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About soldierjp

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  1. soldierjp

    My waypoint

    I thank you both very much....
  2. soldierjp

    My waypoint

    Ok, I have a player and I want the player to get in a plane with a get in WP. But I want the WP to be invisible. I tried the "Never show" button in the WP screen but it didn't work. Please help. I need to know how I make a WP invisible. Thanks.....
  3. soldierjp


    hello, i downloaded the wav2lip tool from BIS but it doesn't work. I unzip it and then I run the progrma but nothing happens... Please help! I know how to convert.wav to .ogg So i only need to know the .lip thing...
  4. soldierjp

    Addmagazine to guba

    Where did you get Guba? It's not in the list of Russian soldiers...