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Posts posted by seba1976

  1. I continued to look into this, and apparently, at some point Joint Rails stopped adding his own muzzle to the MX rifles. So I've tried to readd it and it worked:


    class CfgPatches
    	class mx_rhs_suppressors_compat
    class asdg_MuzzleSlot;
    class asdg_MuzzleSlot_65: asdg_MuzzleSlot
    	class compatibleItems
    class CfgWeapons
    	class Rifle_Base_F;
    	class arifle_MX_Base_F: Rifle_Base_F {
    		class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo {
    			class MuzzleSlot: asdg_MuzzleSlot_65 {

    Like I said, it worked, but I know only enough to make it work. Can someone confirm if this could cause any problems?

  2. Hi, what would I have to do, to make suppressors from addons, be compatible with the MX rifle? Is the caliber difference a factor for them not being compatible, or it could be forced? I don't care about realism in this, only aesthetics.


    As far as I could gather from searching, I should make the MX use CBA_JR system, but I remember years ago, using suppressors from mods, on the MX without having to do anything.

  3. I have it working using uiSleep, of course, but it doesn't make sense. Thank you for finding it! Much appreciated. Let's not forget though, I'm not using sleep in init.sqf, I'm calling the initialization script, which in turn spawn SAC_TEL_manager, to handle the sleep. In other words, I'm not at any time trying to suspend init.sqf, but creating a new thread (with spawn) and then suspending it.


    I find it interesting the accTime hypotesis, because that could potencially explain this behaviour. A good test for that would be to put a sleep with a really big number, and see if it still gets ignored. The fact that is seems to be the first sleep no matter what though, goes against it.



  4. Thank you @engima! I'll give it a try using uiSleep. I have absolutetly no problems with the slots, so that might be unrelated to this topic I guess. Anyway, if sleep is not working for JIP, a lot of things I usually do, I will not be able to port to dedicated servers, which is a real bumer for me. We need more people testing this, to see if this is indeed a bug, or we just don't know enough.



  5. 8 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

    Why did you use finishMissionInit?

    I'm an old coder, it's been there since a long time in all my inits, and the documentation I could find says nothing for it or against it. I guess if it's not broken don't fix it would be the answer. Of course I'm curious and if you know something else about it please tell me. I used to read your blog posts a long time ago, and I've 'borrowed' your code pieces more than once.

  6. I guess the best thing I can do is to provide a code you can test, so let me narrow it down to the bear minimum.



    if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player}};
    //wait for the simulation to start
    waitUntil {time>0};
    //Finish world initialization before mission is launched.
    if (!isNull player) then {
    	[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "SAC_TEL\main.sqf";


    if (isNull player) exitWith {};
    SAC_TEL_teleport = {
    	hint "Hey! I'm working!"; systemChat "Hey! I'm working!";
    SAC_TEL_manager = {
      	hint "Waiting 120 seconds..."; systemChat "Waiting 120 seconds...";
    	sleep 120;
      	hint "I'm disabling the teleport."; systemChat "I'm disabling the teleport.";
    	SAC_TEL_allow = false;
    SAC_TEL_allow = true;
    [] spawn SAC_TEL_manager;
    ["Reconnect Teleport","sac_teleport_key", "Teleport", {if (SAC_TEL_allow) then {[] spawn SAC_TEL_teleport}}, "", [20, [false, true, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind;

    When you JIP that, you'll see instantly the "I'm disabling the teleport" hint, and the systemChat lines "Waiting 120 seconds..." and "I'm disabling the teleport." one after the other, without the wait. If you want I can replace the CBA key system call with a native keyboard hook. BTW thanks for all the answers.







  7. Hi, I'm having what to me seems a completely unexpected behaviour. I've reached the end of the rope here. It is above my knowledge by any measure. Here's the issue:


    This is my init.sqf


    if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player}};
    //wait for the simulation to start
    waitUntil {time>0};
    //Finish world initialization before mission is launched.
    [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "sac_functions.sqf";
    SAC_PLAYER_SIDE = west;
    SAC_ENEMY_SIDE = east;
    [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "SAC_GEAR\main.sqf";
    if (!isNull player) then {
    	[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "SAC_TEL\main.sqf";

    And this is SAC_TEL\main.sqf

    if (isNull player) exitWith {};
    SAC_TEL_teleport = {
    	private _done = false;
    	//params ["_sameSide", "_onlyPlayers"];
    	private _unit = [true, true] call SAC_fnc_selectUnit;
    	if (SAC_user_input == "") exitWith {};
    	if (isNull _unit) exitWith {hint "Unit not found."};
    	if (!alive _unit) exitWith {hint "The unit is dead."};
    	if (isNull objectParent _unit) then {
    		player setPos (getPos _unit);
    		_done = true;
    	} else {
    		if (!isNull objectParent player) then {
    			moveOut player;
    			waitUntil {isNull objectParent player};
    		_done = [vehicle _unit, ["Cargo", "personTurret", "commonTurret", "Commander", "Gunner", "Driver"]] call SAC_fnc_movePlayerToVehicle;
    	if (_done) then {
    		//SAC_TEL_allow = false;
    	} else {
    		hint "The unit has no place left in his vehicle.";
    SAC_TEL_manager = {
    	sleep 120;
    	SAC_TEL_allow = false;
    SAC_TEL_allow = true;
    [] spawn SAC_TEL_manager;
    ["Reconnect Teleport","sac_teleport_key", "Teleport", {if (SAC_TEL_allow) then {[] spawn SAC_TEL_teleport}}, "", [20, [false, true, false]]] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind;


    Intended behaviour is a player has 120 seconds to press Ctr+T to use the teleport function to rejoin with his team after connecting to the server. And the first time he connects, it works as intended. The problem starts if the player hits 'Abort' button, gets returned to the lobby, and hits 'OK' once there, to return to the mission. I've debugged this for the past hours, and the problem is, the engine does not pause execution when it founds the sleep line, inside SAC_TEL_manager function. Not only I don't understand why that happens, I can't think of any workaround for this issue. Any help?



  8. Hi, wonderful tool. I have a problem I would like to report. In my setup, the tool cannot change the 'forcedDifficulty' param in the 'server.cfg' file. It retains whatever I choose the first time I run the tool and click 'Save'. If I change the setting in the UI to a different value, let's say I go from 'custom' to 'veteran', the 'server.cfg' file still says 'custom'.


    Please let me know if you need more information.



  9. I been thinking about this for a long time, but I never got anywhere near something functional enough, so I thought this would be good time to ask for help. The idea is simple: each time your AI teammates detect an enemy unit, put an icon over the enemy's head, that would last for a short period, and then go away. It would be really useful since as it is now, you automatically have to open the map every time you're given the head's up about new enemies around.


    Any idea about how it could be implemented?


  10. The mod sounds amazing. I was watching some very old videos I have and the soundscape was so good and different to what I was using nowadays, and then I realized how much I was missing. Subscribed to Workshop to checkout the last iteration, and wow, pure awesomeness. It amazes me how much this mod adds to the game...

  11. 4 hours ago, Mordacai said:

    Two questions for you:
    1. When do you use this? For SP only missions?
    How about Campaigns?

    2. Noticed you don't use HUD. Seems one of the non-hitting FPS features of the mod.

    Why have you not activated it?
    3. Lastly, what AI mods are you using with this? bCombat?


    Just asking to get an idea of your playing methods.


    1 - It happened during a SP session. Custom mission. I understand you can't take my word for it, but I know for certain that I didn't write any code to spawn air units. The Kajman was this mod. If I wasn't 100% about this I wouldn't have reported it.

    2 - Personal preference.

    3 - None. Was very fond of ASR AI for years but nowadays I choose performance.

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  12. 16 hours ago, tpw said:


    No definitely not intended behaviour. Aircraft spawned by TPW AIR are always spawned as civilians with targetting and other AI disabled. In all the years I've run this mod I've never been attacked by an aircraft


    Do you have TPW SKIRMISH running perhaps? If you are allowing enemy units to call support then you could be fired upon by a Kajman,

    This is my TPW_MODS.hpp


    AFAIK SKIRMISH is disabled. There were OPFOR around though, created by my own scripts, scattered across the map, but there's simply no code to spawn air units in those. I don't know then. I took a look at the AIR script and it seems everything is in order, as you said.

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