app to pull the data from the directory you specify. Group and unit locations are being tracked properly. Markers need some work and loading the very large images of the maps (Stratis/Altis) sometimes causing the images to 'black out'. I'll continue to work on it but here's a quick demo: Notice around 2:10, there's a motorized infantry group icon in the center that disappears and turns into a basic infantry group icon. That's because they crashed the car and disembarked :-) That mission w/ I dunno, somewhere around 100 units, exports the data from Arma3, picks up, parses it and updates the unit/group/markers about once every 1 or 2 seconds so the map data is actually pretty up to date by the time you look from the screen to the app. That's a few times faster than the old web based distribution model from the game servers to the clients.
  5. Yea, so far, there's been a limited uptake. I haven't received any feedback from server owners so I'm planning to re-tool it as a client side mod though some of the more advanced features I planned will still require a server side mod as well but 100% of the current functionality and 90% of the planned functionality will run client side.
  6. A Windows 7 compatible version is available now at athenamod.com.
  7. It's an alpha version so expect some bugs but I have a desktop version available for download at http://www.AthenaMod.com. Check either the "Changes" or "Instructions" pages. The only 'active' server at the moment is "bus COOP" but there are several coming online soon.
  8. What does it do? 1. Provides some 2nd screen functionality 2. Increases players situational awareness 3. Increases teamwork with little effort Involves: 1. Some mission scripting 2. Arma2NET 2.3 (server side only) 3. An Arma2NET Plugin 4. A centrally hosted web service 5. Windows 8.1 App How does it work? From the app side.... The app submits the users SteamID to the webservice. The webservice queries the database and looks for a 'mission' in which the player is participating. It then presents data to that user for only the side their unit (associated with the SteamID) belongs to. From the server side.... The mission launches some scripts that will be provided by me. Those scripts will collect the data (units, groups, vehicles, markers) and it uses Arma2NET to push the data to my dll which then publishes the data to the webservice. When will it be ready for public testing? A couple of weeks. I'm planning on restricting the initial deployment to only a few servers/server admins that are willing to report back with issues and constructive comments. I do have a road map of sorts but release 1 is all about getting the basics as 'right' as possible. Is this something that any server admin is interested in making available to their clans/groups/pubbers? -Bus
  9. Got a desktop version of the app in development...
  10. Probably not but would you settle for a Windows Desktop app (Windows 7)?
  11. I think you're right. I would need an Apple computer...and an iPad. Maybe at some point, I'll port it but for now, with my limited resources, I'm concentrating on the Windows 8 app.
  12. Yep, or an additional tablet or laptop.
  13. I've just released an updated version of the app to the Microsoft Store. It should be available shortly. I've: 1. Corrected issues with auto-scrolling on mission change 2. Added a 'follow' function so that on each update, the app scrolls to the units updated position 3. Added some clarifying text and helpful information (thanks to Hawkeye for pointing out that the player needs their Steam64 ID - I had previously failed to specify that specific requirement) 4. Added static + and - buttons to allow mouse/keyboard users to easily zoom in and out For those users that have already downloaded the app, you should receive the update automatically via the Store's delivery process. Thanks, Sean/bus
  14. Rectangles with X for infantry XI for motorized, bla bla? Yep. Those are in (not all have been implemented yet) and they change depending on what vehicle the group leader hops into: http://www.athenamod.com/images/screenshot_08012014_114702.png At this time, I believe I have infantry, motor inf, mech inf, armor, air, plane, uav. I'll add more as time goes on and release the updated app to the store. You can also tap/click on them to see who the group members are and what 'class' the units where when they spawn'd. Eventually, the class will be dynamic-ish changing based on what gear/kit the unit's pick up as the mission goes on.
  15. Ok, I've got a server side mod ready. Gonna test it on my server and then release in a bit. ---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ---------- It worked. Posted updated instructions at www.athenamod.com/instructions.aspx. Terox, thanks for the suggestion...it's insanely easier as a server side mod.
  16. Noone's asking you to update 100 missions but I'm assuming new ones will be made or updates will be made to existing ones for purposes other than including Athena. Regardless, a server side mod makes a lot of sense. The scripts dont really add anything...they just collect data. A server side mod will provide the current functionality minus non-global channel markers. ---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ---------- Terox, So does this seem correct then? Athena_Var_Map = worldName; Athena_Var_MissionName = getText missionConfigFile >> "OnLoadName"; Athena_Var_MissionDescription = getText missionConfigFile >> "OnLoadMission"; Athena_Var_MissionAuthor = getText missionConfigFile >> "Author"; Athena_Var_UpdateInterval = 0; Athena_Var_Sides = []; { if !((side _x) in Athena_Var_Sides) then { Athena_Var_Sides = Athena_Var_Sides + (side _x); }; } foreach playableUnits; I'm also looking into the server addon but I'm finding it difficult to find config.cpp resources. A lot of questions and answers but no real tutorials. I'm sure they're out there. I just haven't found them yet but does this seem somewhat correct? class CfgFunctions { class ATH // Tag { class Funcs // core functions { file = "Athena_Server_init.sqf"; class Pre_Init { description = "Athena Init"; preInit = 1; }; }; }; }; class CfgPatches { class ATH { name = "Athena Server"; dir = "@AthenaSvr"; version = "1"; author[] = {"Sean Kruis (bus)"}; authorUrl = "http://www.athenamod.com"; requiredAddons[] = {"Arma2NET"}; requiredVersion = 1; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; hideName = "false"; hidePicture = "true"; actionName = "Website"; action = "http://www.athenamod.com"; // URL description = ""; }; }; And I copied the Athena_Server_init.sqf to the root folder of the mod and copied the "Send" folder to the root folder as well. If you can point me in the right direction, I can take it from there.
  17. I will have to implement some client side functionality to grab 'player viewable' markers but I'd like to keep it restricted to mission scripting. Keeping it 'vanilla' client side is important to me because if I move the application from the server to the client, I will now require users to have to run a potential Athena mod and the Arma2NET mod which my plugin depends on and that will discourage casual play. For organized groups, they have a mod list that they maintain and they can control that kind of situation but for random pubbers, it's not as easy. Right now, the burden is on the admins and because it only takes a few minutes to setup the server side portion and update a mission, I don't think it's too burdensome to the point where an admin would choose not to run it.
  18. Terox, I'm definitely open to suggestions. I am not a experienced mission designer/addon creator. I've done some basic things, had an idea and figured out a way to 'make it work'. The notion that there's a 'better way' is not at all surprising to me but I do have some concerns that I don't think will allow me to avoid scripting entirely. The various values (Mission Name, Description, Author, bla bla)....that was just me being impatient when browsing the scripting commands on the Wiki but the problem for me is markers. I want to capture marker data and if it's Server Side only, that restricts me to the markers that the server knows about (global channel) but I won't be able to pull the markers created in non-global channels because they won't be available on the server. Any thoughts? -bus
  19. Instructions and download information have been posted. Go to athenamod.com and click "Instructions" for more details.
  20. I've updated the Athena Mod website with some additional information and opened up registration for users/servers: www.athenamod.com. The site is pretty basic but the required functionality is there. Right now, anyone can create an Athena account and register a server however I have not released the mission scripts and Arma2NET plugin yet...ran out of time. I'll post them tonight.
  21. Not a problem. Can't guarantee a time frame but as a server owner, I like the idea.
  22. Glad you liked it or more accurately, that it worked :-) I plan to add + and - buttons for manual zooming but for now, you can zoom in with your mouse by pressing ctrl+scroll wheel. With regards to server owners...do you mean that you want to watch the mission as its being played by other players even if you're not on the server? I will add that but I'm concerned with cheating ... so it'll optional for mission designers to allow spectators. The way I figure it, if it's a coop mission...who cares if a non-player has access to mission data? But if it's PvP, having that kind of access is essentially cheating. The process for spectators would be that, if a mission designer approves spectator mode, that they app would have a 'spectate' button that would prompt the user to enter the server id...or perhaps search for a server name. I have a bunch of features that I'd like to add: app DVR (record the missions and playback later), comm tools, collaborative offline mission planning (create markers, save them and then replay back into the live mission), etc.
  23. App released to store. Keep in mind...this is an alpha. I'm packaging the current versions of the server side scripts and the Arma2Net plugin and will have them available shorty. There is a site, www.athenamod.com, that I threw together in like 30 minutes just to satisfy the app stores 'privacy policy' requirement. Soon, server admins will be able to register and add 'servers' to their account. That information (ip address and 'auth code') should then be added to the athena.uplink.v1.dll.config file. Additionally, missions will have to run a few scripts and will have to update some info in an athena_server_init.sqf that's specific to the mission. App Store Link: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/athena-mod/e8cea723-2d0e-43e5-b820-4ef8cd52b224 You can try running the app and connecting to bus COOP to try it out. Again...Alpha.
  24. skruis


    Scott_NZ, What are the rules re: Arma2NET distribution? I'm using 2.3 for my plugin: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180692-Gauging-interest-from-other-server-admins-re-Windows-8-1-app/ And I'd like to make the rollout as easy as possible. Is it 'ok' to bundle the entire @Arma2NET folder in a ZIP containing my plugin and redistribute or do I have to have them setup the @Arma2NET mod separately and then put my plugin DLL's in the right places? Thanks! Bus
  25. vb.net .... I know, I know :-) I started out in .net with vb.net so I just kind of stuck with it.