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Everything posted by syco
I was adding some more troops to my self-made mission when it gave me a warning that the maximum amount of units (men) per side is 63 (or 68)!!! whats up with this? Is there any way around this nonsense??!!
Is there a way to zoom into a target looking through a sniper's crosshairs (much like the binoculars-view in the trigger-effects option)??? Is there a script for this? Anyone?
Face packs with cartoon characters and female actresses on them? C'mon! The'ye idiotic! Are there any REAL face packs out there that DON'T suck?!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (garth @ 10 May 2003,08:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">YES! We kicked another defenseless country's ass. USA! USA! USA! Now we get cheap oil! YES! USA! USA! We rule! Go Bush. Let's invade Luxemburg! USA!  I'm so PROUD to be American right now!  ..... and people ask why we Americans are unpopular in the world  <span id='postcolor'> Hey Garth, how old are you dude? 12? 13? Why don't you take that American Flag off your avatar you piece of shit? Defenseless country? You think Iraq was a DEFENSELESS COUNTRY you jackoff?! What are you a freaking MORON?! Do you know ANYTHING about Iraq's military capabilities BEFORE we went in there? No? Then shut the fuck up you idiot! Don't tell ME Iraq was defenseless jackaass! I took A LOT of fire from the Iraqis in Desert Storm, and I lost a friend in THIS war! So FUCK YOU if you think it was defenseless, and fuck everyone else that thinks we used "excess force" as someone else mentioned to defeat THE ENEMY! Morons! And as for being "unpopular" in the world? Don't worry, as soon as another country needs support, that "unpopularity" always seems to fly out the window. Oh, and "cheap oil"? Yeah....we're getting that cheap oil alright...what's gas prices down to now, about 5 cents a gallon? You fuck!
Bottom Line (like it or don't) THE US AND BRITAIN KICKED ASS ONCE AGAIN!!! All the while being careful to avoid civilian casualties, and with minor loss of life. Sorry NAYSAYERS! We win!!!!
Whats the action command or animation for reload?
syco posted a topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Trying to get a few guys to reload their rifles on a trigger, but CANNOT find the action or animation command for reloading a rifle (NOT the handgun).I've tried searching everything related to it (including this site and the commandref) but can't find anything! PS-I tired the unitname action["magazine"] action command, but still nothing happens.Can anyone lend a helping hand? -
What is this Rocket Science? Since WHEN did D/Ling an addon become so difficult?! Are people so stupid that they can't figure out what goes where?! Jeez Louis people WHY fix something that ISN'T broken?! D/L the addon and manually install it into whichever directory it belongs!!! NO AUTO INSTALLERS!!! WHY would we possibly want to make it more difficult for an addon maker to distribute his creation?! Shoot, it's difficult enough to get good addon makers to make stuff!!! PS-I agree with Major Fubar too!
What is this Rocket Science? Since WHEN did D/Ling an addon become so difficult?! Are people so stupid that they can't figure out what goes where?! Jeez Louis people WHY fix something that ISN'T broken?! D/L the addon and manually install it into whichever directory it belongs!!! NO AUTO INSTALLERS!!! WHY would we possibly want to make it more difficult for an addon maker to distribute his creation?! Shoot, it's difficult enough to get good addon makers to make stuff!!! PS-I agree with Major Fubar too!
heh heh....How about a beer instead brother? Actually, there's a bloke on opflashpoint.org (screenname 00 DC 15) that actually put it all together for me and emailed me the mission so that I may use it in mine. Now THATS a helpful guy!! Thanks to you guys too.
I don't know HOW the hell to do this: Scenario: I have a truck(truck A), Â with 6 guys+driver(driver is leader) driving into a repair compund that has 2 empty MG trucks (trucks B & C) and 2 empty APCs (APC crew is already there). My goal is to get two of the guys from truck A to get into Truck B (one driver and one gunner), and two more of the guys to get into truck C (one driver and one gunner)....(still with me?)... I already have a GETIN WP for the 2 APC crews (synchronised with Truck A's arrival)....When everyone gets into their respective trucksand APCs, they are ALL to follow truck A BACK to the starting point. Now the $10,000,000 question is, How do I get the 4 guys from truck A to get out of truck A, mount their respsective trucks B&C) in their respective positions, then have all vehicles (both APCs and trucks B&C) follow truck A (the leader)??? Remember: The two APC crews are NOT part of the original truck group, but need to follow truck A. I'm stuck here and have NO CLUE as to how to solve this.
Thanks fellas...I'll try it out and report on it later.
I'll try it and let you know.....thanks
DPBO'd 1985 and have full access to all the game's files. Where might I find Guba's face? I'd like to modify it slightly to make him look like Fidel Castro. Thanks
WOW...thats pretty neat. How would YOU like to be immortalized in a game? Thanks for the info guys.
Heh heh heh....striking resemblance.
Thanks mate...you're my new best friend.
Ok, I have a scenario where a sniper is taking aim at a guy's head and you can see what he's seeing utilizing a switchcamera command. Trouble is, in the "sniper's view" (gunner's) cam, one can see the target's identification tag (i.e. soldier, officer, etc), and the little diamond indicating he's "locked" onto a target. Is there any way to make these disappear to make that sniper-view cam a little more realistic? I tried adjusting the game's difficulty by disabling the reticle and nothing. Anyone?
****Nevermind this post. I've already found an answer*** PLEASE REMOVE THIS POST. THANKS
Yes, if he is TOO well hidden, then it may be that the sniper can't see his target. He should have a clear view of his target (even ig it means he needs to show a little of himself)..
Hmm, the thing is that I'm not running this from a script. I'm running it through the "on activation" fields of a few triggers. I wouldn't know HOW to run this through a script. Any other suggestions?
Hovmand: Excellent! Thanks. Alas, now I can't get my player view back from the SNIPER SWITCHCAM "GUNNER" view. After the scene plays out, its just stay looking through the sniper's crosshairs. Hmm. Â I've tried camdestroy sniper, cam destroy "gunner" (with and without the quotes),. Â I don't know what else to do.....
Sweet! You RULE!!! Thanks
DRAGOFIRE: What are the class names for each A-6 aircraft in the beta you released? I've tried Intruder_HB, Intruder_R, MK_83, etc and still I can't get them to appear in the script.
Man, at this point I wouldn't care if this thing was released with iron bombs or an AK-47 for a weapon! I'm just DYING for this thing to finally be finished. This carrot's been dangling in front of us for too long..... Go Koepeke GO! Go Koepeke GO!! We're rooting for you. This addon is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too bad I can't dpbo it to add my own textures.