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Everything posted by some1

  1. But can some1 provide me a script that makes an A.I. operated vehicle go from waypoint-to-waypoint with full throttle always on & a script to make it ignore any object on the way ?
  2. how do i actually make the AI to go fast enough to prevent the train gettin stuck?
  3. i dont know what should i do i find no help from the readme, or internet, sorry 4 bein a noob but what should i do to Prevent the AEF train from getting stuck at even the small uphills
  4. i know this might sound dumb, childish & stupid but trains have more to do with war than most of you might think like trains carrying M113s, T80 & Loads of other vehicles/ weapons i dont know about you but i think it would be cool to try to board a moving train from a jeep & kill everybody inside/ on train