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Everything posted by Supah
Proof for your claim that this is a port from FSX. If you don't have them you shouldn't be making those claims.
Very cool looking :) Do you have anymore plans for General Aviation aircraft like cessna's? If so I have quite a few walkaround pictures I've taken that I wouldn't mind sharing with you guys.
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
Nice cat! What breed is it? I love cats, wish I could have one too but I am away from home to much. -
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
Whisk(e)y is an acquired taste :) I have loads of picture showing the F-16 like that, thought I'd go for something slightly different. But because we aim to please: And a whole different look at the F-16! Thanks about the profiles :) I do them semi-professionally. -
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
Manfroto tripods can also be used to club whales to death wheen in a ray mears survival situation! I have heavy tripod too but not from manfroto ... meh! Here is one for starters! A RNLAF 322 Sqn F-16AM in the februari sun. It was carrying practice LGB's on its outer pylon's on the lower station of a TER-9A Triple Ejector Rack. The pilot is using his LANTIRN Targeting pod to check out me and my fancy camera! ---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 AM ---------- Another one of another one of my hobbies! Whiskey! A HDR Attempt at product photography. -
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
That's quite an updated DM (Supah here)! I really should post some of my more recent photography but lately I keep finding I am to lazy to process my pictures from RAW :icon_rolleyes: -
Yes you can :)
Well I do think the throttle would be better if the airbrake was moved to another key and a larger range of motion given to the throttle, this would give it more values in between all and nothing. It would make the flying experience a lot nicer.
As a private pilot and a long time flight sim pilot I think a gigantic leap in flyability of fixed wing aircraft in ArmA2 could be achieved if the throttle setup was changed. It is now way to easy to stall your aircraft due to idle being a mode that also slows you down via braking. If it was changed for fixed wing aircraft that throttle at 0% would mean just that and the airbrakes (if even present, lots of prop planes dont even have them) could be mapped to another key that would help gigantically. I don't want a super accurate flight model, as long as it is pleasant to fly and certain basic parameters as max speed and weapon range / power are ok I am more then satisfied. Give me a well handling A-1 Skyraider in ArmA2 and I will never look back ;)
ArmA2 still has the same throttle setup for planes meaning idle opens your airbrakes. I do believe it is easier to controll your speed with a joystick that has a throttle axis. Using a joystick makes for some sweet low level helicopter flying!
If I were the FreeTrack people I would complain to the European Union representative Mrs. Kroes about this. If microsoft isn't even allowed to incorporate its own webbrowser into its own Operating System then this must be as illegal as it gets.
You can have that to a degree when you attach a joystick. Only bit iffy bit is that the throttles center position is Idle, the most rearward is slow down (or down in helicopters) and the full throtle is just that (or up in helicopters). The planes and choppers are a lot nicer to fly with a throttle :)
The raising of the flag on Iwo Jima was done when it originally happened but there was no photographer present so it was laer decided that the original men had to redo it. Btw "Ira Hayes" .... the ballad of Ira Hayes done by Bob Dylan ... super cool. I played that today driving home from work! Even about this spokesperson cant complain. the raising of the hammer and sickle over the reichstag was redone too
So it's alright to steal land from a farmer? So it's alright to steal my catering company? (which IS a means of production) No no ! It's not a company! It's slavery! Those poor employees of yours would be much happier unemployed according to spokesperson
Yeeees who cares when people who have more then you get robbed of their rightfull possessions right? It won't affect you, but after a while you will be the one who owns the most and you will lose your house, your computer, your car and everything because the great dictator needs more and more for "the people" i.e. his relatives and cronies. I remember this poem I once read; When they came for the homosexuals I said nothing because I am not a homosexuals When they came for the black I said nothing because I am not black When they came for the jews I said nothing because I am not a jew And when the came for me there was noone left to say anything. You do not have the right to sieze anything, especially not when you suffer from enough moral cowardice to exclude what you own, apparently a  toothbrush and a computer. It's easy talking like you do when you have accomplished little and thus have little to have taken away. I don't mind sharing and I don't mind paying someone an honest wage for their efforts. What I do mind is theft.
Castro never seeked US assistance. He expropriated the capitalists and socialized their companies. There are many different types of socialists. After the US response it was evident that he had to actively cooperate with the Soviets. Which was natural. Socialists cooperate, and non-socialists do. That's class war. We're talking about the US here. Not other countries. In a parliamentary liberal-democracy it is easier to get a seat without having lots of money. But advertising and propaganda is a big part of the system. Small parties usually have no chance to compete with the big. Especially in the UK which is a 2-3 party system more or less. I'm a member of the working class, therefore socialism is the better option for me. Yes, I know how society works and you're what they call sheep. You my friend are either a great comedian or someone who has been locked up since the 1920's and never saw the horrors that came to light after all the eastern european communist states fell. The people didn't like communisme, ceauceascu got that hint in first person. If you really think that Cuba is ruled by the working people perhaps we should have a collection on this forum on paypall to send you to this workers paradise for good, too bad for you the great commander just quit his job and his brother is allready reforming his fataly flawed policy.
I doubt anyone on this forum is a member of the owning class. You're just echoing the opinions of the owning class. There might be prostitutes on Cuba due to the increase in tourism, but on Cuba all people got a job they can live on, unlike in the US with its unemployment, double or triple jobs. Before the revolution Cuba was well known for its corruption, prostiution gambling etc. Since things have changed to the better. I'm not talking about any worker utopias. I'm a marxist and I have no utopian beliefs. It's a fact that Cuba is a country run by the people for the people. No corporations or capitalists come in between. But just because Cuba is socialist, it doesn't mean that resources, food, etc can appear out of nowhere like magic as you think things seem to work. And naturally some people go to the US in rafts, because US is a rich country. Haitians Mexicans Europeans etc move there to. I used to manage a chain of restaurants owned by my family. Since then I have been bought out, I think I own quite a considerable load of crap. The one thing coming in between in cuba appears to be the government who take very good care of themselves but forget about the people. Resources, food etc. are Grown by farmers, mined by miners or oil driller people. Those people are either self employed (in case of farmers) or work for large corporations. Their goal in doing this is to turn a profit, the goal of the people doing the logistics is to turn a profit as is the goal of the person selling it to you the end consumer. Everyone in this chain makes a buck out of the product, money which finds its way down to you the end consumer because more often then not the middle men employ alot of consumer you's. This is not an evil proces, it's the one that works the best. I think I have quite a strong grasp of how the economy works having been an entrepeneur myself for a couple of years. The reason why people risk their lives to escape to the US is because they either are dissidents (Hey nice, you dont agree with me so your a criminal) or because they are fed up with being poor. communisme, in all its splinter forms, is based on applaudable thought. That everybody should be equal and that noone should have nothing. Sadly it also drains people of initiative and doesnt not take into account the ethical weakness of men and invariably leads to despotisme and fear based police states. Capitalisme isnt perfect either, like I said before, truth is never on one side alone. You need to have a social security system, a safety net as it were.
No, Cuba is the ONLY country in the world that has sustainable development. This according to the WWF. For instance: http://www.ecosherpa.com/news....lopment So where did I get my 2% in slums to begin with? I said my source was UN-Habitat. That's the UN. According to the UN, more people live in slums in the US than in Cuba. See for yourself: http://earthtrends.wri.org/searcha....ID=1311 But get the facts. Cuba is a third world country. But it's achieved a great deal, and it's achieved more than many developed countries like the US in many areas. That's remarkable. A third world country manages better than the US. Cuba does its best in its situation of pressure. Nobel prizes? Jesus. Cuba hasn't as high living standards as the US, but the cuban system is a lot better. Many have tried. But it's only in modern age the slaves of the owning classes have been able to successfully overthrow their masters and seize power. Castro, one of the last true politicians, deserves a good retirement. I wish him a long and happy life because of what he accomplished both in Cuba, to the benefit of the Cuban people, and in the rest of the world. Despite what the capitalist-run press says about him he will remain a true humanist and hero. Here is a message from the owning class, what I hear from cuba is mainly having to fight off prostitutes willing to do anything for a handfull of dollars. If your workers utopia really existed why does that happen? Your kind are full of lies, the truth is never on the left or on the right but in between. Cuba isnt a lovely wonderland of nice and bliss. Why do you think people risk their lives on flimsy rafts and boats never designed to carry as many people? Because life under castro is as great? The cuban system has brought very mixed fortunes to its people over the last years. I grew up in a liberal society ... I am a whole lot better of then the cuban people both financially and socially.
Scientology is not a disease it is a religion. It is not something to be faught persay. If there have been excesses then those should be reported to the proper officials and they will take action when the law allows for that. If every religion that ever used cohersion, intimidation and outright murder got disbanded and banned then a lot of people will find themselves with a lot of free time on their hands on sunday's and fridays. Again, if scientology breaks the law then they should be held accountable by the proper officials not some internet lynch mob. Gesundes Volksempfinden is not a fair and just system. If it were up to me then Tom Cruise would have been exiled to Elba a long time ago .... in the meantime I just don't go to see his movies.
Scientology is a religion and people have the right the believe what ever they want. You can't claim rights for your own religion or believe system (including athiesme) and then trample on the rights of those that believe in something else. Though I too am not too fond of Scientology, in part due to that annoying Cruise nutjob, I think that coordinated action against a religion is wrong. Replace scientology in this whole deal with any of the other religions, judaisme catholocisme Islam etc. and you get a international outrage. Scientology has a right to exist and if they break laws they should be prosecuted by the proper authoroties not by some internet lynch mob.
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
You are really getting around this globe killagee I'd almost expect you to be in a constant state of jet-lag, at the least you should be an expert on it by now Wonderfull images! -
Windmills suck! They deliver power when you least need it and when you do you can't increase their output like you can with more traditional power suppliers. Also as a person from a rural community, photographer, private pilot and allround genius I think they fuck up the countryside. Fly over Ost-Friesland (norther germany) and there is one almost every 100 meters. It's awfull. Nuclear is the future! [CAS]Daniel: Those children are sick little bastard, probably raised by even sicker large bastards, and I hope something they love very much, like a pet or something, suffers the same fate soon. They seem to have no respect for life so why have respect for theirs? But that's just the teacher in me speaking ofcourse.
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
And a vietnam classic! A A-1 Skyraider! I have been seeing this exact same aircraft since I was 15 or something at various airshows, must be more then thirty times by now! -
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
Well it should make the colours look better thats true also it will reduce reflection but it will never be 100%. Depending on how big your fishtank is you could buy scuba gear, one of those underwater cases for your camera and try that approach Nah just kidding with you! A picture of mine! Curtiss Hawk 75 at flying legends (the fifth time I saw this one) -
Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb
Supah replied to Major Fubar's topic in OFFTOPIC
Wow! Well even with a pola filter I doubt you'd get as nice results as these! Outstanding