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Everything posted by sniperuk02

  1. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Some cool pics the last few pages.
  2. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Its blurry but I still like it.
  3. sniperuk02

    RKSL Studios

    The Merlin looks sweet ingame even without textures. Still looking forward to the Wessex HC2 the most. Ps. The music wasnt as good this time.
  4. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    wow thanks guy, I honestly didnt really like any of the pics. 2 more from the same night, I just like reflections... The lights ruined this picture.
  5. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I thought they were all abit crap. Tripod+Timer make night pics easy. @ Killage: This is what I have http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/specs/Fujifilm/fuji_finepixs9100.asp
  6. sniperuk02

    British Forces Addons

    Seems like pretty much all the more recent time periods for the british forces will be covered. Ps. My stuff will suck compared to UKFs
  7. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I dont like how the lights turned out.
  8. sniperuk02

    British Forces Addons

    I'm working on some 1970-80s british vehicles atm. No idea when they will be released.
  9. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Your photos always make mine look bad. The landscape ones are really nice, I like the last one the most. The one thing I wish my camera could do is longer exposures. 4 seconds really isnt long enough.
  10. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Random picture I took while waiting in a carpark:
  11. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I have a Fujifilm s9600, it comes with a built in 28-300mm lens, which saves me changing lenses all the time. Personally I think the images are clearer and sharper than my dads eos350D with the sigma 70-300mm lens. It feels alot more sturdy aswell, and its easier to hold still. My only problem with it is the fact it cant do really long exposures. But other than that it does everything the 350 does for cheaper. I will be buying a DSLR at some point, but for now this is a great camera, I'm not to sure on how its going to be at aviation pictures.
  12. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Long exposures are class looking sometimes.
  13. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Saxowned? My mate has a Saxo vtr, its quick but it feels like its made out of paper. Cool pics Tovarish I really like this one: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8163/cubaedit52set8.jpg
  14. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Any tips on night time photos? I tried some earlier and they turned out blurry and noisey. example:
  15. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I really like the second one, but they are all good. We were ment to get snow but we got rain.
  16. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    The only editing I do is brightness and contrast. I dont like the focus on this one as much. This one I desaturated abit just to see how it looked.
  17. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Cheers guys.
  18. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    I think it adds to the pic. I prefer the white and black border over the plain black one now. A car window.
  19. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Nice pics, I like the first one the most. (and dont worry I stole them from someone else )
  20. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Thanks Supah. These arent as good, but I still like them.
  21. sniperuk02


    Nice, glad to see the models arent going to waste. I always did love those SLRs. When the time comes, give me a shout and I'll finish up/make new vehicles for you if you want.