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Everything posted by sn1per
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (foxer @ Mar. 11 2002,07:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would have those group of people you was with to beat him up then pee on his face.<--really seen that happen,was on a video.These group of guys kick this guy ass and this one guy piss on his face.<span id='postcolor'> Guess it would go to this "priceless" movies site get yourself drunk: 15€ Beat somebody up with big group and pee on his face while getting your face on surveillance tape for later police evidence: priceless
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Chan @ Feb. 28 2002,07:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Morpheus is currently down, they are going to release a patch for a new version of Morpheus saying its even easier than now... how easy can it get... are people getting THAT lazy? Â <span id='postcolor'> Morheus will charge users from now on. I guess that's the reason why there's not as many user in kazaa. (kazaa, music city, morpheus and grokster all use the same network)
So it's the cop's fault you're doing something that is against the law?
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (supah @ Feb. 19 2002,21:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Wobble .... dont react to US bashing ... thats what they want. Like sn1pers country is such a shining beacon of greatness ..... mine isnt either. In the end all he is trying to do is provoke a reaction which justifies his views on things and no matter what you say he isnt gonna change his stance. Â Just let his kind of ppl be.<span id='postcolor'> Ok, my argument with wobble does not try to bash the U.S. not at all. It's just me and wobble having some different points of view.
you need to either learn how to have a proper pissing contest, or shut up because pointing out the absence of a comma isnt going to win you any arguments here. didnt you say you were done with this discussion? you seem to have a fear of commitment or lack of will.. maby you should be an english teacher so your grammer insults will actually wield some manner of power... Â just dont teach any classes over 5th grade or they may be too much for your... Â "wit" Mmm. nice text from a 21 year old kid. Just can't seem to find find what are you arguing about, except being pissed off for not mastering even one language properly. That's really magnificent! The fact I don't care about arguing with some redneck on the internet is that who really cares? (except you) Poor kid, hopefully this retard "pissing contest" gives you pleasure and teaches some grammar Ok, you go back to pissing against the wind
just because he said he had never been to EU doesent mean he though he was in EU.. Ive never been to alaska.. I guess me saying that means that sitting here in my room I think Im in alaska.. Yep, but if you would go to say ... Russia and when you get out of the plane in moscow airport, you would say "I've never been to Thailand before" I try, but im just one man, I really need state sponsorship to make any real difference. you ever really got anywhere anyway. Ok, maybe just a little more. It's does not a.k.a. doesn't. A little more practice with your native language and then you'll maybe get the sponsorship
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Feb. 19 2002,18:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes, as anyone here will tell you, I have no concept of humor.. I am daft to the concept of "funny" though through reading what you post I may some day achieve "ha ha" as they call it. ... bahh.. I have a saying  "fuckem"<span id='postcolor'> Good for you, perhaps one day it'll be a bit easier to show positive emotions. Bush once stated "I've never been to Europe before" as he was visiting Venezuela. (It's located in northeastern portion of South America) Not funny? Oh, well. One can't please everyone. Keep up spreding the word, the f word that is. Ok, I'm done with this nolifer argument. Hard day at work and everything Over and out. kettu kuittaa.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Feb. 19 2002,17:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes I made a typo, so my entire country is ignorant. Fuck you, "sn1per" ooh arnt we a l33t d00d..oohh ahh.. dont own me with your mad skillz or anything please.. goofy twat, what are you? like 15?<span id='postcolor'> Yeah, I'm the one who's 15. Right away you start to yell "F*ck you", usually a lot conclusions can be drawn from such things. And what comes to your country your president just happened to mix (again) words, this causing the value of Yen (the Japanese currency) to fall. Oh, well stupid is stupid does. P.S. btw, my first reply to your Kuwait post should have had [sarcasm] tags. Too bad you do not have this thing called "sense of humor" Lighten up that cap a bit.
*Drool* Wohoo! Just what the doctor ordered
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (4ntifa @ Feb. 19 2002,15:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">W00t w00t! Not me! The army is for the mainstream slaves and followers, not to mention militarists/fascists/sickos. "I don't wanna be a soldier I don't wanna kill, I don't wanna be a soldier I don't wanna die." -- John Lennon Refusing to serve the System is the way to go. You decide what to kill or die for (if anything), not some fat politician a-s-s-hole!<span id='postcolor'> Whoa Whoa!! Where's the MP Riot police now
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Feb. 19 2002,16:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LOL!! Â my work here is done<span id='postcolor'> Yeah, now you can go back to school. kuate? Did you mean Kuwait. Geesh, are these the "world police" nation...
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ Feb. 14 2002,12:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Blah it's like 2,5 more years before im in to the FDF. I will prolly go to Nylands brigad but i am thinking of requesting another units since they are really badly equipped, any one who has went to FDF comment this? AF/SOF is out of question for me got a bad eyesight on my right eye (luckily i am a left-handed person: sniping still works if i get an ambidextrous rifle). My dad was in the mortar troops and he hated it <span id='postcolor'> The personal equipment you nowadays get in FDF is not that bad. At least in Pori Brigade we mostly got from the mark 91 patch of clothes. If you are unfortunate enough to get from the older lot (made in sixties), you're fucked. The armament... I guess it is adequate for a small country. The difference between liking and hating the mortar troops is a matter of calibre. If you end up in a light mortar company, it will suck all the way, because you have to lug that bitch around the grounds, since light mortar is "man portable". If you end up in a heavy company, it rocks, since heavy mortar is not man portable and so you drive everywhere with trucks. You do this even when the jaeger companies walk. So you can give them the finger when you drive past. It's a lot of fun.  To qualify for sniping, you have to shoot awesomely with the assault rifle. And RK62 is not ambidexterous.<span id='postcolor'> It looks like a lot of us Finns have served in the same place, Pori Brigade in Säkylä. And I actually was in the same building with you. I was in 3.JK (3rd jaeger company), if I remember correctly it was right next to korohoro (a nickname for mortar company). When I was there, 3.JK was the recon company. And I guess I did pretty well with RK because I got qualified to sniper training and got even promoted to sergeant
I got lots of army memories. Most of them are from really funny times involving The airport of turku, BMP-2+farmer's fucked up woods and fields, BMP-2 + 10 armed grunts going to buy candy and food from a small local shop. I don't have the time to write everything now. But during one war exercise in which I was a group leader with a motorized brigade with bmps and Pasis (sort of BTRs), we went to a local shop with a bmp and parked it in front of the shop next to some nissan. It looked quite funny. We had been in the action for almost two weeks so we went to grab some refresments. Later I started to think how it looked, when 10 guys with small arms park their BMP in front of the shop and go in the shop and buy snickers (with assault rifles and LMGs in back):D During the same exercise I tried to shoot a moose with flare gun. Yeah, it ambushed us during our recon mission
Hopefully the Brits don't try to invade russia or sweden next. Probably they would end up in the shores of home sweet Finland This could be a fine scenario in mission editing
Great. I been waiting for a model with a wool cap
Yep. I too served in the Finnish military. Got trained as a group leader and sniper. It was nice time, got to shoot with various weapons, RK62 assault rifle, Valmet85 sniper rifle, Dragunov, 12,7AAMG, LAW (a live one, not the practise rocket), grenades and KVKK (light machine gun). Then we had training where we used explosives and saw the using of AT missiles, mortars, mines etc.
WHO has actually been in the army here?
sn1per replied to cpl_BOB's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yep. I too served in the Finnish military. Got trained as a group leader and sniper. It was nice time, got to shoot with various weapons, RK62 assault rifle, Valmet85 sniper rifle, Dragunov, 12,7AAMG, LAW (a live one, not the practise rocket), grenades and KVKK (light machine gun). Then we had training where we used explosives and saw the using of AT missiles, mortars, mines etc. -
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ Feb. 09 2002,00:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The accuracy is fine, I have seen people shoot standard NATO ammo with the M-16 family and put the bullets into 1 inch groups in real life. The maximum kill radious for an M-67 grenade is 18m, so I think OFP got it just about right except for the sound; they aren't loud enough in the game. Tyler<span id='postcolor'> Assault rifles are too accurate, by my opinion. I would like to see those heroes who shoot so accurately under fire. Firing range and combat are kinda different situations. Yep. the grenade's kill radius is in optimal (read open) conditions 18m. Anyway, IRL they're not nukes, just grenades. They're mostly for suppression and usually they cause casualties by wounding not killing personnel.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DigitalCenturion @ Feb. 08 2002,00:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Im a .308 kind of guy. I would love one especially in OFP. The G3KA4 would be much win. The AK74+GP25 and binoculars and i am all set. That is my config for the moment atleast.<span id='postcolor'> The GP25 really rules. When you get the touch of it theres nothing better I just wish the accurary of assault rifles would be decreased and the power of grenades adjusted to being more "wounding" rather that killing everything in 20 meters. And after these corrections the amount of ammo carried by troops could be increased to real life standars. (6 mags + 10-20 gp25 grenades) This adjustment would bring lots of realism to OFP. Anyway, it absolutely great already
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Feb. 07 2002,03:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">a better damage model where specific parts of the objects take specific damage would drastically improve the game. Â This counts for buildings and all other vehicles as well...<span id='postcolor'> You're right. It would be great to immobilze tanks with lucky LAW/RPG shots and then finish them from flanks etc.
In OFP my personal favourite is naturally AK74+grenadelauncher IRL, these used to be my service weapons. RK62 7.62 assault rifle Valmet85 .308 Sniper Rifle Nowadays Valmet85 is replaced by Dragunov
Heh, this is great. Something I always have wanted. Now I can go back to editing my city for malden and put some mean civilians to rebel against american "peace" force. (and perhaps ambush the peace forces armored column while they're thinking on what to with the civ's
Trenches and mortars, yes please. But first give us more ammo and decrease accuracy and grenades "kill power.
Yep. M113 is like paper in modern (and was like that even 1960's) combat. A handgrenade will puncture the armor. Check out the M113s in combat, they have lots of additional protection on them. Not just in the way normally tanks or APC's have. Using aluminum for armor sound really stupid. Oh well, crappy APC the M113 anyway. Really old design and armed only with HMG... And what comes to the Hind vs. UH-60 discussion, I've read combat reports of hinds surviving 5 RPG hits and They are not as slow and hard to control that this topic says. In chechnya at the grozny fighting hinds had to fly in cover of "secure" buildings (note: in urban environment) to reach the targets. Then they would "pop" from behind buildings to attack. I don't believe that a clumsy chopper could do that. But UH-60 and Mi-24 are for different purposes, the other one is a utility chopper and the other one is a gunship. although a hind can carry passengers