ofp, when realism counts
Report from. simba 2/4/2005
A recent study from our agents seems to prove that an political activity in operation flashpoint community member’s brain is over , maybe since the beginning but further inquirery demonstrate that the PoliticalEEG (encephalogram) is totally flat . “May they rest for eternity on the bed of consumption". These were the last words of our beloved pope.
scrub "you really need to keep this in the context of the game that it is"
spqr "I'm french and I don't care about this writing "
hmmwv "This tanks will rock (inscriptions included, of course)
ferretfangs "It's realistic, and it looks good. I think the inscriptions should stay."
I’m sorry peeps but this is true , you are totally politically pathetic (TPP) , you don’t answer my questions , and when you answer something it doesn’t have any interest.
I’m gonna tell you a last time and take the problem under a new angle in order to make everybody understand why these stupid inscriptions aren’t good things to put on tanks .
There is no war here and no aggresivity just the will to make you understand something and to make you change your mind , and also to fill this fourth Iraq thread with something less trivial than the last sun glasses of “our great soldiersâ€.
I’d like to make something very clear to everybody; we are here having a debate and not an information session, in every debate the goal is to convince the others, that’ what I do and that’s what you do too. Right?
When you say something:
1) I read carefully
2) Think
3) Doubt
4) Determine if I’m wrong or right
5) Type my answer
All that as objectively as I can.
But my feeling is that some people (not all, be frank with the heavy thing behind your computer reddish eyes) just jump from point 1 to 5.
So if you still want to have this conversation, we could learn from each other but only if we aren’t closed like frightened mussels.
Ok, the thing is those markings are a pretty bad thing because it is unconscious PROPAGANDA from inq, we spread ideas in everything we do and it’s normal, propaganda (or advertising) serves a purpose making you buy a new bottle of shampoo
, a new car, accept a new law, a war…
In my previous post I was asking “why are you for this war?†nobody answered is there some kind of wall in your brain forbidding you to talk about politics when you are in entertainment phase or what? or do you intentionally didn’t answer it because you don’t know the reason maybe because everyday you on TV , in your streets , hear from relatives “ war on Irak is goooooood “ so why should I doubt about that !!
100 box question who said that if you are told enough times the same thing you will believe like it was your own idea??
do not want to overload you with to many new concepts in one day ( print my post , enlarge it , read it in bed , stick it on your bathroom mirror , paste it on your school books , and on your mother ass , you’ll see it’s gonna sound as logical as basic math).
The difference is that , I’m told as you are 100 times the same shit , but I got several sources , and instantly everything seem much more dubious, and even totally wrong ,
Until you feel manipulated.
But who wants to manipulate me then ?
Seek the interest you’ll find the bastard behind the lie.
An other interesting phenomenon is entertainment .
Some people said , what are you talking about simba !! this is a game , we should’nt talk about politics here and bother with those strange ideas.
The problem that quickly comes to mind is WHEN ARE WE SUPPOSED TO TALK ABOUT POLITICS ---------------------Å• in white house , congress ,
European parliament , ...
So when are you going to talk about politics , in the bus ,alone in your car , at work , at school , in front of tv , while making sport , in shops , in restaurant , WHEN ?
No politics is in every molecules of your life, in every finger that touch your keyboard, on every site you visit. most of you just aren’t used to notice it to why , we are influenced and we are too busy thinking about pleasure that we forget to think about what’s really happening around us , that’s true for Irak but also for politics in every country.
You are human beings try thinking by yourself, politics is for everybody that’s democracy, do they often ask your opinion, and when you give your opinion do they respect it, and if your opinion has the majority do they respect it either?? And if they don’t respect your opinion is it still democracy??
So Simba is saying again and again a lot of stupid things, I should go get me a good dinner, watch tv, smoke a p.. , have ten beers , play computer until I forget who I am , tomorrow I will go to work , during my work dream about games , girls , new mp3 player , some of these things you will get , most of them no , you will all your life run after other consumption product , (then perhaps suffer from depression , suicide , disease ) , days after days , weeks after weeks , years after years , you will use more energy than 10 (100, 1000) people of other countries , same for ground resources , and water .
One day your government will say , we don’t have any more enough drinkable water , petrol or the level of the ocean has risen of 5 cm , I’m not talking about an earthquake or a volcano DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY POINT , WE ARE RENSPONSIBLE OF WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN , AND NOBODY CAN DO IT ALONE.
But simba is still wrong those markings , that’s just for fun , it’s just telling us in a way that Irak war is good , and justify the following wars but that’s just ok , because I’m a very selfish person .
When you moddle, texture, config ,make a mission , an ofp movie it is your creation ( I know what I’m talking about) , you aren’t consuming , don’t you feel more satisfied to play with a 100 hour made addon , than with an other person addon , don’t you prefer eating the dinner you made in a hour instead of a Chinese food delivery ??
This is pleasure, consumption isn’t and like a old American said ,†harder the way to get something is ( to talk a bit like yoda) , the more pleasure you’ll get from itâ€.
This community is also my community , it is not because I don’t talk much on the forum that I’m not attentive to what’s happening, and I do care, I read often “we aren’t like these kids of CS “, because we drive tanks , fly heli , and create mission , no I don’t think so the reason for me , and that’s I always thought is that we are people who always want more freedom , that what we are in ofp , that’s not what we are in life ,
We are the dogs of transnational companies , some believe it others doesn’t , some are dogs other not . it's up to you.