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About silenus

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  1. Hi Sled, I like your mod very much. Don't listen to them. I ve never heard from a mod or a addon by gaia or cpt. viper. You and your team has done a good job. I like the atmosphere you ve created. And furthermore I think the addons are built to be used in a mod or in a mission. I think u will understand the german proverb: "Auch Neid ist eine Form der Anerkennung" I ve played part I and part II until sector 23. I stuck there :-( Because the game doesn´t continues. And the same problem I got in part III. Prjpiat0201d.ec I killed the dogs and all the soldiers, but where ever I leave the town, nothing happens.
  2. silenus

    1.96 problems

    Yes it is an official patch from http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ and I havo to worry about, because I can´t play 1.96 servers. When I start the game from cd it runs the FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE (v1.92) and not FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE (v1.96). It must be a bug that 1.96 will not work propper on my system (Winxp) because I got legal software.
  3. silenus

    1.96 problems

    The 1.96 beta patch worked on system like a NO-CD-Crack. With all the bad aspects(Fade), so I have to start it with the old exe. Has someone else this problem too???