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Everything posted by stakex

  1. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Thats a huge factor I really hope has not been lost on the devs... especially when the other nick name they used was "Next Generation PC Game". Becuase as of right now, the WIP shots we have shows characters from ArmA, buildings from OFP, and it would seem some things added from VBS2. Nothing about that is "next gen"... Of course it is only WIP, and its really possible for ArmA2 to have anything.
  2. stakex

    ArmA 2

    The woodland is fine, and so is Eastern Europe... but BIS really needs to do better on the urban areas. That have been extreamly dissapointing since OFP.
  3. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Story driven? No dynamic campaign?   Sure, it could still be dynamic, but you think they would have mentioned that  And no dynamic destructable vehicles and buildlings?  Bummer.... Want a real bummer... read the old PcZone OFP article. Im sure the scans are still around here somewhere (I have them saved on my PC). I was just reading it... and all the things that really made Game2 sound like it was going to be amazing, have not been mentioned so far. And you said it correct... these features could very well still be there.... but why not mention them if they are? A quote by Marek Spanel from said article.... "Our buildings are cunstructed like lego houses. You can level them down to the last stone, or blow out a small corner where a sniper is hideing". It then goes on to talk about the scalability useing carpet bombing a city as an example. Saying the engine should be able to handel it with no performance loss. He seemed pretty damn sure it would work well, and did everything short of promising it would be in the game... so you tell me why there was no mention of it. Hopefully its so they have more to reveal about the game at a later date.... In all honesty this is why you should never reveal a game, tell the community about all these great, and wonderful features, and then not give any info out on it for two years. Becuase if thoes features are missing.... people are going to be angry. Plain and simple.
  4. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Take GTAIV for an example. Has the developer of it said that they'd need to cut content from it because of weak hardware? No they hasn't. Sure, it's no 400 square km, but it's enviroment is very rich, lots of pedestrians walking around, lots of cars, buildings, etc. If that runs well on the 360, ArmA will defenately run well too. Just so that you know, it has 3*3,2 Ghz processor. I'm not sure about the VGA, but if they equip it with such a good processor, it's unlikely that they put a weak VGA into it. It's like a high-end PC. If you wanna discuss this further, I'd suggest PMing. Thats again, false logic... ArmA2 is NOT Gta4, and becuase it will likely run fine on a 360, does not mean ArmA2 would IF it wasn't tailored to (Obviouslly it could be made to no matter what). They are two totally diffrent games, with totally diffrent engines... and it was also not originally developed as a PC game (Thus it was built specificly for consol hardwear). So there is no comparison with ArmA2 what so ever. But your probly right, PMing might be better for this (tho it is ArmA2 related)... feel free to PM me if you like. And mrj-fin, I totally agree with your points 1 and 3 and sorta with 2. It was thought to be possible for everything to be destroyable back in 05 by the devs, and it was at least planned for VBS2 at some point... so it would be nice to know what the deal is with this much hyped feature when Game2 was first announced. At the very least I hope the buildings in ArmA2 are all new, destroyable or not... and not re-used OFP models again as we see in the new ArmA2 pictures. Hopefully thoes are just palce holders....
  5. stakex

    ArmA 2

    The more I think about it... this kinda bothers me. Becuae if they plan to just port the PC version to the 360 (not saying there going to, but IF they do) ... there is always a risk that features with be cut from the overall game just so it will run smooth on the 360. Not trying to start a consol war here at all, but its a well known fact that a good PC right now, is more advanced in technology and capable of alot more then current gen systems. And by later next year, the 360 will be really outdated when compared with a high end PC. Several PC games have sufferd at the hands of their 360 counter part.... Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion being probly the biggest one. I just hope the development is split... so that they work on both versions seprately and the PC version dosn't suffer and major features lost because of the 360 version. OFP: E isn't dumbed down at all, so ArmA2 won't be either. BTW I don't think that Oblivion's box version is crappier than the one for PC, as an official IGN recommended it over the PC as it's smoother. Plus an Xbox 360 runs everything pretty smoothly. I'll surely buy an X360 version. The controls are the only minus, but playing with a controller is still better than struggling with 20-25 FPS on my poopie PC. Thats very false logic... Just because Flashpoint ran fine on the old Xbox (after a very long development period btw) dosn't mean anything. Diffrent games, diffrent technology, diffrent time. Im not a game developer, and I don't know how fesable it would be to port ArmA2 to a 360 as is but I do know Arma2 is NOT every other Xbox 360 game... so just becuase most games for the 360 out now run find, dosn't mean every single game in the world would run just dandy on a 360. My original point was, Flashpoint for Xbox was an after thought, so the original Flashpoint was not built with the Xbox in mind, which is why the devs had to spend lengty amounts of time optimize it to work on the Xbox. When it comes to ArmA2, its not beyond the scope of possibility, that things might be left out of the game, and features changed/cut to prevent a long optomizing period. For example... lets just say, (hypatheticly of course since we have no info on this feature at all) dynamic destruction was planned (as we know it was), and fesable... on a PC. But would not fly on a 360. Perhaps the reason it seemed to be missing from the game now, is becuase to save the time of makeing a diffrent system for the 360 version... the feature was simply cut all together. Thats just an example of course, and not based on anything. In the end I just hope nothing in the game suffers or is removed to make the 360 version possible/easier to develop. And as for Oblivion... as a dedicated Elder Scrolls fan, I will tell you the PC version suffered terribly at the hands of the 360 version (Tho it DOES look better on a good PC and runs just fine). It was more or less ported from the 360 version, and was not built or optimized for the PC. So much more could have been done with the game had it been a PC only game... but to make it run smooth on a 360, several features that had been previously mentioned by the devs, were slashed from BOTH version of the game.
  6. stakex

    ArmA 2

    The more I think about it... this kinda bothers me. Becuae if they plan to just port the PC version to the 360 (not saying there going to, but IF they do) ... there is always a risk that features with be cut from the overall game just so it will run smooth on the 360. Not trying to start a consol war here at all, but its a well known fact that a good PC right now, is more advanced in technology and capable of alot more then current gen systems. And by later next year, the 360 will be really outdated when compared with a high end PC. Several PC games have sufferd at the hands of their 360 counter part.... Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion being probly the biggest one. I just hope the development is split... so that they work on both versions seprately and the PC version dosn't suffer and major features lost because of the 360 version.
  7. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Still no mention of dynamic destruction that was one of the key features of Game2 two years ago... Im also a little disheartened to still see buildings that very much appear to be from OFP... really hope thoes are just place holders..... Thanks for the info and Vids tho
  8. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Yea, if you really look at the old screenshots of "Game2", and compare them with the new ones... even tho the new ones look like ArmA, they are still vastly improved over the old ones. Alot of people seem to just see the fact that it looks like ArmA, instead of seeing that it looks alot better then the old Game2 shots. It would also seem that alot of models from the old Game2 screenshots have made their way to ArmA. Alot of the weapon models in the old Game2 shots, appear to be the weapons in ArmA. As well as most of the new vehicles in ArmA. So the ArmA look of the game is kinda to be expected. Maybe some of the things are place holders, maybe some arn't. I still say, the game could look like ArmA for all I care... as long as there are some major additions/changes that set it aside and make it worth a new game.
  9. stakex

    ArmA 2

    The setting and sides involved shouldn't really matter to much at the end of the day. The modding community can turn the game into what ever they want.
  10. stakex

    Fixing ArmA

    The thing is, ArmA2 has been in the works for years now... ArmA was always just a side project and never really intended to be a game with a prolonged development and support period. Just becuae it looked a little better then first planned, dosn't change that. So in reality, its not like they made ArmA, and then cranked out ArmA2 after they finished.... ArmA 2 has been in development long before ArmA was even a thought, just under a diffrent name. So, when ArmA2 comes out.... theres not going to be another game for a long while.
  11. stakex

    Fixing ArmA

    Well why not have the best of both worlds? A small team working on fixing the major issues with ArmA, and the main team working on ArmA2 like they have been for years.
  12. stakex

    ArmA 2

    It could be a horrible translation, but I believe this says the physics will not be improved? Thats going to hurt the game alot if thats true... I would think its safe to say the most wanted feature of "Game2" was probly the dynamic destruction. Guess we just have to wait and see. No it says that the physics will be also improved, but people just can't expect a physics level which is in today's first person shooters due to the number of objects in the game. Ah ok.... horrible translation by me. Theres still hope
  13. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Head on over to Freetranslations.com and run it threw there.... not that great, but you can get the jist of it.
  14. stakex

    ArmA 2

    It could be a horrible translation, but I believe this says the physics will not be improved? Thats going to hurt the game alot if thats true... I would think its safe to say the most wanted feature of "Game2" was probly the dynamic destruction. Guess we just have to wait and see.
  15. stakex

    ArmA 2

    I'm not trying to be sarcastic but is it even possible for a game with a scope the size of Arma to have such physics with current hardware technology? I've seen Crysis demos and while impressive seems to be on a much smaller scale. It should be possible in a singleplayer game at least. When we were told about the DD system, it was said it would be very scaleable. So if you bombed a whole city and your PC was struggling, some of the physics pbjects would be replaced by static objects to take stress off the system. Thats at least what the system was originally planned to be like, and the devs obviouslly thought it was possible to have a full DD system a couple eyars ago. We just have to wait and see....
  16. stakex

    ArmA 2

    I'm not trying to be sarcastic but is it even possible for a game with a scope the size of Arma to have such physics with current hardware technology? I've seen Crysis demos and while impressive seems to be on a much smaller scale. It should be possible in a singleplayer game at least. When we were told about the DD system, it was said it would be very scaleable. So if you bombed a whole city and your PC was struggling, some of the physics pbjects would be replaced by static objects to take stress off the system. Thats at least what the system was originally planned to be like, and the devs obviouslly thought it was possible to have a full DD system a couple eyars ago. We just have to wait and see....
  17. stakex

    ArmA 2

    News flash... Game2/ArmA2 has been in development for YEARS before ArmA was even a thought. The Game2 part of the official BIS website has even had it listed for an 08 release for a long time now. So it should supprise noone they have been working on it, and it might be out next year. And whos to say that ArmA is not going to still recieve fixes? There have, and will continue to be two diffrent teams working on ArmA and ArmA2. Try not to post with such ignorance in the future... However your talk about the "corprate world" is just plain hilarious.... useing words like "str8 and nutz" just makes you look like a pissed off little kid, and will get you laughed at in the "Corprate world". And in the real world here... you can't sue a video game company becuase the game dosn't run well on your PC. Hell I haven't had ArmA crash in months... so it must just be tought luck on your part. Try and take that one to court... the jude would laugh at you. If your unhappy with ArmA, either sell it, try to return it, or just put it aside till your problem is fixed. Even post bad reviews as a way to get back at the developers... but do it in a civilized, mature mannor. Not like a child...
  18. stakex

    ArmA 2

    News flash... Game2/ArmA2 has been in development for YEARS before ArmA was even a thought. The Game2 part of the official BIS website has even had it listed for an 08 release for a long time now. So it should supprise noone they have been working on it, and it might be out next year. And whos to say that ArmA is not going to still recieve fixes? There have, and will continue to be two diffrent teams working on ArmA and ArmA2. Try not to post with such ignorance in the future... However your talk about the "corprate world" is just plain hilarious.... useing words like "str8 and nutz" just makes you look like a pissed off little kid, and will get you laughed at in the "Corprate world". And in the real world here... you can't sue a video game company becuase the game dosn't run well on your PC. Hell I haven't had ArmA crash in months... so it must just be tought luck on your part. Try and take that one to court... the jude would laugh at you. If your unhappy with ArmA, either sell it, try to return it, or just put it aside till your problem is fixed. Even post bad reviews as a way to get back at the developers... but do it in a civilized, mature mannor. Not like a child...
  19. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Its really how you look at it... personally, I think the game DOES still look like thoes screens. Or at least I would say we don't have enough screenshots to say it DOSN'T still look that way. We can see the vehicles look alot better in ArmA2... and we don't have a really good close up of a forest yet to say if they still look the same or not. As for the buildings... again not enough screenshots to tell, but thoes houses look like they were built to be destroyable... so that would really rely on the destruction system still being there. So how can one say they scrapped everything in the old shots just by looking at the couple WIP screens we have seen? Simple... you can't RedStorm's post on page 25 is totally correct... there are alot of things in these screenshots that look better then ArmA. You just have to get over the fact that right now it kinda looks like Arma... and then you can see the diffrence. I wish BIS would just tell us whats still there, and whats been changed. That would make things so much better on the forums.
  20. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Its really how you look at it... personally, I think the game DOES still look like thoes screens. Or at least I would say we don't have enough screenshots to say it DOSN'T still look that way. We can see the vehicles look alot better in ArmA2... and we don't have a really good close up of a forest yet to say if they still look the same or not. As for the buildings... again not enough screenshots to tell, but thoes houses look like they were built to be destroyable... so that would really rely on the destruction system still being there. So how can one say they scrapped everything in the old shots just by looking at the couple WIP screens we have seen? Simple... you can't RedStorm's post on page 25 is totally correct... there are alot of things in these screenshots that look better then ArmA. You just have to get over the fact that right now it kinda looks like Arma... and then you can see the diffrence. I wish BIS would just tell us whats still there, and whats been changed. That would make things so much better on the forums.
  21. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Thats not true tho ... we saw dynamic destroyable buildings in screenshots of Game2, and I haven't seen one of thoes in ArmA. So its clear it didn't come out with what BIS had at the time, and its very likely Game2's features stayed seperate. Your saying everyone should stop speculating, but your whole post is your opinion as to what BIS did, and what you think happened with ArmA. Only BIS employees knows what happened, and whats going to happen... I do however agree with you that we don't know what they have planned... tho with a seprate team working on ArmA2 for years now, its going to be more then a slightly beefed up ArmA, or so it would logicly seem.
  22. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Thats not true tho ... we saw dynamic destroyable buildings in screenshots of Game2, and I haven't seen one of thoes in ArmA. So its clear it didn't come out with what BIS had at the time, and its very likely Game2's features stayed seperate. Your saying everyone should stop speculating, but your whole post is your opinion as to what BIS did, and what you think happened with ArmA. Only BIS employees knows what happened, and whats going to happen... I do however agree with you that we don't know what they have planned... tho with a seprate team working on ArmA2 for years now, its going to be more then a slightly beefed up ArmA, or so it would logicly seem.
  23. stakex

    ArmA 2

    I think that was the orginal design philosphy with ArmA. It was meant to bring the orginal OPF upto the standard of what was achieved in OPF:elite on the Xbox. The early builds of it were essentially OPF:Elite on Sahrani. But in the end it turned out to be more then that. Maybe we should consider it OPF 1.7 I disagree with this statement. Its NOT much more then that... its OFP:Elite with a couple more engine fixes, new moddels, and somewhat better graphics. But other then its slightly improved look... its just Flashpoint. Theres nothing diffrent between Flashpoint and ArmA at the gameplay level. Thats hopefully where ArmA2 will differ.....
  24. stakex

    ArmA 2

    I think that was the orginal design philosphy with ArmA. It was meant to bring the orginal OPF upto the standard of what was achieved in OPF:elite on the Xbox. The early builds of it were essentially OPF:Elite on Sahrani. But in the end it turned out to be more then that. Maybe we should consider it OPF 1.7 I disagree with this statement. Its NOT much more then that... its OFP:Elite with a couple more engine fixes, new moddels, and somewhat better graphics. But other then its slightly improved look... its just Flashpoint. Theres nothing diffrent between Flashpoint and ArmA at the gameplay level. Thats hopefully where ArmA2 will differ.....
  25. stakex

    ArmA 2

    Your also talking about multiplayer... remember, OFP, ARMA, and ARMA2 are not multiplayer only games. Whos to say the single player game won't have a dynamic destruction system (as was reported two years ago) and the MP aspect of the game will be diffrent? Anythings possible right now... but obviouslly the developers thought it was more then possible before.