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Everything posted by skruis

  1. Tank, no, that shouldnt be the case. Fire up the editor and launch that session. Click start in athena and then click the i button of the left. You should be able to ink straight away. ---------- Post added at 02:34 ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 ---------- I had wondered about large heavily scripted missions like domination. I would simply say that Athena shouldnt be used for something like that. Markers everywhere...literally. I could probably filter out empty markers...u cant see them on the map so theres really no reason to collect them and a mission like domination probably has a ron of empty markers. Is that mission available for download somewhere?
  2. Tank, there's something else going on. What missions are you running? What if you go into the editor, place down a single unit and start it?
  3. That frame count is actually how many frames get skipped in recording sessions. So lets say you play for an hour and the frame count is set to 5, you'll save every 5th frame. The only reason, that i can think of, for the slowness is heavy cpu usage or a really slow hard drive. Athena updates more slowly on heavy ai missions but Ive run 100+ AI and still had it update a frame at max 3 seconds. Tank, what mission are u playing?
  4. Tank, I haven't had anyone report that behavior before. If you run the app in offline mode, does the ink work then?
  5. Blunts: Most likely. I contacted BE support like they suggested and the feedback I got was that I should try it in the RC, see if it's blocked and then let them know. I guess all 'blocks' are logged so it's easy for them to look it up and identify the reason and/or whitelist. The response was fairly quick but I wasn't able to test it because I had an event I had to prep for. I plan to test it in the RC early next week. Now, what concerns me is how they're 'discussing' ways to deal with fast-moving extension development. I would say Athena qualifies so I'm a little concerned about what that means as far as my release frequency. Sarge: I'll add it to the list but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. The fixed icon sizes (adjusting the icon sizes as you zoom) and marker support are the priority for the next release.
  6. Tank, its all local now. The win8 app has essentially died but will be reborn w win10. There have been a a lot of improvements to the app including ink supprt, multiink, et,.
  7. What kind of extra info? As far as units go: Ok, I get it. I wanted to get a little more detailed with units in the future ... like, basing their 2/3 letter description (AR,AAR,M, etc.) on what weapon they're carrying...that kind of stuff. So, the units were gonna get some 'love' but I'll have to figure out an interface for it.
  8. I don't mind :-) So zoom combined with automatic resizing of 'icon' based elements (markers and group icons) seems to be a popular request. I'll try to include it in the next release. I'm still on the fence about scaling unit indicators and allowing you to additionally bump ones size. I can obviously do that but ... why? Moving forward, I've settled on an interface for creating markers: which resulted in ... (note: the pics were taken at different zoom levels - the marker 'is' the same size in both) So, there are several 'scopes' for marker creation: 1. Athena 2. ARMA - Myself 3. ARMA - Group 4. ARMA - Side 5. ARMA - Global The Athena option will create the marker (allowing you to enter text on the map) and keep it in Athena only. All of the ARMA options will export the marker to ARMA where it will be recreated on the appropriate clients. I'm not 100% sure if I can create the marker on non-athena players maps but I'm pretty sure I can. The created markers will be 'local' to each players ARMA instance so each player can delete it freely without affecting another users Athena created markers.
  9. skruis

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    If you can dream it, you can do it!
  10. Rawhide: Thanks for the feedback! 1. Will consider 2. On the list 3. The tap to enlarge feature was meant to 'highlight' a particular groups location while the other groups remain the same size. I think what you're more interested in is tied to 2. 4. Various tools are going to be introduced in the next version (ruler/protractor, marker icon, marker shapes (rectangle/circle/line), etc.) 5. I don't think it matters. A lot of groups, from what I understand, frequently merge many mods into a single @folder for simplicity and easier updates amongst their members. 6. Not a bad idea. I might just have map movement switched to 'right click' by default like the in game map. 7. That will be part of the marker tool (Item 4) 8. There are always improvements that can be made but I can't make any promises. I will :-)
  11. skruis

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I'm betting it's going to be on the artificial islands China is creating. That's why there's bulldozers and stuff because they're still under construction...and the navy seals are going to use the Jet Ski's to invade! It makes so much sense. So it's that ... or Liberty City.
  12. skruis

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    New Zealand might be cool. It has a pretty interesting mix of pretty much ... everything: even snow!
  13. skruis

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    So what you're saying is ... they're moving Chicago on to an island in the S. Atlantic? Maybe a low tech blast from the past vietnam expansion?
  14. skruis

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    It's gonna be Chicago! *fingers crossed*
  15. Right after releasing the latest version, I found a bug in the @athena mod that caused other players ink to disappear and reappear. I've released the updated mod @athena 6/4/2015 and updated the downloads. I apologize to anyone that may have already downloaded the @athena mod. Thanks! skruis
  16. The next batch of Athena updates are ready. Both the app and the mod have been updated so be sure to update both. Visit www.athenamod.com to grab the latest versions. The highlight of this release is Multi Ink. What is it? It's amazing is what it is. Multi Ink allows two Athena users to share their ink, in real time, with each when they're both connected to the same multiplayer server. There aren't any new addons (besides @athena itself), 3rd party services or software that needs to be setup. It's Athena and ARMA. That's it. Player 1's ink will show up in Player 2's Athena and vice versa, assuming they're on the same team. If your JTAC is running Athena and they need an Air Strike, they can draw a circle in Athena along with an inbound path and call it in. The Athena enabled pilot will see the path and circle in their Athena app and commence the strike. If you're commanding a platoon and you need to specify movement path's for your SL's and TL's, draw it in Athena and they'll see it on their end (in Athena). Designing a mission with a friend? Put the mission on a server, join it and collaborate live in Athena. Don't have a stylus? No need to worry. Mouse ink is supported. Have a touchscreen but no digitizer? Buy an iPad stylus and use that. Have a Surface or other device w/ a digitizer? You NEED to use Athena. Anyone can ink and everyone will benefit. Athena Desktop Changes: •Added - Multi Ink •Added - Initial background image •Added - Clear Map Controls Menu option (clears the map to remove data left over from previous missions) •Added - Logic to detect mission change (Mission Name change) •Added - Ability to rename groups •Added - Cursor to indicate map panning •Added - Ability to use scroll bars to pan map •Added - Additional unit descriptions (crew, pilot, officer, ammo bearer, rifleman) •Added - Alpha blended colors for GreenFor and Civ Group Icons •Changed - Map Panning Logic •Changed - Layer Management •Changed - Group Icons Controls (Left Click on toggle unit list, Right Click to change size, Touch to change size) •Changed - Group Icon display logic •Fixed - Unable to ink near labels •Fixed - Unable to ink near group icons @Athena Mod 6/2/2015 Changes: •Added - Support for Multi-Ink •Added - Support for player based Athena variables •Changed - Methods for grab files from network source improved
  17. And normally, I'd agree with you and say "thats a useful way to provide references" but in the map, I've seen multiple hills in the same area w/ the same number so it's not always a 'perfect' reference though it will work 99.2% of the time ;-) I guess my more specific point was that I don't think BIS provided the numbers as a way to reference this hill vs that hill, they could have realized the function and said "Yea, that works", but I think the displaying of the elevation number was literally intended as a an elevation hint. What use are the contour's if there isn't ever a base reference number? It's kind of like the evolution question: why are giraffe's necks so long? Is it so they could reach the food? Is it because the longer necked giraffe's survived more easily and produced even longer necked offspring and the cycle repeated itself? It's a fine point but it's still a point...even if it doesn't 'really' matter.
  18. Well, until I tried this, I never knew marker sizes were in 2m increments. So, how the tool looks and works in Athena is one thing. How it 'can' look in Arma is another (and keeping it vanilla). So, using markers, does this output look ok? (simulated)
  19. Good point. I believe that would require a server side mod which would launch a script every mission that would poll a config file for settings and then push server side vars into the mission. So then by default, I would have the client side Athena mod export all data, in the absence of mission vars, I would use server vars, otherwise the mission vars will override. I'll add it to the list.
  20. Doveman: I hadn't planned on that specifically. I had tinkered with the idea of allowing mission designers to have control over enabling/disabling Athena. An example being: 2 teams have bases. In each base is a radar dish/radio tower thing and if the teams radar/radio tower is destroyed, the Athena 'link' goes down and disables that teams Athena data export. In that same sense, I could expose variables that allow designers to have control of 'what' data is being exported and not just on/off. If I did that, then the mission designers could manually tie the status of the variables to GPS, Maps, Radio's, whatever.
  21. Aterfax, I just noticed that you edited your post and added some maps. Just wanted to say: Thanks!
  22. Aterfax: Thanks! Re: Scaling, that's not so much a bug as it is a missing feature. There's a lot of super duper exciting things I want to do with Athena like Multi Ink, getting Markers from Athena into ARMA, etc. that are taking priority over introducing an option to counter scale the icons in comparison to the zoom. The size adjustments that I mentioned are intended as a complimentary feature to the eventual icon scaling meaning that, even if the icons do scale, the ones that you've specifically chosen to make larger will still be larger than the others so it's easier for you to 'glance' at the location of the specific group you're interested in. So, in summary, we're talking about two different things and I want to do both (eventually).
  23. Hey guys, just wanted to drop a quick line to say "Thanks!" When I started putting Athena together, I had only envisioned use for command and control or infantry focused "battlefield awareness". I had never anticipated it's use as a piloting tool so "Thanks!" for seeing possibilities that I didn't. If you couldn't tell, I'm extremely giddy about Multi Ink and for those of you that are flying and coordinating with ground forces, it'll be amazing :-) Just for background info on 'status': 1. The @Athena mod is obviously no longer 'export' only so with the changes I've made, I've automatically introduced some more complexity. I'm going to be testing out the Multi Ink feature (which will automatically test the Extension (mod) changes) for the next week or so before I'm comfortable releasing the next version. 2. Group icon sizes. If you right click on a group, it lists the members. In that 'pop-up' interface, per request by FatherSarge, I'm going to be adding a 'drop down' to allow you to have some control over the size of the selected group marker. Example: 1x (normal), 1.5x (large), 2x (larger). Going to try to keep it simple so you can 'focus' on the right group. Additionally, I want to add the ability to 'rename' the group. As of right now, all groups are exported as "Alpha-1-1" or something similar. That will become customizable. On the radar: 1. If I can get a WPF InkCanvas strokes collection syncing through Arma, I'm sure I can get an Athena created marker to appear on your Arma map :-) That will be a huge feature for Mouse and Keyboard users. I've already dabble in some of the UI for this. 2. Improved playback and recording controls. 3. Overview - View everything. This one is tricky. The intent is to allow one or more players to have the ability to see ALL sides activity. Why? To record the entire mission via the recording/playback functions. I will only introduce this feature if I can get it to work securely.
  24. I just got a new feature working and it's ... amazing. I've had a huge grin on my face as I've playing with it for the last half hour. I call it Multi Ink. Ink was the 'big' feature of the last release and with the upcoming version, I'm taking it a step further with Multi Ink. When you and other Athena players are connected to an Athena enabled server, when you ink on your Athena, it will, in the upcoming release, appear in Athena on their end and vice versa. No 3rd party services, no plugins, nothing but the @athena mod and app. Each Athena enabled player's ink will be presented in a separate layer whose visibility you can toggle on and off. My Screen (bus) My Friends Screen (Klicky) The first thing I want to draw your eye to is the top right. Notice the visibility buttons have been replaced with a layer control. The checkboxes toggle the visibility of the layers. The next thing I want you to notice is that in each picture, the other player(s) have their own layer in your Athena. In the Bus image, you see a layer for Klicky. In Klicky's image, you see a layer for Bus. Now, for demonstration purposes, I've had Klicky draw his items in blue and I've drawn mine in Red. Just so you know, any player can use whatever color they want at any given time for any given stroke/line/shape that they draw and that stroke/line/shape will then appear on the other players Athena in that same color. I've just specified blue/red for klicky/bus for demonstration purposes. Additionally, notice the names of the layers. The layers are generated in the following format by default "Player - Ink". On each computer, I renamed the layers to "Player - Ink - Color" again, just for demo purposes. How long does it take for a drawn shape to appear on another players Athena? A few seconds. But I'll quantify that by saying that it's only 2 players on a LAN and I was the host. But even still, this is yet another feature that can take coordination to the next level.
  25. Is there any way, via a scripting command, to access the values of entries in the arma3profile file? Example, I would like to query the gamma and brightness settings of players as they connect. Thanks!