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Everything posted by simba

  1. simba

    Acog vrs Aimpont - update

    you should try to go in the weapon config , search for the m4SD and replace the ironsight path .
  2. works for most of people I suppose.
  3. simba

    ArmA Photography

    I always play at low settings and it looks very good , the only effect that really miss me compared to high settings is the blur effect of the ironsight
  4. simba

    SPG-9 in weapons.pbo

    that's cool , middle range , not too effective weapon for long battles
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-aliasing http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/
  6. simba

    Realism soundpack v1.0

    does it work for anyone ?
  7. simba

    Realism soundpack v1.0

    once cpbo is installed , double click on it , and it will extract automatically.
  8. simba

    Tank Interior Question

    probably no
  9. simba

    Damage models o. armoured vehicles

    m134 can also destroy a tank , wasn't it going to be changed ?
  10. simba

    island/terrain surface textures

    I'm sure your work isn't lost , all these hours you spent making island texture was a very good training ! Â Â
  11. simba


    I like the idea
  12. simba

    Relative and absolute altitude ???

    I'd be interested to see how you did that
  13. simba

    Venezuela distributing wealth from rich to poor

    Hi RedLion ,yes I believe we can improve the of humanity , the thing is that everybody wants to make max of profit in this scenario , most of people on this planet will allways be fucked. I think I see things in a different way than most of people , i'm no programmer but this seems to be a good example : you are a programmer , you noticed that your program isn't working properly , you got 2 choices , improve the old one or start a brand new one , everyone will agree to say that making a new one will lead to something better , but it is gonna take more time . We can try to improve to death our economical system , with a huge amount a lawlets , that try to protect at the same time the investissors and the workers . Now let's take some distance , we can produce more for our country than we can use , there is a huge amount of total waste , only because of our means of production. Look at the medical industry , they can produce drugs at a price you wouldn't even dream of (except if you live in NZ or similar where the gov manage to get the lowest prices) , however they are still selling these drugs at very high price to third world countries because otherwise everybody would notice how deep they f...k us. I believe in a strong governement ,that tells the industries what the country needs and not the contrary. I believe in a very particaipative democraty , where everyone is almost forced to participate and everyone is as well informed as possible. I believe huge technological progresses may be hidden to us for obvious energetical reasons. I believe capitalism is only serving the intersts of a few , those who reign , who can you believe in a system where the knowledge can be private , and sometimes hidden to serve other people interests. let's say I'm a biologist , I discover a vaccine that can cure aids , I'm working in the company that is also producing the tri therapy drugs and all , I tell my boss about my discovery , If they are just a little badly disposed and on the papers it is said that they are going to lose money because of my new drug , what ensure me that it is going to be made public ? Hi sertorius , first I said that to Denoir , because we hear a lot of bad points about Cuba , your ideas about Cuba are mainstream , I know your points i've thought about them , I agree with some of them but certainly not all . I listed several reasons why cuba has difficulties , but you wouldn't talk about that , can I remind you that Cuba is probably one of the most succesfull south american country , they have good medical care , they are sending doctors in other parts of the world and this despite the fact that they don't even have stethoscopes for all of them , if in your country you were in desperate need of help , I can tell you that Cuba would help you but your country isn't helping them much I suppose... venezuela offered cheap petrol/gaz to american poor people to help them during winter , Cuba proposed to help americans after the last Tornado in Louisana ,... you should show some respect my friend towards the poor that share compared to the reach that always want more. so , I suppose the investissors brings all the workers with them when they come in a country , they are not building a fusion powerplant , we are talking about is petrol , mining and textiles don't you thing that in 10 years they could gain enough experience to do it themself , and they aren't starting from the zero. Let's say human is obssessed with gaining power , but I must say I'm doubtfull because the gaining power obession probably comes a lot from our huge social differences and our very success orientated society , but let's say... you know power isn't especially money , you could gain power in URSS too , be a project manager , politician , even be richer than others , but 2 or 3 times more than the basic salary , not 1000. of course it is , this is for petrol right ? that's easy mate , we understand both what I ment . List me what you buy in one year , and let's talk about " basic survival " . I'm saint simba , I eat roots and peas all the time and only travel by foot, and I stink so much that women can't stand my company. so you are really convinced pretty much everything you buy , you need it ? First I would be very curious to see how much you know about marxism , and BTW marxism is born as a consequence of industrial revolution so saying it's old is a bit silly , considering capitalism is even much older . I do see skulls on your pic , where is it from ? white house collection of leftists leaders killed , on the right Lumumba , then che guevarra,... I was expecting a reaction on this ,the reason why I posted the picture was that we rarely see such misery , it is hard to judge something when it is so far from your eyes , watch right in the eyes of this child and tell him we can't do anything for him ! you know comunism isn't Mao , Stalin or Lenin like capitalism isn't Hitler , Mussolini , Franco If you wanna start counting the bodies , let's do it . hi denoir , I won't defend Stalin and even less Mao , they were paranoid people, megalomaniacs and plain dictators. when communists took power in Russia , it was aextremely critical situation , WWI was ending , they had to organise everything , later germany was threatening , the only goal was to protect the new regime and they did it the hard way. Same for the officers purge , what would happen in the middle of a war with traitors everywhere. i'm not saying you are wrong , but this must be taken into consideration too. Your current political system is the one I'm talking about , and my country isn't from the last rain either ( to translate a french expression). Social system does cost a lot of money , and I'm not thinking about capitalism like in 19th . look , the money goes for the biggest part where ? why is it so expensive ? medical care : medical care is a basic right , with a basic salary you can't hardly pay for important diseases like surgery ,long term treatment,...medicare is expensive but there are a lot of ways to reduce the bill. IN OUR SYSTEM !!!! 1° the drugs price is determined by making the companies enter in competition until the lowest price is reached (appel d'offre). pharmaceutical corporations are as present in our gov than boing in US gov , their goal is obviously not to lower the prices . 2° no more crappy food , no hormones , no pesticide , no animal flour for cattle , no advertising for tobacco or alcohol , less pollution ,less stress from work ,... 3° no systematic use of drugs to cure , doctors are much more stimulated than you think to treat you with drugs that you don't need , there even are situations where the country is paying for new drugs that are less efficient than the previous version. 4° everyone can screw his body if he likes , but proper information is very important too , and must be present not only in sporadic campaign but also in the way advertising is done , a little in the way children are protected against aggresive advertising using their weaknesses. welfare/unemployment: in communist country there is no unemployment , but I don't want such system ,neither do you and it isn't necessary. 1° you must know that unemployment is a necessary harm for some employers , because workers feel threatened to lose their job , so the boss can lower the salary easily . if there was no unemployment , the worker would be like a rare merchandise , his price would quickly raise because everybody would need them. you must understand that all workers are a merchandise , nothing else , they sell their time for a price , so if you like the merchandise is the time of the worker and not the worker himself. to be more practical , I think we are screwed anyway with globalistion , because there will always be parts of the world where people can do everthings for a fraction of your salary , or even people coming in your country to take your job ( see polish workers ) , but since I consider that a polish deserve as much as me to have a decent life I'm in away happy for him , but I'm totally against exploiting people on the other side of the globe. 2° The industrial means of production fit very well to the production of high tech stuff , or large quantities(steel ,...). But we totally left behind craft industry , wish was very rewarding for the worker since he was making something from the piece of wood to the furniture . this is no economical miracle , but things that use to keep a worker busy for 1 hour , would take several days to be done , in much better quality (it is going to last so you don't have to buy a new one each year IKEA anyone ?) 3° There should also be a rebirth of the countryside , no more huge farms producing tons of meat a day , but smaller farms where animals would be raised and killed properly , this would also greatly improve the quality of our food , and with new technology farmers life can be less hard than it use to be . This is just something I've been thinking about lately , so please give your opinion , we have no goal , no motivations, no global projects making our country enter in common dynamic , I don't know where are your millions russian dead slave coming from , this is maybe true I don't wanna argue about it , but Russia was at the time in a very powerfull dynamic of progress. Africa is today in a horrible situation ,they have what we don't cheap manpower , ressources , ... but we have technology , advanced medecine ,... could'nt each country of europ establish strong partnership with one african (asian,..) country , we would devellop these regions and they would bring us a lot too ? I must say a last thing Denoir , you seem to avoid many of my arguments , while I try to answer your hardest arguments and never try to escape , it is easy to comment on 10% of the others speach , while you don't answer direct questions. regards , simba.
  14. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    I actually tried to make a simple lift too, those are the problem I had: *soldier bounce on the floor *you very easily go trough the floor if only with roadway lod *no translation movement makes impossible to make a lift that goes high. I suppose here BIS did it the same way we would but with better working lods and translation movement , it's easy job. I think in the vid you see the player choosing the level.
  15. simba

    Venezuela distributing wealth from rich to poor

    never wondered how a country , pretty much leaving middel age , defeated one of the most advanced country in term of technology. Stalin (trough millions of workers ) in 20 years transformed russia in a powerfull industrial nation , wish only several year after the american had the atomic bomb , and they did this with all the sabotages of the anti communists and the pressure from USA. sorry mate pretty bad for you , I didn't want decrease my lifestyle for you , you'll be dead anyway in 2 month , look at you , you don't have a nail to scratch your ass. I wouldn't cry if I had no computers but food is a other problem and you right that's pretty bad for them , but if I understand correctly you don't care , in the name of progress and economical stability you are ready to sacrify entire nations , millions of people . What's happening in africa and a bit averywhere is not enterily the fault of europe and US , but they certailny did a lot to make the situations as unstable as it is and didn't do much to improve the situation. tell me about progress in china , everyone can do that , china has money only because their workers are under paid , that's the only reason , give me 10 years and 100 000 troops I 'll make the country of your choice the most competitive and advanced country in the world , in China most of people are working like cows , they are just using the principles of communism to make them feel they are equal , the way it's done in europe too in a softer way , a big illusion. And Cuba ? what about cuba , of course they want economic growth like all poor countries , they live with nothing compared to us , our country don't need economical growth because our populations are pretty much stable and we are allready too rich. cuba wish is also the big example of the communist total failure wherever it is , did you ever tried to find the advantages instead of trying to persuade yourself that this simply doesn't work. Cuba has tons of things you won't find in much places free medical care yes (totally) drugs no criminality not much discriminality not much cheap rhum yes university free take Cuba , cancel the embargo , encourage europ to make some buisness with them , and you will see what a communist country can do , and those aren't big "if" , and you know what this will probably never happen as long as Cuba is communist because capitalists coutries are too afraid to see it succeed , they are allready doing well in many area like biology , what would it be if they had help from other nations and a bit more money to buy equipment. how would evolve sweden if suddenly I raise of 50% the import/ export taxes ? you would just go mad. have far higher material standards : like you said this is material , this does not bring happiness , consumption is the cancer of this planet , always buying things we don't need , is like hunting bizon for fun , indians disappearded because of this. communications : with todays technology it isn't even a big investissement to connect everybody with mobile phone , fast communication is an induced need . democracy : yeah we got a sort of democracy , situation is very different depending on what country , in Cuba I know they don't vote every 4 years for fidel castro , but they do have some sort of neigborhood commity , wish is a very participative little scale democracy. each time I vote for me is like praying , I just don't espect nothing , I rather spend some time trying to convince you freedom of speech saw my sig ? yes we have freedom of speech , but like I posted before , we are totally ininformed by huge media company , and entertained enough to not worry too much about politics. and let's not forget too that a lot of desease appearded because of us , like lots of cancer , allergia , mad cow disease ,... I'm not sure life expectancy is much shorter in Cuba than in Sweden , however they don't have hospitals like yours . this is true but the contrary is too , many countries builded well workind industries or even service companies , and those were sold for nothing from governements that needed quick cash (see argentinian petrol ,...) of course venezuela is in a crappy situation , but in several years they could gain enough experience to be able to run everithing without the help of other nations , as far as I know Chavez didn't nationalize much , he knows he is in a dangerous situation . maybe we should take a walk in france and in GB , see what cost their pseudo better economy , let's have a look in Irak too. as far as I know the very liberal reign of Thatcher isn't the golden period for most of brits . That's really really strange your are saying this because where I live , people want us to take example on sweden , norway , Finland , and it seems that in Sweden they are showing Uk as a example , our transition to scandinavian system is only a first step to british and then US economy hhahahahah . If we were in 19th century I would be talking like you , and you would be talking like a bourgeois of the time , ideas evolve , you should too. You know slavery was considered as a fair thing by people we would respect or even admire , but today nobody would not even dare to say that , if you look at history the evolution tends to make everybody more equal , I suppose capitalism is an other limitation we will break , in 10 ou 1000 years. What's the big deal after all , your entire argumentation turns around the greatness BS , if you tell me : " For my own benefit and/or the greatness of my country I don't care what's happening in other countries or in the lower working classes of my region " I'll say at least you are a frank person , ... this would stop a useless conversation , if you don't say so , it's time to face your contradictions.
  16. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    very good idea to make elevators , we won't have to make 10.000 polys stairs in order to reach the 10th floor . It also means I suppose that the geo and roadway lods are working in much more realistic way, except if this is pure scripting.
  17. simba

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Thanks spook for all the vids
  18. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    doesn't look much like Arma , but who knows . we need a larger version
  19. simba

    Venezuela distributing wealth from rich to poor

    Chavez wants to please the audience he has and the people who are going to vote for him , what's the difference between getting big money from companies in order to make a huge electoral campain and making some populism to attract votes ? rich people playing on golf courses can go , since a tiny minority enjoy their company. economic growth , purchasing power ,that's the only thing we hear about , are we going to produce every year even more , what will happen at the end ? are the ressources infinte ? south american coutries have way enough good land to produce what they need and sell a part to the coutries that can't produce what they do , what is going to do saudi arabia when we will quit petrol , return to the desert or start making high tech stuff what's the point of having a strong economy , many poeple can argue about Cuba , but since 1959 , the conditions for people has greatly improved , and are MUCH better for most of people than before ,you are thinking : " god I wouldn't want to live in cuba , what a crappy country , they cook everyday in the same oil the same stuffs , and everything looks soo old " but what would think a bunch of people that live on a pile of garbage every day, do you think because you walk in clean streets that you belong to some kind of superior political system. you are totally obsessed with those " capitalism is the only way to do , that's the only thing wish works " that's BS , pure egoism Think that your style of life is good not only because (enventually) you worked hard for it , but also because others worked "for you" , money is never coming from nowhere (like energy), if you make profit thanks to stock options or whatever it's called , you didn't work for this money , WHO DID THEN ? OH and BTW remember the Orange revoltion in ukraine , READ THIS sorry in french in english (for what it worth not so bad though) C'mon denoir you are a wise man , time to forget capitalism BS , I know it's hard to achieve , but this is the only way to go, you or your offspring will understand it soon or later . P.S sorry for the rough english I certainly don't don't speak as well as some of you.
  20. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    yeah I know but a statue means actually something , the whole story is about a conflict between a pro US part and a communist part, so Saddam (to name him in a familiar way)does not belong in arma. G :hey saddam how are you mate ? S :good georges, thank you do you have any news of Vladimir, is he coming tonight ? G :no he's is very upset his mother slept with Tony S : what the F.. I'll just ask condolleezza to convince him , he never refuse her anything keep it fictionnal , that's better for everybody.
  21. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    Saddam Hussein is no communist leader as far as I know
  22. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    I suppose this tracer is from the MG , this "tracer translation problem" is really annoying and must be fixed , looks really bad when you are shooting an other chopper for example and the tracer is comming from the right upper corner of the screen...
  23. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    you can see underneath the sea now
  24. simba

    Latest screenshots available

    that's why you are a military freak (don't have a better suited word in my little mental english dico , no direspect) to give it as much importance as the police thing , if BIS have to much time , yes maybe they should change the logo , but I'd rather see a new nice scope on an ak.