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Posts posted by su27

  1. If you want a quick start check out octobers quick and dirty insurgency tutorial:

    I'm trying to create my own Insurgency mission and did everything exactly as in the video but nothing ever spawns. I see markers on the map but there is no unit when when I teleport there. Any ideas?

    EDIT: I've just tried the same with Altis and vanilla units. Nothing spawns on my map. What am I doing wrong?

  2. Village relationships could be saved in the custom save, will try to remember to add it soon.

    WLS Performace is always slowly degrading for me to the point I'm unable to use Shift+1. But starting new game and the choose resume option makes the WLS running fast again. So it's a good option to play the mission much longer. But I'd like to have my bribed friends again :)

  3. I will copy all latest scripts to WLS at somepoint, but will need to tweak many things to fit good on that island (having different ways to gather prestige).

    Having guardpost near camp with AT-launcher, tank, mg and AI-teams already have big effect. But there is always change to loose camps.

    It's just it never looses when I'm around - I don't have to do anything, just watch how enemy comes in waves and dies. But it looses in 50% of cases when I'm far away. And it's in the area deep behind the frontlines where I have many camps around with AA, tanks and with some HC units patroling around.

    It is really frustrating and takes away some of the fun. Just look into it when you'll have some free time, please :)

  4. I set a skirmish between two groups in a forest.

    For the first time I got a frame rate above 30fps with high settings (1680x1050, post turned off, terrain normal, object normal and the rest, including AA and AF on high, visibility 3000).

    I don't know what BIS did with 58879 but it works. For the first time I'm happy with A2 :)

    C2D E8650@3,6MHZ

    4GB RAM

    Slightly OC-ed GTX260 (192)

    WinXP 32-bit
