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Everything posted by scout

  1. scout

    Favourite music in OFP?

    while on EX. we would put Metallica's "Hit the lights" on the internal radio system boy, thats a real rush, we would then shoot like madmen!
  2. scout

    Mid east

    ur right and ur wrong. the whole process of moving of the public from left to right has been done in the years 1993-2002. that was because of continueos actions done by the PA. the statistic ive brought up was taken PRIOR pass-over. in the midst of it, it was 93(!%. so it really was a sense of helplessness felt by many israelis. if u want me to refer to any wrongs u think we've done pls feel free to do so. edit: where the heck did that facce come from??
  3. scout

    Mid east

    depends what u want me to refer to. i dont say we're saints, and i dont say we've done everything right, but then again i view the PA, and its leaders as the responsible for the last 2 years. i want also to turn your attention that in the eve of elections sharon got 50%~ of the votes and only because Peres was the other candidate. actual support of sharon was 25%~ now more then 85%~ support him. what do you think caused this? and as i asked before, what caused more then 60% of the public to go from left to right?
  4. scout

    Mid east

    Albert. u actually triggered my memory on this. i've checked and there is a whole paragraph that is quoted from a Cahana leaflets that are hanging just outside my workplace, the person is the second man to Meir Cahana (murdered in N.Y.). but again i dont know. altoughim gonna dig in the archives in israel. this one i want to check thoroughly!
  5. scout

    Mid east

    well, ive talked to guys who were there, they say they made sure that no civvies would get hurt, altough u cant be 100% sure do you? these guys have done what most countries wont do, all u've got to do is look at the russian campaign in Chechnya ok? now lets consider the term massacre: in my view its a pre-mediated execution of civvies. and that wasnt taking place. period. if there was mass executions there would be a whole lot more pal casualties, something like in syria in 1985 in El-Hama (25000 were executed by syrian security forces). if you dont agree to my terminology, then i'll be glad to answer u on your own terms. edit 2: there is a link to memri in my before-last post. edit: Albert, i didnt mean to cover your post, but i wanted to show that EVEN if it was Sharon , a thing that isnt proven, then what the PA does these days dont fall short of the words u quoted and directly responsible for his selection.
  6. scout

    Mid east

    sorry i was in a craze i guess, but Albert here really turned me on i guess. i was just trying to show what the other side is doing these days and in the past years i wont do it again guys, promise
  7. if u mean shot sounds, ill try to bring u when ill be back from ToD
  8. scout

    Friendly fire

    a 0.5 bullet can bring down a plane and it did in recent wars (1982 is the last i know) and eve 0.3 managed to do this. the problem of Blue-on-Blue is a familiar in any force and is especially big in CAS missions. the biggest problem is the lack of common language between airforce and ground troops. a description from the ground may seem something else totally from the air. there is a big problem with air-nav. even a seconds delay can translate into about 300 meters. there is a big problem with the fluidity of the battlefield, a pilot can come to a field with intel that is already outdated, and if no one bothers to correct it, u have a blue-on-blue. take every conflict and u'll have it somewhere!
  9. scout

    Mid east

    this thread is about how pals teach thier children to be "tolerant": THE noble soul has two goals: death and the desire for it." "He fell as a martyr and irrigated the land with his pure blood." Our Beautiful Language, Palestinian Authority textbook for 11 to 12 year olds. "From history books and maps to simple grammar exercises and language lessons, Palestinian children are being inculcated with hate for Israel and the Jewish people. You cannot preach peace while you are teaching hate." Senator Hillary Clinton, (D-NY); June 15 2001. Has Yasser Arafat "opted for terrorism", as Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Monday? The question does not merely address whether the Palestinian leader knew of this weekend's attacks. It also asks: how much has Arafat, in his years building the new government of the Palestinian Authority, promulgated a culture that is fertile ground for suicide terrorists? More than one might like, is the answer that emerges from a study by Arabic scholar Goetz Nordbruch published on Sunday night by the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri.org), a Washington and Jerusalembased nonprofit organisation dedicated to providing objective translations of the Arab press. In Narrating Palestinian Nationalism, Nordbruch, a German who is an alumnus of the University of Damascus, reviews school textbooks developed for six year olds and 11 to 12 year olds following the Oslo Accord. Under agreements following Oslo, both Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation were required "to foster mutual understanding and tolerance" and to "abstain from incitement including hostile propaganda". As a response, 20 new textbooks were developed at the Curriculum Development Centre in Ramallah. The books, Nordbruch concluded, are something of a mixed bag. They do not contain much outright incitement. But they do three troubling things; teach racialism, "impugn the Jewish character all along to the present day", and most dangerously, nurture "the wish for self-sacrifice and martyrdom among the youth". For starters, there is a chapter in the book for older children entitled The Human Race and its origins. It seeks to classify humans by racial category, such as Negro, Caucasian or Mongols. "People," the text reads, "are divided into various species which are characterised by specific physical features". Such cranioscopybased, as Nordbruch notes, on long discarded racial theories, validates prejudice in a place where obliterating it should be a primary goal. Even more disconcerting is the image of the Jewish people. They are portrayed not so much as a people with a right to their own state the view acknowledged in the Oslo accord but first of all, via a history lesson, as betrayers of Christ and Christians. Thus a first grade book describes Pontius Pilate's sentencing of Jesus. There is even an illustration, creepily reminiscent of Medieval Jew-baiting material from Europe, of the famous Judas Kiss. When it comes to Israel, notes Memri's president Yigal Carmon, the books fail to acknowledge its existence. Maps of Palestine for example include all of what is now Israel; Israel as a state (in any form) and Israeli cities such as Tel Aviv are not depicted. This is a vision of the region more hostile to Israel than anything agreed upon at Oslo. Worst of all though at least in the context of the weekend bombings is the attention the books dedicate to the notion of martyrdom. There is an educational unit on "the honourable martyr", Hamza Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, a contemporary of Mohammed's; the unit is there, the text says, to confirm "the honour of martyrdom and martyrs". This tradition, notes author Nordbruch, is linked explicitly to the present day, with a chapter on "Prison Literature" (Palestinians in Israeli jails) and a section on the Intifada. As Nordbruch points out, the material totally disregards the wrong of the violence. What's more, the textbooks challenge young people to participate in Intifada with leading questions such as "What steps can be taken against the expropriation of Palestinian territory?". Author Nordbruch takes pains to note that these texts are less inflammatory than much of the instruction that goes on in the Arab world. Still, when we ask where Palestinian suicide bombers may learn about martyrdom, the answer has to remain: in school. Shlaes is a columnist for the Financial Times. u can read all this and more in memri
  10. scout

    Mid east

    the use of boy-soldiers by the PA: There is "no truth" to allegations in a proposed Congressional resolution which condemns the Palestinian Authority for using children as soldiers, a senior PA official charged on Wednesday. Congressman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) recently introduced a resolution "condemning the PA and various Palestinian organizations for using children as soldiers and inciting children to acts of violence and war." Nabil Sha'ath, PA minister of planning and international cooperation, said the Palestinians are left with a "total feeling of frustration and utter despair" by resolutions such as these. "I don't want to show disrespect for the U.S. Congress, but [it has] no objectivity," Sha'ath said in a telephone interview. Congress is merely responding to the domestic lobby in the U.S., he added. The House of Representatives draft resolution charges that the PA and other Palestinian organizations have violated the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which provides that no person under the age of 15 should take a direct part in hostilities. Engel charged that the PA has a policy of using children as human shields in battle against heavily armed soldiers and called it "immoral and illegal." He called on PA Chairman Yasser Arafat to put an end to this "deadly practice." "It is no coincidence that so many children are being killed and injured during the recent violence," Engel said in a press release. "These children are part of a Palestinian policy to recruit the most vulnerable members of society to become martyrs for the intifada [uprising]," he added. Approximately 15 percent of those killed since September, 89 were aged 15 and under, according to Palestinian statistics. Another 15 percent of those killed were aged 16 to 18. Many of them died in clashes with troops, while others died primarily in Israeli attacks in retaliation for terrorist actions. According to the draft resolution, the PA and organizations have violated the U.N. convention by: interspersing children with fighting units during hostilities; using the Palestinian media to encourage children to become martyrs; using an anti-Israeli curriculum in its educational system to endorse fighting against Israel and promote child martyrdom; and sponsoring summer camps last year in which some 25,000 Palestinian children received paramilitary training and were indoctrinated against Israel. The resolution quotes Arafat as calling Palestinian children "generals of the intifadah," and the Arafat-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, stating that "the younger the martyr, the greater and the more I respect him." Among the organizations, which have condemned or called for a halt to such practices are the American Academy of Pediatrics, Doctors Opposed to Child Sacrifice, the Tulkarm (a PA-controlled city) Women's Union and Carol Bellamy, executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund. Sha'ath challenged the charges and said there was an "utter lack of truth" in the congressional allegations. "Nobody sends children to die," he said. Such allegations, Sha'ath said, show a "total disregard for human life" and "callousness" on the part of the lawmakers. Charges such as those contained in the resolution have been well documented in the international media and by watchdog organizations over the last year. Last Friday, PA television aired a sermon given by Sheik Ibrahim Madhi in Gaza in which he said, "A young man said to me: 'I am 14 years old, and I have four years left before I blow myself up amongst the Jews.' I said to him: 'Oh son, I ask Allah to give you and myself Martyrdom...'" "Blessings for whoever has raised his sons on the education of Jihad and Martyrdom; blessings for whoever has saved a bullet in order to stick it in a Jew's head," the Sheikh concluded, according to a translation provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute. Engle urged President Bush to withhold any future aid to the Palestinians unless the PA stops inciting children to violence. In May, a bill was introduced into the House calling for the imposition of sanctions against the Palestine Liberation Organization or the PA if they fail to comply with commitments they have undertaken in previous agreements with Israel. One of those PA commitments was to refrain from incitement including hostile propaganda against Israel and to take legal measures against those who spread it.
  11. scout

    Mid east

    Oh , oh ! this one is good! an interview of an palestinian Architect of the Oslo agreements: On his way to Kuwait, where he later died of a heart attack, Faysal Al-Husseini gave what turned out to be his last interview to the Egyptian (Nasserite) daily, 'Al-Arabi'. Following are excerpts from the interview with reporter Shafiq Ahmad Ali:[1] The Oslo Accords: A Trojan Horse Q: "What is happening now, unfortunately, is a natural consequence of Arafat's signing the Oslo Accords which did not explicitly state that the settlements should be removed, or even [their construction] halted…and did not explicitly determine the future of Jerusalem and the right of return…but - among other mistakes you recently admit - it did explicitly state that the PA must confiscate weapons from Palestinian civilians…" A: "Following the signing of the Oslo Accords… I said three things: First, following a long period of "pregnancy" we brought a child into the world [the Oslo Accords] who is smaller, weaker, and uglier than what we had hoped for. However, despite it all, this is still our child, and we must nurture, strengthen and develop it so that he is able to stand on his own two feet." "Second, we are the Jews of the 21st Century. Meaning, we the Palestinians will be the Jews of the early [previous] century. They infiltrated our country using various methods; using all kinds of passports, and they suffered greatly in the process. They even had to face humiliation but they did it all for one goal: To enter our country and root themselves in it prior to our expulsion out of it. We must act in the same way they did. [We must] return [to the land], settle it, and develop new roots in our land from where we were expelled; whatever the price may be." "Third, the [ancient] Greek Army was unable to break into Troy due to [internal] disputes and disagreements [among themselves]. The Greek forces started retreating one after the other, and the Greek king ended up facing the walls of Troy all by himself, and he too suffered from illnesses and [internal] disputes, and ended up leading a failed assault on Troy's walls." "[Following these events] the people of Troy climbed on top of the walls of their city and could not find any traces of the Greek army, except for a giant wooden horse. They cheered and celebrated thinking that the Greek troops were routed, and while retreating, they left a harmless wooden horse as spoils of war. So they opened the gates of the city and brought in the wooden horse. We all know what happened next." "Had the U.S. and Israel not realized, before Oslo, that all that was left of the Palestinian National movement and the Pan-Arab movement was a wooden horse called Arafat or the PLO, they would never have opened their fortified gates and let it inside their walls." "Despite the fact that we entered these walls in order to build, unlike the Greeks who entered in order to destroy, I now tell you all, all those to whom I spoke in a secret meeting during the days of Oslo: 'Climb into the horse and don't question what type of material the horse is made of. Climb into the horse, and we shall transform your climbing into that horse into a beginning of a building era rather than an era of the end of hope."' "And indeed, there are those who climbed unto the horse and are [now] inside [the PA territory] whether they supported the Oslo Accords or not." Q: "But the horse began to ignore criticism from the people, both from those who supported Oslo and those who opposed it. [it ignored] criticism about the true democracy that should lead the horse and about the horse's corruption." A: "Your words remind me of the famous meeting we had with all the Palestinian factions three years following Arafat and the PLO's return to Gaza…the debate revolved around the same issues you are raising – i.e., democracy, corruption, etc." "In that meeting – and those who attended are still alive and can attest to it – I asked to speak. I told everyone: Three years ago I said 'Climb into the horse' and everyone entered into the horse and the horse entered into the walled-in [area]. Now, the time has come for us to say: 'Come out of the horse and start working. Don’t stay inside the horse and don't waist time and energy while you are inside the horse arguing whether this was a good horse or not. Look, it is thanks to this horse that you were able to get into the walled-in city."' "So come down out of the horse and start working for the goal for which you entered the horse to begin with. In my opinion, the Intifada itself is the coming down out of the horse. Rather than getting into the old arguments…this effort [the Intifada] could have been much better, broader, and more significant had we made it clearer to ourselves that the Oslo agreement, or any other agreement, is just a temporary procedure, or just a step towards something bigger…" "Praise Allah, by now we have all come out of the horse, those who were with Arafat and those from the opposition. Personally, I never had any complaints regarding the fact that they entered the horse while being opposed to it. However, I would have complaints had they stayed inside the horse and never came out of it. Now that we all came out of the horse, I ask of you and of all journalists to lay aside all the analyses of past events, all the old disputes, and judge people on the basis of what they are actually doing now…our slogan from now on should be "The Intifada is always right…"'' The Strategic Goal: A State from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea Q: "What are the borders of the Palestinian state you are referring to, and what kind of 'Jerusalem' would you accept as the capital of your state?" A: "With this question you are dragging me into talking about what we refer to as our "strategic" goals and our "political" goals, or the phased goals. The "strategic" goals are the "higher goals," the "long-term goals," or the "unwavering goals," the goals that are based on solid Pan-Arab historic rights and principles. Whereas the "political" goals are those goals which were set for a temporary timeframe, considering the [constraints of] the existing international system, the balance of power, our own abilities, and other considerations which "vary" from time to time." "When we are asking all the Palestinian forces and factions to look at the Oslo Agreement and at other agreements as "temporary" procedures, or phased goals, this means that we are ambushing the Israelis and cheating them. However, the truth is that we are doing exactly what they are doing. The proof for that is that they are aware of, and are not trying to hide, the fact that there is nothing that unites them more around the territory which extends from the Nile to the Euphrates, than their slogan, which was taken from the Torah, and reads: 'These are the borders of the greater land of Israel.'" "If, for some reason, they had to temporarily declare their state over "a part" of the greater land of Israel, they would publicly declare that this is their "political" strategy, which they will have to temporarily accept due to international circumstances. On the other hand, their "higher strategy" is always "The Greater Land of Israel." "We are [acting] exactly like them. In 1947, in accordance with [the UN] Partition Plan, they decided to declare statehood on 55% of the land of Palestine, which they later increased to 78% during the War of 1948, and then again [increased it] to 100% during the War of 1967. Despite all that, they never attempted to make secret of their long-term goal, which is "Greater Israel" from the Nile to the Euphrates. Similarly, if we agree to declare our state over what is now only 22% of Palestine, meaning the West Bank and Gaza – our ultimate goal is [still] the liberation of all historical Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, even if this means that the conflict will last for another thousand years or for many generations." "In short, we are exactly like they are. We distinguish the strategic, long-term goals from the political phased goals, which we are compelled to temporarily accept due to international pressure. If you are asking me as a Pan-Arab nationalist what are the Palestinian borders according to the higher strategy, I will immediately reply: "From the river to the sea." Palestine in its entirety is an Arab land, the land of the Arab nation, a land no one can sell or buy, and it is impossible to remain silent while someone is stealing it, even if this requires time and even [if it means paying] a high price." "If you are asking me, as a man who belongs to the Islamic faith, my answer is also "From the river to the sea," the entire land is an Islamic Waqf which can not be bought or sold, and it is impossible to remain silent while someone is stealing it …" "If you are asking me as an ordinary Palestinian, from the "inside" or from the Diaspora, you will get the same answer and without any hesitations. However, what I am able to achieve and live on right now, due to [constraints of] the international system, is not, of course, Palestine "From the river to the sea." In order for us to fulfill all of our dreams regarding Palestine, we must, first of all, wake up and realize where we are standing. On the other hand, if we will continue to behave as if we are still dreaming, we will not find a place to put our feet on..." "As I once said in the past: our eyes must continue to focus on the higher goal. The real danger is that I might forget [it], and while advancing towards my short-term goal I might turn my back on my long-term goal, which is the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea…" there is a lot more from where those came from
  12. scout

    Mid east

    here is a speech form a PA minister saying plainly: the second Intifada WASNT started because of Sharons visit to mount temple! The Palestinian people is the strong half of the international equation. It is the secret code and the key to any stability and peace not only in the Middle East, but in the world..." "You can be sure that your stay here is temporary. We will not allow any force to raise any issue detrimental to the Right of Return to Palestine. I congratulate President Emil Lahud who has said countless times that there will be no solution for the Palestinians that does not include their return to Palestine. To him we respond: 'Yes.' This position has the consensus of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership... We emphasize that the Palestinian leadership will not sign a peace agreement without guaranteeing Palestinian rights, and first and foremost the Right of Return, the liberation of Jerusalem and its return to full Palestinian sovereignty. These are our fundamental Palestinian principles, to which we hold fast and for which we fight." "The Al-Aqsa Intifada emphasizes these principles and axioms. Whoever thinks that the Intifada broke out because of the despised Sharon's visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is wrong, even if this visit was the straw that broke the back of the Palestinian people. This Intifada was planned in advance, ever since President Arafat's return from the Camp David negotiations, where he turned the table upside down on President Clinton. [Arafat] remained steadfast and challenged [Clinton]. He rejected the American terms and he did it in the heart of the US." "My visit here in South Lebanon is a clear message to the Zionist enemy. We say: Just as the national and Islamic Resistance in South Lebanon taught [israel] a lesson and made it withdraw humiliated and battered, so shall [israel] learn a lesson from the Palestinian Resistance in Palestine. The Palestinian Resistance will strike in Tel-Aviv, in Ashkelon, in Jerusalem, and in every inch of the land of natural Palestine. Israel will not have a single quiet night. There will be no security in the heart of Israel...." "The Palestinian people are patient, but when they take action - no one can stop them. When the Palestinian people are seized with rage, the world [becomes] familiar with it." "We say to the Zionist enemy and to the entire world: 'We will return to the early days of the PLO, to the sixties and seventies; 'the Fatah Hawks' will return, as will the ''Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades' [the military wing of the Hamas] and the 'Red Eagles' [the military arm of the 'Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine'].' A new stage will continue until the rights are returned to their owners... we will strike whoever blames us for the failure of the negotiations, because President Yasser Arafat's patience was greater than Job's. Arafat has become the Job of the twentieth century, because of what the US and Israel lay on him..."[2]
  13. scout

    Mid east

    here is a letter written by Arafat to a family of a suicide bomber in june 2001 BEFORE the second Intifada had started, talking about condoning terrorism: "The album, a telltale collection of condolence letters. This one here from the Hamas. But much more surprising for us, there is also a letter from Arafat. It was a heroic deed, he lets his embassy in Jordan write to the family. To turn one’s body into a bomb is the best example of willingness to make a sacrifice. Signed Yasser Arafat. [is] the assassin, the great role model for the President of Palestine, as well?" Segments from the text of the letter as visible from the German TV report*: In English Embassy of the State of Palestine The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Amman The emblem of the embassy with the Al-Aqsa Mosque and a map of Palestine [including what is now Israel] In Arabic To the brothers, the family of Al-Hotary and the Noble People of Qalqilya, With hearts that believe in Allah's will and predetermination, we have received the news about the martyrdom of the martyr…. Al-Hotary, the son of Palestine, whose noble soul ascended to… in order to rest in Allah's Kingdom, together with the Prophets, the men of virtue, and the martyrs. The heroic martyrdom operation … who turned his body into bombs … the model of manhood and sacrifice for the sake of Allah and the homeland… [unclear lines] that the martyr be… in Allah's mercy and will… Allah's grace and satisfaction… will inspire all members of his family… The best of condolences. To Allah we belong and to him we return back [Koran] Yasser Arafat, the President of the State of Palestine Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority [stamp Emblem] what do u say? i'll try to bring more. but thats our partner, not 20 years ago, in midst of fighting but right here right now!
  14. scout

    Mid east

    this is interview with person "C", allegdly Sharon, it maybe as well Cahana, some ppl say its sharon some say it isnt. its disturbing me that u automaticlly accepted its sharon without any hesitation. besides the point: u should be more disturbed that he came to power because thats a sign of the desperation israeli ppl came into after 8 years of a "peace" process. all that says is that more then 60% of ppl in israel have lost trust in Arafat and the PA, and any chance of peace! try to imagine what would bring more then 60% of the public to change views do dramaticly! what horrors they suffered, what the so called partner have done to change from left wing to such a right wing leader! thats a real achievement Arafat got himself, no?
  15. scout

    Mid east

    here is one from 1998 about "jewish control of the media" written by a newsletter in the PA control ofcourse by the PA: Wherever they have lived, Jews have been subject to hatred because of their monopoly over most of the economic resources on which people live. In 'The Merchant of Venice’, a play written by the English poet Shakespeare, the merchant Shylock epitomizes the avaricious Jew. Shylock is fraudulent, villainous and spiteful. This serves as the best example [of the hatred of Jews]. How, then, did the Jews manage to brainwash American and European public opinion? How did the image [of Jews] become that of the wise, courageous, ingenious, dexterous, and ambitiously innovative people?! "One is inevitably led to believe that the success of the Jews has not been a mere coincidence. It resulted from long and arduous years of planning, which preceded their cunning control of the world’s media. In a speech delivered in Prague in 1869, the Jewish Rabbi Yeshurun expressed this Jewish interest in the media, when he said: 'If gold is our first means to control the world, then the press should be our second one.' "The first [Zionist] Congress, held in Basle in 1897, marked an ominous turning point, because the participants expressed their [desire] to implement a criminal plot to set up the State of 'Israel'. They unanimously agreed that, unless complete control over the media, and the press in particular, is achieved, unless they fully subdue the press, so as to deny their enemies even one medium of expression, and unless they themselves act as filters of information in society, such a state [israel] would not reach fruition. "Nonetheless, the Jews could not change their obscene image until the turn of the century, because a number of Western nations fought against Zionist activities -- particularly the Americans, who were busy consolidating their Federation. [The Americans] were alarmed at the prospect of Jewish control over the American economy and foreign policy. Later, Jews managed to take control of much of America's media, as well as media in Europe and elsewhere. Thus, they managed, to some extent, to change the image of Jews as ugly and vile in the eyes of the world. They proved particularly successful in America and Europe. "When Nazi persecution of the Jews began, the winds began blowing in their favor. What Hitler did to the Jews actually exposed the Jewish plot. World public opinion, manipulated by the Jews, took advantage of these [persecutions], disseminating stories about a collective massacre. They concocted horrible stories of gas chambers which Hitler, they claimed, used to burn them alive. The press overflowed with pictures of Jews being gunned down by Hitler’s machine guns or being pushed into gas chambers. The [press] focused on [suffering] women, children and elderly people in order to rouse empathy and claim reparations, donations, and grants from around the world." "The truth is that such persecution was a malicious fabrication by the Jews. It is a myth which they named 'The Holocaust' in order to rouse empathy. Credible historians challenge this Jewish [myth], calling for [more] persuasive evidence to be presented. The Los Angeles Historical Society declared that it would grant US$50,000 to anyone who could prove Jews had been gassed to death. Jews exerted intense pressure and cast accusations of anti-Semitism everywhere in order to silence this challenge. Even if Hitler's onslaught facilitated the persecution of Jews to some degree, Jews certainly benefited from its aftermath…" "A look at the number of news agencies, newspapers, magazines, and TV networks under Jewish control demonstrates how influential they are in the mass media. They control several French and British newspapers, including the [London] Times through its owner, the Australian-based Jewish [magnate], Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch also owns three magazines that specialize in spreading prostitution. Jews have managed to monopolize the British chattering classes. In addition to The Times, they have taken over The Daily Express, Daily Mail and The Observer, as well as scores of other journals. In America, [Jews control] The New York Times, The New York Post, The Washington Post, The New York Magazine, The Business Week, etc. In France, [they own] Nouveaux Cahiers, L'Express, Le Figaro, Le Cotidiene de Paris and France Soir. In other Western countries, like Australia, they also own their fair share of the media, including the world's leading TV networks. ABC, NBC, CBS, and many more are all controlled by Jews." "It is evident that Jewish control over mass media has been harnessed to put a pleasant face on the vile image of Jews, while at the same time vilifying Arabs. This is meant to persuade world public opinion that Arabs are the historic enemies of Christian culture, focusing on the defeat of the Crusaders in the Battle of Hittin and their consequent expulsion from Palestine. Furthermore, Jews spread prostitution as a means of plunging the world into decadence, abomination, and corruption…." Damn where is my Whip? i need to teach the BBC what is to step put of line!
  16. scout


    ok here are couple of things i know: 1. britain saved the critical mass of its army in dunkirk so there wasnt any chance of invading even if the germans succeeded to disable the RAF. 2. what turned the war in the eastern front was mainly two things: putting Zhukov as a commander in the southern front and bringing 1.5 mil seasoned and winter equiped soldiers from siberia. 3. i agree that the germans could push farther if they started earlier but all it would get them was a delay. the USSR had already redeployed its gov. and major industry in the Ural line. 4.the germans had real problem with their lines of supply. they just werent ready for the huge problems. the USSR didnt have a developed road and rail systems then. 5. the partisans were a major problem, holding more then 0.5mil axis troops for security. 6. the amount of troops germany used in this op was larger then the amout of troops they had in western europe! thats it 4 now
  17. scout

    Vote on favorite war hero, fiction or real

    u r wrong tex: 1. the decision of what to attack and where was his. 2. he often contradicted the plans of his commanders and done so successfuly 3. the island humping was perfected to an art by him and again, the decisions of what and how was his. 4. he lost 90700~ altogether in WWII dead and wounded. to compare: battle of the buldge: 109000~ dead and wounded. 5. his decisions in korea were militarily sound. when u interfere politics with tactics thats what u get. just look at Vietnam! there is no such thing "limited war" that an illusion by ppl who havent fought at all.
  18. scout

    .50 cal sniping mission

    here is a piece of my mind: the best mission for a sniper with barret going solo is attacking a command center: couple of BRDM's, UAZ, some tents and some squads defendind it on key points. i would suggest to put another team member but if u go solo here is the load they take: Barret+4 mags of 10 bullets M-16 (short) + 4 mags 2 smokes 2 claymores 2 frags. ghilli suit. thats the basic load and it fucking heavy! about 25 kg. if u give him a point, that would be more realistic. edit: forgot NVG. and the insertion method can be on foot or arial, thats the best. the reason to take m-16 is the fact that u just cant fight worth a damn with a 28 pds. sniper rifle!
  19. ill second that, altough mental endurence comes into equasion here, no matter how u twist it, humping hill with 50k for long time will make u tired no matter how fit ur!
  20. scout

    Hit 3 years today

    i did 5 years thank u very much, and im doing 2 moths of ToD every year. they have a saying here: a reserve is a regular who is given long vacation every once in a while
  21. scout

    U.s. socom

    we dont use numbers, other wise those paper pusher would walk around counting fingers all day!
  22. scout


    satchel: read what albert wrote. nice numbers on papers, but the ability to conduct such op were existant. BTW. remember that northern englad and irland were outside the range. so actually the brits could maintain a pretty orderly buildup there, which they did. the main factories were also there. there was no real way to gain airsupiriority without aircraft carriers. no matter how u twist it, the german ability to gain air supiriority over englad was non-existant without bases in england, which couldnt be done without REAL navy, and air cover, which couldnt be done.......... what was important for the invasion wasnt the bombers. it was all those fighter bombers, and the dive bombers that didnt have the range to support the invasion. without an ME-109 and Stukas, there wouldnt be any way to make use of the air supiriority.
  23. scout

    Mid east

    typical but quite wrong, the blame of the educational system is easy to make, but i dont remember anything of this kind. and any way, most 16 year old kids already have pretty good idea about politics and they are quite indpendant. but all of them are divided equelly between right and left. by the time most finished army, they also know somethings from field exp. the man just found himself an easy target. what i do remember is huge arguments about almost anything, promoted by our teachers. in campuses there is the same thing. i might remind u that almost all students serve as reserves and they are mature and deep thinkers with large exp. on whats going on, and they too have almost every opinion from extreme left ro right. i'd say that these refuseniks arent liked by the left because they in an essence chose a way that is ruining the ability of israel to defend itself. this is the same thing as if any military would go on strike! its unacceptable!
  24. scout

    Just went to france

    Jeez! why arent they doing weapons for soldier instead of showing off? man, thats what happens when u give designers to have their way!
  25. scout


    sathcel: in order to have air-supiriority, u need to able to maintain it above the battle field. that was the weakest point with the germans. they couldnt do it, simply not enough airplanes (in order to do it the allies used more then 5000 planes on the western front alone) and as i said before, in order to invade u need amph. ships. simple as that. if u dont have em, no amout of planes would help you.