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Everything posted by stakex

  1. stakex

    Addon cd from ebay

    Well what I was trying to say is... hes NOT selling the addons. He is selling a disk that contains the addons... If he opened a website and you payed to download addons... then that would be selling the addons. But buying a cheap disk that contains the addons? I really dont see how thats "selling the addons". Sure he should ask for permission first... but hey, its a way for the addons to get to people who might not be able to download them. Its really all just how you look at it I guess. And Trenchfeet, no one was gonna bid anything over a couple dollars for this disk...... unless they were a bigger idiot then the guy who started the auction.
  2. stakex

    Addon cd from ebay

    I dont know but I really dont see this as selling OFP addons. I agree with whoever mentioned people with 56k modems and the like. Im not at all saying this is a good thing but this is how I look at it... Some guy probly figured he would put together a disk of addons and make it easy for people to find them. I mean everyones getting worked up over a couple bucks... If he sold it for $50 (that would be US) then I could see people getting really upset... but selling it so cheap is basiclly covering his time spent putting it on the disk and the effort of collecting the addons. I mean there are a LOT of easier ways to make couple bucks then go through the trouble of downloading all these addons, burning the disk, putting it on E-bay, and then shipping it. Of course he could be a compleat idiot and seriouslly be doing it to make a couple bucks, but it wouldnt make sense if you ask me. But who cares what I have to say
  3. stakex

    Resident Evil Mod?

    Hey Zombie_Mod. I do agree everyone would want everything else, and I totally see your reason for not getting into RE at current anyway. Good to hear that your not toally ruleing anything out for when your done
  4. stakex

    Resident Evil Mod?

    Thoes Umbrella SF guys look cool. Yea I remember a looong time ago the RE2 mod was around and it just dissapeared. Was looking really cool too. Hey PainDealer I wouldnt count on the zombie guys doing anything RE. They are a great mod, and I really like their project but they seem hell bent against RE, which is something I really dont like. It was clearly stated in their faq to not ask about anything RE. Even tho I do believe RE is much more popular then any of the old Zombie movie or story ect... But hey its their mod, and if they dont like RE thats fine, their addons are awsome anyway. I mean yea the RE movies were kinda... bad. But the games were great and their story is probly the best Zombie story ever. They have some killer addon possabilities. Could you imagine hunters in FP? *sigh* Maybe some day.
  5. stakex

    Resident Evil Mod?

    That sucks... Resident Evil is so Modable. I would love to start one but since about the only thing I can do is make missions and islands... it wouldnt get very far.