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i agree that the bi-pod is something that should be corrected but in the year i was a Mgunner (FN MAG) thats the way i used it. the vibration will just take u off the target. BTW i still have scars from hot cases that entered my sleeves during firing. its pretty funny to see some1 get up in the middle of an EX and start dancing......... edit: the only time i shot my MAG standing up was while assaulting or during CQB.
hey we all want a piece of the riches!
couple of facts: 1. LAW-66 has no fuel! it can fly upto 1000 meters and thats all, and thats why we dont train our ppl to use LAW for over 200 m. 2. RPG's have self destruct mechanism that causes them to blow after ~920 meters. quite spectacular! 3. we have special carrying system for LAW men, that contains between 3-5 LAW's.
in our army, if ur sent as an instructor ppl might take it as an insult, everyone want to go and do some ToD's! edit: what i really liked is the time i did as a recon instructor, and as a bonus ive got the chance to yell at some colonels while im a lowly Lt. that was fun fun fun!
thats simple! u shoot multiple burstd of 2-3 bullets, that way u are laying heavy fire, havier then any assault rifle can produce and ur shooting accuratly! no one with a M-16 can do that! secondly, its range, and last but not least: prior assault u lay suppressing fire that consists of long brust and is aimed to lower heads when our guys close the distance. using it in any other time is a waste of bullets, and ull finish of your ammo very very quickly!
one of the sides has to move out! its either us or the pals. the idea is to concetrate most of them to blocks. the pals wont agree to have settlers in their territory and i wont leave em to the mercy of the PA. the palestinians just want us to pull out all the way back to europe and the US. thats all. it seems you are all thinking in too western terms ppl. if no one understood it, the idea is to kick us outa here, if not why didnt they accept Baraks proposal? he gave em literally all they wanted! and another question: when they'll start shelling us across the border, who will take care of them? the UN? just like they are doion now in Lebanon? thats what give this plan a low prioroty for now. edit: im thinking faster then i type!
Thanx a lot Avon!
the problem is that an orderly evac is hard at best, but u can be sure that the palestinians will make sure itll be as bloody as they can. and again, the problem isnt the settlers its the palestinians themselves. anyway, we started to build a fence as a first order. this process will take time and money. it cant be done over night. i think in the end, if no UN forces will be sent here, that this will be the solution. its being discuss for some time now.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ April 17 2002,18:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'll tell you what to do, it's simple. Â Â Arafat has no say in the matter, if you decide to give back the land: Basically you just pull back all your troops and citizens (you know the settlers) from the occupied territories. Then you put your troops to guard the border airtightly and require visas from anybody coming from outside U.S. and other countries you like. Getting a visa can be as hard as you decide and requiring a visa is a perfectly legit thing to do. You make an international declaration that you give up the control and resposibility of West bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights and that you don't really care what the arabs do with them. Let them decide. You wash your hands of the mess and mop up the few terrorists remaining inside Israel proper. Brilliant!<span id='postcolor'> thats one of the options that are being considered seriously by the govt. and the army, although you have to keep in mind that evacing close to 200000 is tricky to say the least. the talk in about evacing 90% of the territory. did i say Arafat objects this move fiercly? in the matter of the Golan heights thats another story altogether!
that reminds me of astory from WWII: a rear gunner in a B-17 that was shot down free-fell 15000 ft. because he hadnt got any parachute. he survived the jump, but had great difficulties to persuade the germans that he isnt a spy, in light of the absence of a parachute!
denoir: as i see it the problem is not in our hands any more. u need two for a dance, and for 8 years we were alone on the dance floor. IF the PA suddenly change its way most of israelis will support the diplomatic process just as they did in 93'. but there got to be a change in the policy of the PA. and that doesnt seem to come soon!
as ive said 10 posts ago or so i dont mind give back most of the west bank and the gaza strip, because i basicly think that either u make em citizens or give em to rule themselves. but an offer of this kind WAS offered in Sep. 2000 and was rejected by Arafat. what do u want us to do? to force him to accept it? why dont YOU force him to accept it. in its essnce its the same offer the Saudis made. and to add a twist: im ready to give back ALL the territories to Egypt and Jordan, mind u, they are the countries we took this land from. isnt it strange that they werent enthusiastic to do it? here comes another question: if the Arab world cares so much for the palestinians why didnt they make a country right after '48?
Oligo! here is a site concerning the Six Day war. u can say its biased but there are many facts u can always check in the US congress archives and UN archives. shalem edit: in the end of the document there is a large list of bibliography u cann check to make sure we're not altering anything
i was trying to fiind the site but i didnt manage to find it Oligo. any way, the archives from the six day war have been opened and they show clearly that israel waited that the US wil try to settle the crisis diplomaticly before openning hostilities. it would be the same as if Finnland wouold be blocated on the sea. no one can enter or leave. BTW a little known fact is that the former USSR flamed the syrians and egyptians into action. israel took action only after the US had declared that i cant solve this problem. the operation was intended solely against Egypt, but both Jordan and syria joined in (Jordan tried to seize part of western jerusalem and bombarded israeli cities, while Syria bombarded Kibbutzes in the Gallilee.)
albert: u show one side of it, i show u the other. and i said: until u know the facts u cant be sure! the are many provocations going on around, and i think i present more even attiutde. u just cant know until u have everything. here is a small story about reuters: after our two guys were lynched in Ramallah u would see that reuters refused to release videos they had because of threats the palestinians made to the reporters ! a camera crew of a news agency went to the archives in Tel-Aviv and asked for them, they were denied.
when i ended our basic training we joined our battalion as a newbies company. as such we suffered from the veterans multiple harrasment and stuff like that. so we planned revenge: after they went of to a EX. we sneak to their compound a booby trapped their toilets and showers: we put CS in the showers and connected stuns to the toilet handles anyway, after these guys came back after 3 days, they obviously went to shower..........hehehe we heard three blasts and saw SHIT spraying out of the windows........ not to mention that a plume of CS went out of the window soon afterwards and all u saw were 50 or so soldiers ran out chocking and retching partly covered with shit....... after thinking a while they came to us and begged us to use our facilities they praised us as good guys soon afterwards and didnt bother us at all, they suspected the HQ detachment........ they didn figure it all out until their retiring party when we told them it all, and had to run for it cause time apparently didnt soothe them
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Darkhawk @ April 17 2002,14:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">put it as nutral for both sides just like resistance is nutral (in reality you are never suppose to open fire on a vehicle that has the red cross on it)<span id='postcolor'> right......... to quote one of WWII veterans in the pacific: "all this godamn cross ever did was to help the japs aim their bombs better"
the flanking command is pretty useful though, classical envelopment manuever!
what? draw your own maps? what a waste of time man! i really pitty you!
as i said again, i cant refer to specific incidents until i have info about them but it was always strange 4 me that they are starting to film from one point. as one that was on the recieveing line (from the journalists) i must say that they are the most arrogant SOB's that ive ever met in my life. and they actually film what they want. i was in an incident where an egyptian journalist started to throw rocks and attacked one of my soldiers with a steel rod. the next day, im seeing in the news only the picture of us carrying him away. i dont say that they are all acting like that but i say that there are many who do it. BTW. the granade uve shown there is CS and its a picture from an attempted break in, into Arafat's place. this picture is quite famous here! i also say, that in many incidents i was in, the difference between what was going on and what was reported is pretty big!
ok we leave at 180 hrs sharp, please make sure uve got 4 litters of water and all the gear u need! we will drop u somewhere in a 5 km radius of st. pierre so learn the route well! and remeber u havent been there unless u bring me the codes! now go loearn your route, u havent got enough time already! MOVE!..........hehehe, brings me back some 6 years! edit: this is really a silly bug no?
i agree that they point of view is what they see from their side, but if extreme things happen, no matter how u twist it, it just wont do, no? they are soldiers, reservists who were called to the army, and they have the means to defend themselves. the media doesnt and the most known case is that of an arab cameraman who just filmed near a palestinian sniper. Â now, ofcourse our men have small personal tv's with them right?.....he got injured because he was standing near a gunman, without trying to distance himslef from them. BTW. ive checked with some pals of mine, i dont know if its the same incident, but they told me that some guy got out of an ambulance and started walkin towards them, and when they challanged him he didnt stop. Â so they shot near him rubber bullets to make him turn around cause that was just the way suicide bombers acted recently, they called him to stop and wiat there 4 inspection, he refused and turned around. thats one case. now there werent many cases when an ambulance evaced ppl, he didnt try to evac some gunmen or ammo with it. edit: albert, do they show on tv how they try to break through? how they are cursing and spitting on the soldiers? how they ignore soldiers challanges to stop and be inspected? how they ignore the fact that they sit with palestinian gunmen and then wonder why they are being shot at?
okay.......... there i s another method u didnt mention, crapping while ambushing! u dig a hole, roll on yer back and crap into a hole, then roll and do the rest of the stuff while ready to engage. altough if u miss the hole your in trouble pal!
do u mean the settlement Tel-Aviv? or Hadera too? were these settlements u relate to were built on ground that was taken recently? and if they arent being moved, and no one takes their place, it takes some of the sting of youor claim, leaving u with some hollow propaganda stuff