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Everything posted by sniperuk02

  1. sniperuk02

    why did you use your username

    My dads nickname in the police was "Sniper" as he was a marksman so I used that and added the Uk and then I saw someone with sniperuk01 so I decided to stick 02 at the end of it. And I'm not sure where my CS nick name "Tin Tin" comes from but I use "Tinners" for most things now.
  2. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Are there any decent digital SLRs for around Å300-Å400? As I really need a newer camera for rallys and airshows.
  3. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Awesome pictures killagee. Some crappy pictures from Fairford this year. I really need a new camera, the one I have is alright for taking pictures of static but its crap at moving things. And a Mini Cooper on 2 wheels.
  4. sniperuk02

    Latest screenshots available

    Who cares about graphics? Gameplay is more important than a shadow that isn't the right size or an explosion that doesn't look 100% realistic. I'm sure things like this can be modded after the game is out if you don't like them anyway or if you don't like the graphics just don't buy it, its simple. And remember that the game isnt finished yet so they are still adding features and other things to the game. And how can you tell what a game is like from a few pictures and some videos anyway? I thought you needed to play a game before you could decide what is wrong with it. Well thats my crappy rant out of the way.
  5. sniperuk02

    NIMOD Dynamic Weather

    You should be able to browse the forums without registering now.
  6. sniperuk02

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Awesome pic Ti0n3r, wish my graphics were as good as yours .
  7. sniperuk02

    RAF Chinook HC.2

    Awesome work, this will be staying in my addons folder for a long time.
  8. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Its parked.
  9. A turretless one with a 1919a4 is being made and will be included in the mod.
  10. A small update showing pictures of two vehicles. Daimler Ferret The Ferret has seen service in the British Army since 1954. It is a four wheel drive armoured car with a two man crew, a driver and commander/gunner.The armour is very light but it has fairly good off road mobility. Humber "Pig" The events in Northern Ireland had renewed the "Pig's" service career. In 1972 it was discovered that High velocity armour-peircing rounds were in the hands of Paramilitary Groups in Ulster. In response to this all 500-odd "Pigs" in use in Northern Ireland were returned to various Royal Ordinace factories in the UK for additional armour plating to be fitted(Operation Bracelet). Suspension was also modified to take the extra weight and various vision ports were updated and CS/Smoke canister dischargers were added to the roof. The varient of "Pig" shown was Nick named "Flying Pig" due to the large folding mesh riot screens. I know the mod has shown lots of grey untextured models before, but these are in the process of being textured.
  11. Progress Report We have some bad news and some good news. "The bad news follows as this" Smiley_Nick has decided to hand in his notice as project manager, he will no longer take a actice part in the running of the mod" Smiley joined not long after the mod was founded as the projects island maker, he worked his way from there to become joint project leader of the mod. With out him the mod would have died long ago, he has brought us new members, brilliant ideas, stunning islands and has found us Webhosts and managed our forums. As he said "This isn't the end, just the end of a chapter" He has handed control back to myself and Jimpy and we will continue the project from where he left off. Now onto the good news. The good news is that the website is almost finished, it just needs a few more things and it will be ready, also the Forums are now ready for public viewing, this is where most of our WIP work will be posted. The new forum address is :http://www.the-troubles.co.uk/forum/ Feel free to ask questions and we will try our best to answer them. The team.
  12. sniperuk02

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    Thats a Lav-25 not a Stryker. Edit:- Damn you fast people!
  13. sniperuk02

    Flashpoint in the Falklands: Dead?

    hazmatt you forgot NIM. This is great for a laugh, hope it doesnt get locked.
  14. sniperuk02

    USMC Mod V 1.4

    Those trucks look mint, nice work.
  15. sniperuk02

    Project UK Forces

    I knew it! An addon might look finished on the outside but all the boring parts like lods, scripts and configs arent finished and those take the longest to do.
  16. sniperuk02

    M1A2 SEP 3.0

    Yeh right. How hard is it to spend 5 minutes to read the read-me? Really nice work. Finally got round to testing it and I love it, it wont be leaving my addons folder for a long time.
  17. sniperuk02

    Real life photography/photo editing

    The Nimrod pic is class.
  18. sniperuk02

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    I think he means in ofp..
  19. sniperuk02

    Falklands mod progress

    Great news! Cant wait.
  20. sniperuk02

    XK-2 SK's NEW MBT

    Read Wildo.
  21. sniperuk02


    Nice! Been waiting for this!
  22. sniperuk02

    ADF mod needs help

    Looks like its been squashed. Shouldnt be too hard to fix and the textures look awesome.
  23. sniperuk02

    Irish Interim troops

    I'm actually working of photos, finding decent blueprints of this things is really hard, which is probably why doesnt look right. Edit:- If I find any good one I'll send you them.
  24. sniperuk02

    Irish Interim troops

    Will try and get some up soon, still not happy with the model. It just doesnt look right.