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Posts posted by Supah
FYI, there is FreeFalcon5 out. Which is Falcon4 on steroids.
Multiple aircraft supported out of the box. Multiple cockpits. Upgraded AI. More realistic weapons systems. Carrier operations...and tons more. Check it out sometime. Oh and updated graphics and effects. Higher fidelity models also.
For me FreeFalcon5 works find on Vista and XP for me but crashes on Windows 7 but it my just be my setup.
Well for most, even after the recent patch, it is still highly unstable in most campaigns. Recently they fixed one of the campaigns but even there you get quite a few crashes. The campaign engine before this patch was just broken, which is sad because it is the main selling point for anything Falcon 4 based.
And in the end of the day when you want true combat flight sim, fire up Falcon 4 with latest user addons ;)Well I wouldn't try freefalcon unless you are willing to put up with a lot of instabillity!
In warfare missions it would be cool if you could airlift the command vehicle to a new location. Would add some interesting game play options!
It was one thing i was looking at but its too hard to script properly. So in short no there wont be a CCIP. There is a toggleable bomb line available in the HUD though.As for Cluster bombs, ArmA2's new weapons system means those can be added later but we wont be including cluster bombs in the initial release.
But anyone can now create their own weapons pack and configure the aircraft however you like.
Too bad it's not feasibly possible but alas. Perhaps Operation Arrowhead will bring new possibilities to the game? I'd like to learn how to make 3D models so perhaps making a weapon pack is just the thing, bombs rarely have really complex shapes, especially CBU's.
Any chance of a CCIP piper with cluster bombs? ;)
I'm looking forward to this a lot too, I remember how great the FDFMOD always was for OFP:Res. Will the mod come with a (coop playable) campaign again? Those were always my favorite non stock campaigns in Resistance :)
I'd rather have fairly realistic but still flyable in a fun manner then total realisme that is no fun and almost unusable.
Still playing it, played all the versions since OFP came out. Didn't like ArmA I much but really enjoying ArmA II with some of my friends :)
Of all the possible vehicles and guns suitable for nam the one I am most looking forward to is the Huey!
F-16AM Fighting Falcon J-063 86-0063
MiG Killer - 60 Years 322 Sqn commemorative paintscheme
This F-16AM was the machine Col. Tankink used to shoot down a Serbian AF MiG-29 using a AIM-120 missile. His kill was the first one by a RNLAF pilot since WW2. It is depicted here in it's special paintscheme to commemorate the 60th year in existance of 322nd RF Squadron, the oldest squadron in the RNLAF. It was established during WW2 comprising of mostly dutch pilot's in part due to support of HRH Prince Bernhard.
Here's a pack of the ArmA2 SLX Mod addons so far: them out and give feedback if you want. They need the CBA addon for the extended eventhandlers. I tried to make them more separate so they can all be released individually. The AI settings might be off since I have to run on the lowest settings on the laptop I'm using and I can't see very far in the game.
BIS did a pretty good job implementing a lot of ArmA1 SLX Mod features but there always seem to be things that need more polishing and fixing. The most critical problem in ArmA 2 is the findcover and sethidebehind functions not working, leaving AI's usually trying to hide in front of things when using the default AI.
Take care.
Could you outline what exactly this mod does?
@MondkalbNo it doesn't. This marking i'll keep for claninternal use, public variant will have a more neutral marking. It is WIP.
Good point. At first i would reply that Sidewinders in Wingtips is common loadout but then a google picture search showed me that mostly AMRAAM's are on Wingtips.
However, for me there are 2 reasons why i've put Sidewinders:
- AIM9 are close range missiles while the AIM120 is designed for BVR Combat. So for most missions a AIM9 seems to make more sens than a AIM120 (i'm guessing that, no pro here)
- For me personally, the quite smaller AIM9 looks visually better on the Wingtips than the AIM120.
Might be change, i'll surely think about it.
The F-16 is equiped with a M61A1 Cannon including 500rounds. So i don't know what you mean.
I will try if i can manage this. I'm not a pro modder, i'm just fiddling with Footmunchs model which was improved by Snake Man. But i'll put it on my TODO list.
Unlike how the pilot has his hands, the F-16 has no center stick but throttle control on the left and flight control stick on the right. As i wrote above, i'm not a modder and honestly the benefit to include those details is...well, quite low. However, i will see if i can find another pilot position which fits better.
Didnt made any in-depth tests but now a quick trial-and-error session showed me that it needs a setvehicleammo 0 command prior to reloading new weapons. The following code worked for me:
_plane = _this select 0; _plane setVehicleAmmo 0; _maglist = ["500Rnd_20mm_M61A1_GLT", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_GLT", "2Rnd_AIM120_GLT", "2Rnd_Maverick_GLT", "2Rnd_Mk82_GLT"]; _weplist = ["GLT_M61A1", "GLT_SidewinderLaucher", "GLT_AIM120Launcher", "GLT_MaverickLauncher", "GLT_BombLauncher_Mk82"]; removeallweapons _plane; {_plane addmagazine _x} foreach _maglist; {_plane addWeapon _x} foreach _weplist;
Placed a F-16 CAP and changed loadout via above script to F-16 Multirole.
Please remember that the order you apply them controls where they are mounted. Ordering is from outside to inside ,altering left/right.
So if you apply a Mk82 first, they will be mounted on Wingtips. :D
Just tested it and found out the following: addWeapon order doesn't matter, it's just the addMagazine that affects the mount order on the plane.
I guess i will switch AIM9 and AIM120 at least on the Multirole variant.
Sorry if this is slightly offtopic but will this method work with the default A-10 too to change the loadout to for instance all LGB's?
On the other hand the bubolic plague in the dark ages did wonders for the economy by introducing labour as a resource to be cared for (workers became sparce) and killing of a whole lot of unnecesary government (all the local lords, dukes etc.) thus lower the tax pressure on citizens. It is viewed by some as the start of our modern economic societies :) Who knows what this influenza brings.
Go to the wiki and read:# How to download releases (YAS or HTTP download available)
# Port your ArmA island to ArmA II
KJU: Will there be a release in the future with one big download and all the files zipped in a correct directory structure? At the moment installing it is very error prone because of all the download, I really don't feel like installing a fourth party program just to install addons.
I've sent you a PM with some images, if you or the people working on the model need more info let me know and I will see what I have :) I have 4 gb of falcon images ;)
Hmm I've done a lot of research on falcons for some of my artwork and this loadout is totally impossible. You can not load AIM-120's on a TER-9A, I don't even think its possible to mix stores on a TER-9A. The RNLAF never uses the Nav pod of the LANTIRN system. The station where you have the two AIM-120's and the Mk-84 is almost always used for a fueltank, the maverick requires a pylon adapter which appears to be missing and your sidewinder has a AIM-9P Seekerhead which hasn't been used on the F-16AM, Last time I saw one mounted was on a Block10 OCU machine in '95. Also the stencelling on the nose concerning exterior ejection procedures is very distinctive for dutch falcons with a large black placard.
Good to see people cooperating! :)
the thing that gets me about all this is that school killings even happened in the 70's and 80's... i wonder what games they blame for those... idiots, those politicians...Dungeons and Dragons ;)
If you honestly think that that is some form of F-16 clone you need glasses, it looks more like a Typhoon/eurofighter then a Falcon. Rumours are it is based on a Lavi prototype sold to China. China makes some pretty good airplanes so there is no reason to doubt the J-10 is a capable plane :)
The installation for CAA1 is overly difficult, why do I need to download all those seperate files which just makes it very likely that people will miss one? Why not have it in one big download? I don't want to install fourth party programs to install addons.
I did a lot of long exposures in the past :) I love nightphotography because of the beautifull moonlight. I will see if I cant dig some up!
Some pictures taken during some of my flights over the frisian region of northwestern europe :)
Seagrasses grown on a tidal plane near an East Frisian island.
The coastline of Ameland, one of the west frisian islands. Picture taken shortly after takeoff from the airport (where they made me pay tourist tax for every one of my 5 practice landings!)
glynn.are you trying to settle some score?Seconded, you are coming across like someone with a chip on his shoulder Glynn.
Just have a close look at the FSX model (in game) and his video from Arma 1ALL rivets on the skin are in exactly the same spots , not close, exactly. All colours in cockpit, landing gear etc are exactly the same. Model is exactly the same shape including skin deformations where spars meet.
He claims he used FSX as inspiration, BUT, he claims to have used various 3d models YET his 3d model is exactly the same as FSX Model
---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------
It was converted from the MAULE that comes with FSX itself
That does not constitute proof man.
FDFmod for ArmA II
Will this mod come with a COOP capable campaign?:)