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Everything posted by Supah

  1. Supah

    military photography

    Good shots Like the flanker, how many of them do you still have operational? Is the full sensor package still operational? Does the Ukraine have a AWACS force? About that transport, is it being produced in any number? Last I heard it was just a prototype that seemed to be going nowhere.
  2. Supah

    military photography

    Hi none of the rivok.org hosted images work
  3. Supah

    The Art thread

    My rendition of the Falcon's ACES II Ejection seat
  4. Supah

    Schumacher announces retirement!

    .... if you honestly believe that then you so need to have a reality check. Senna was the superiour driver AND the superiour sportsman. I am not a sore loser but I can recognize un-sportsman like behaviour when I see it. Schumacher has had a string of such behaviour through out his carreer.
  5. Supah

    Schumacher announces retirement!

    Exactly, and it's not like he did it once, he tried it a lot of time. The man did Formula 1 a lot more harm then good. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  6. Supah

    The Art thread

    More work on the F-16C Thanks Killagee btw !
  7. Supah

    FS X

    In unstable jets like F-16, you should also force your nose "pendulum" effect by applying stick downward when nose goes down, and upward when nose goes up, synchronized, to reinforce the movement, so that at some point your forward speed, nose down, is enough to stop the whole movement (not really sure of the flight mechanisms behind :P ) . At least, it was presented like that in Falcon4 to get out of flat spins. Knowing that you parctically couldn't get out of inverted flat spin. You can in a F-16, you have to "pump the nose" as it were like you described earlier. After a few pumps it will flip over into a upright position. You have to set the computer system to override in the real thing though, the switch is located at your left side panel, to the rear (IIRC). Undoable if you have your seat set to anything BUT the lowest position. In the RNLAF this manouvre is only practiced by test pilots IRL and operational pilots only do it in the Unit Level Simulator.
  8. Supah

    FS X

    Try again IL2/PF under latest patch with AFM then, because they completely reworked it, LOMAC/FC style. I think now the scripted parts of old IL2 FMs have been removed. Same with LOMAC/FC, the old frames FMs are probably scripted, the Su25/Su-25T from FC probably aren't anymore. Impressive work. I tried it a lot but the new "improved" FM's are so crazy its hilarious almost.
  9. Supah

    FS X

    Well the full game has been released. I bought the deluxe edition, must say it runs a lot less mooth then the Demo did. Still tweaking the settings to get it to run smooth Anyone else have any experiences to share?
  10. Supah

    The Art thread

    Started on paintscheme, shading, and some basic markings
  11. Supah

    The Art thread

    Some designs I am working on for a upcoming profile Guess which unit / aircraft type
  12. Supah

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Dirty bug, *Squash* Never liked bugs nor do i think the photo is that special
  13. Supah

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Lot's of work sadly This is my first weekend off in 2 months. Also when I had a day off the weather has been mostly crap with loads of rain and wind. Not good for aviation photography
  14. Supah

    Real life photography/photo editing

    NICE raedor!
  15. Supah

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Hi guys! I recently bought a Logitech precision PC Gaming headset which I am connecting to my PC through My Creative Labs Soundblaster ZS2 platinum Pro. I however can not get it to work in any of the games I play. When I mess with the voice recording settings under configuration --> Sound and Audio devices it does appear to work and I can hear it working too. I am at a loss what to try atm :S Any ideas?
  16. Exactly. Things happen. No need for some blamegame which only serves the interests of a government that would rather have us all confined to our houses out of which we are only allowed to do nothing else in our lives but work, take part in "safe and sanitised" entertainment and pay taxes. If I ever win a lottery I am going to buy a old fighter jet, F-104 or F-4 and install some of the most smokey and noisy J-79's money can buy and just run it up every day just to piss of people who can't stand other people having fun in other ways then going to the IKEA on sunday with the missus and the spoiled ritalin popping brats.
  17. If you take the F4 Phantom that is in your sig and crash it they will investigate the cause of the crash as well, same as with every KLU F16 that crashes. The F16 is not experimental at all, but they will still investigate it, and as the dragracer is not "your dads opel corsa", the F16 is not "your dads cessna". Go fast, land hard. You are failing to make sense. There is a difference between a safety investigation into accidents and a criminal investigation out to lay blame and to punish individuals involved by taking their money. You are making the same thought error the dutch government is making in not being able to differentiate between these two. This is the main reason people in the aviation industry are becoming more and more reluctant to work together with the authorities. To immediatly threaten (monetary) sanctions does not motivate people to take part in an investigation. In this case the crash was on private terrain and all those involved do not appear to desire a criminal investigation aimed at monetary punishment. The british government is being highly counter productive here. Taking 10.000 pounds (to name a figure) from the BBC or the owners of the vehicles does NOTHING to prevent further accidents and does NOT make the world a safer place. The RNLAF will investigate crashes internally and if it is found there have been mistakes made then procedures will be improved and measures taken to prevent this from happening again. These will NOT take the form of fines aimed at individuals. This crash however did not involve a public site, a government owned vehicle, a vehicle registered to be used on the open road nor did any of the involved people voice a desire to have this investigated for the purpose of fining or otherwise punishing individuals. This is just a government trying to assert its nanny state, trying to make money and interfering in an affair it has no place in. If I were to buy a large piece of flat land, strap myself in a rocket on wheels and blast myself across the ground killing myself in the process I should have the right to do so. It is my decision to make. I do not need the interferance of the association of housewives, beancounters, the aged and the cowardly. "Go fast, land hard" is exactly the risk Hammond, a mildly sane adult, was taking. What's next? If I hit myself in the face the government files a abuse charge against/for me?
  18. That is probably the worst comparison I have ever seen drawn in my life. This was a jet powered dragracer going at close too 300 knots on a disused runway. A landspeed record attempt. This is not your dads opel corsa that got serviced by a certified garage or something. If you take machines to extreme conditions strange things will happen. It is good too investigate what happens but to immediatly also state that you are going to punish anyone who made a mistake monetarilly is dimwitted and it is this very criminally moronic behaviour that is putting a big shadow over test flying in the netherlands. Does fining someone who made a human error bring back the dead and restore the damage? No it only serves to make lesser men (pencil pushers and beancounters ) feel all macho and cool because they can take money from the people who actually take risks greater then a papercut. Richard Hammond took a calculated risk when he got into that Jet powered drag racer. Things can break due to circumstances beyond anyones control and perhaps he made a small error which can have big consequences at 300 knots. The race for speed records has claimed lives of great men like Malcolm Campbell but these men stepped into their cockpit's of their own free will. Do you think guys like Campbell cared a rat's ass about sad little civil servants and their sad little investigations? This modern day need to nanny everyone and to financially punish anyone who dare step out of the mould is deeply sickening. If Richard Hammond doesn't feel a need for a criminal investigation against the owners and maintainers of the vehicle then the government should butt out.
  19. I find this fingerpointing stupid. A big enquiry who is to blame? I know who is to blame, Richard Hammond. He knew the risks involved and took them. Landspeed Record Attempts are dangerous and sometimes things go wrong. I am very glad Richard is doing well as I love the show and the part he has in it, bit sad for him this has happened at all because once he recovers fully you can count on Clarkson and May using this against him endlessly Too bad he didnt break the record, but there is always next time!
  20. Recently i was messing around reskinning the FDF mod MiG-21 Fishbed in "nogovan" colours. There were some replies to that that lead me to believe that there would be an interest in a Addon pack that featured nogovan airforce units. I refined the roundel used (someone pointed out to me that the nigerians allready use it) to this Is there any interest in such a addon pack ? How do you people feel about the roundel? What kind of planes would you like to see incorporated ?
  21. Supah

    Schumacher announces retirement!

    Oh yes like the dramatical drop in viewing numbers Schumacher, ferrari and barrichello caused with their team-orders stuntsx? Those antics nearly killed F1 in the USA. Great going ... not.
  22. Supah

    Schumacher announces retirement!

    And how he attempted the same thing with villeneuve! O that glorious bit of footage shot from the pedastal camera above the air intake showing the Wheel struts collaps on schumachers car and the wheel folding over the nose of his car. They should have banned him from F1 there and then, it would have done Formula 1 a lot of good.
  23. Supah

    Real life photography/photo editing

    You kids and your tupperware
  24. Supah

    Real life photography/photo editing

    hehe Love img2321.jpg! "No fish allowed beyond this point"
  25. Supah

    The Art thread

    I'm sure there's a market for your illustrations as they are superb. I was more refering to this in general. Most people simply do it because it's fun. There are markets for other areas too such as bird illustrators etc. Those are generally done by real painters but I am sure that you could do it with the computer too. I actually prefer to watch at good illustrations rather than pictures. Mainly because you get a consistent look to them. By the way, how are your illustrations doing? Have they been featured in any books or magazines? I am working on a number of bookdeals and am being published by a few european organisations, though mainly on a print on demand basis.