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Everything posted by skypine27
Is this the new version that will use the new ECP thats supposed to be coming out?
Alternate link for the Combat Misc 1.1 mod, the included link didnt work for me: http://www.gotf.net/downloads.asp?id=60 Also: 1.You may want to edit the 1st page of the thread to mention installing the new jam addon from jam2, and not the one that comes with the BAS helicopters file. 2.Is there an alternate tracer thing? When I turn the "rifle tracers on" under dfficulty, all the small arms weapons shoot laser beam yellow tracers. When I turn the "rifle tracers off", everyone shoots laser beam red tracers. Any fix for this?
What!!! The first thread was started in December of 2004! This thing isn't coming out until '06!!
You know what? Its NOT coming out. Sorry I had to be the one to break this to you guys.
They're counting down to OFP 2. You guys thought this was for OFP 1 !?!?! U crazy??
Ok, so it didn't make it for January or Feb. Any chance it will come out by the end of March?
I like EECP too Korky, but I also like Y2K3. As far as EECP improvements go, I think we'll have to wait for ECP 1075 to come out, and then for the new ECCP that is based on that. Till then, there isnt much we can do.
I get the same message, missing addons: mpiv_weapons_aircraft However, I get it when trying to play the addon campaign PMC Fury (which is not supposed to require any addons, so I thought it would work fine with Y2K3). The PMC Fury campaign played perfectly with Y2K3 version 6.0. I have not played the Resistance campaign yet with Y2K3 7.0, so I dont know if I will get the same message around mission 10, as you did.
nickless Dont use download managers. Go to the 1st page of this thread, right click on a couple of thinks and click "save target as" Let us know what happens. deathsai No idea. It's strange the various errors that happen. I have no idea why your Flashpint wont even boot.
Under options, difficulty. 2nd to last option I think.
I mean no insult or injury to any of the people working on ECP. If I was expected to work on something for free, in my own time, well, it would probably never come out. Call me in April when it's still not out yet....
Sorry man, no way. Â Sometime in March or April is more like it. Remember, I'm a cynic, which is usually correct.
I'm not sure why he would hate it. Â The default AI in Op. Flashpoint was fine when the game first came out. Â However, after people have been playing it for years, as well as making improvements to units/weapons/graphics, not to mention general computer hardware improvement...well, the original Flashpoint AI sucks. Â Anything you guys can do to improve it is definately a welcome addition. I know you are working for free, in your own time off. Â You dont have to answer to anyones deadlines, we all cant wait to play it. It comes out when it f-ing comes out, end of story.
Pappy: Yeah, I figured you'd seen it before. I remember reading with Wolf's tracers that the rifle tracers actually had to be switched to "on", because he had replaced the stock tracers with 'transparent' ones. That was counter-intuitive and had to be addressed. Â If you switched it to "off", you would get both the yellow laser beam and the big green ball tracer from Wolf. (double tracer) I'll try it with tracers switched to "off" and see if I don't get the double tracers anymore. Silent N Deadly: Those are just screenshots. Is that release actually out yet?
I hope Pappy eventually makes a Y2K3 with this new ECP version (when it comes out). Y2K3 Version 7 looks great (been playing it all night), but it still suffers from some big short-comings inherent with the OFP engine. Â Ie., terrible AI, etc. Â I hope the new ECP fixes some of those flaws and will eventually be incorportated into the good-looking Y2K3 mod. Of course, I'm the cynic that has been saying "we'll be lucky to see the new ECP in January"... Next prediciton: Â We wont see the new ECP in Feb! Hope I'm wrong...
Anyone? To get the correct Y2K3 experience, are "rifle tracers" supposed to be switched on or off?
Wilco: Use the links on the 1st page, they're fine. Specifically, this one has the best transfer rate: http://packs.nakedsquid.com/y2k3/y2k3-7.0-full.exe I got about 150K d/l on it. Took 20 minutes.
Anyone familiar with this error when using the PMC Fury campaign (which is not supposed to require any addons, so I figured it would work with Y2K3 7.0)... Missing addon "mpiv_weapons_aircraft" Mission plays fine, despite error. Another question: To get the correct Y2K3 experience, are "rifle tracers" supposed to be switched on or off? Thanks
Thanks for starting this thread when the mod was actually finished. The new ECP thread was started in December and the mod still hasn't been finished yet. I've been saying on that thead since the beginning that we'll be lucky to see it sometime in January. Now I'm saying we'll be lucky to see it sometime in Feb! I understand everyone who works on Flashpoint improvements is working for free, in his own spare time. So every mod is definately appreciated. But it's nice to see a release thread started in a timely fashion.
Hi out there. I just started to play Flashpoint again after about 6 months. In installed the newest version of EECP and started playing thru the resistance campaign, and PMC Fury. I stumbled across the Y2K3 site and started downloading the latest version of that. From the people who played both, which one did you like better? Which one is better for playing thru the stock campaigns, as well as user-made campaigns? Thanks!
Just change the POS scoped XM for something fun/interesting. Im playing thru the PFC Fury campaign now with EECP, and that scoped XM is terrible. Change it to something that would make the campaigns fun. We've allready given realism a BIG rest, as to what different sides were armed with in 1985, so dont worry about that. 1985 armament is not what makes EECP an improvement over Flashpoint.
Thanks. That gun sucks!
Fallchild: Thanks for all the info. I adjusted the tracer frequency to 5 or so, and I think it seems a little more realistic. Hopefully in some future version it will be possible to assign the script to certain weapons, instead of just "east" and "west" men as a whole. Hey, how tough would it be to replace the damn XM-177S in EECP with something else? I hate that gun! Looks silly too.
Fallchild: Thanks again, I tested it that way, and it works fine. No yellow lasers. The tracer addon is great, but it's a little "too much" for me. Especially when you see red balls spraying from your MP5 that bounce along the dirt, like skipping stones on water. Also, certain weapons like the M-16 and MP5 are rarely, if ever, loaded with tracer rounds. And on top of that, if these weapons are loaded with tracer rounds, its every 4th or 5th round. I was testing the MP5 and every round came out with the big red-ball tracer. I think this tracer addon would work great, but just for vehicles. The Vulcan, Shika, Apache cannon, etc would benefit the most from an addon like this. How tough would it be to tweak my config.bin? I'd like to do this for a more realistic game: -remove the new tracer script from all the handheld rifles -make sure when the "Rifle Tracer" option is enabled, that rifle tracers come out "blank", and not the yellow laser beam. -add the "occasional" tracer to M249, M60s, and vehcile weapons Am I way out of my leauge? Has anyone else attempted something like this? PS: I settle for the the standard EECP Config.bin w/ the yellow laser beam tracer removed from all rifles. Thanks!
Fallchild: Thank you very much for posting your bin, I just tested it out and had no problems. Â However, I tested it with the M249 SAW, and I noticed I could still see the little yellow "laser beam" tracers too. Â Under options, rifle bullet tracers was off. Do you notice this too? Again, thank you for posting your bin. Â Anyone else with modified EECP bins feel free to post them too!!! Looking forward to trying out some new ones.