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Everything posted by sn1per
And nobody mentions that U.S. have used DU rounds in europe. Nice, especially when you know that DU rounds are now in the soil. Oh well, it just causes blood cancer and is very harmful to children, no big deal  That's the cause for so much protesting against DU rounds. U.S. soldiers in Desert Storm also got this syndrome, mostly caused by burning tanks destroyed with DU rounds. The DU round disintegrates into "dust" and in this way it can enter human lungs. That is the thing why (later in the war, when the risk was realized) U.S. soldiers were not allowed to enter or even stay close to destroyed armor.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RavenDK @ June 02 2002,04:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (sn1per @ May 30 2002,10:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another jet coming up. No cars, apcs or tanks. What's the deal? Is it harder to create ground units than it is to create planes? I would rather have btr or other wheeled (and armed) personnel carrier than any plane.<span id='postcolor'> http://www.operation-flashpoint.dk/ASP/aspsites/dk.asp get em all to work proberly (or just DK Guns, DDAM MOD DDAM PMV DDAM vĺbenpakke) <span id='postcolor'> Ok, I tried the DDAM jeep but there was some problems. I'll have to give 'em another try. Thanks mate
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ May 31 2002,19:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Muahahahahahaha........ *evil laughter* Well i was busy with uni and personal stuff lately, and since I believe NZ is the only country that has a possibility of surviving a WW3, I didn't give a damn about what was happening in the world! Â Thanx for links, Akira!<span id='postcolor'> Ah, NZ. My sister lives there. Very beautiul and the climate isn't too hot. Wish I had more time, so I could visit my sis'. Too bad Finland is on the other side of earth. The trip takes takes twp days And what comes to the India-Pakistan war, let them kill each other if they really are so stupid that they want war.
How much money one has does not affect the jail sentence on murders and such in finland. The only thing person's wealth affects when committing a crime is the fines (and of course better lawyers, bat that's same everywhere) Inb Finland criminals are treated with really strict system that treats everyone the same way, when it comes to "real" crimes. I think the U.S. system is far more worse that ours, good lawyers came somewhat easily set murderers free, it's all about the money. But please don't take me wrong, every country does it as they see fit. Few nice facts about Finland, the tax on gasoline is 70% and if you earn enough (90 000€/year) the income tax is 70% Really nice
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Akira @ May 30 2002,18:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ok that looks like an airport.... My god in heaven PLEASE don't tell me the airports use MS products....I'm never flying AGAIN.... Pilot: "Extend flaps." Screen: "You don't have user rights for that action."<span id='postcolor'> Flaps.exe has caused general exception in 0x00000182 and has been terminated. OK
Hmm, I've never heard of these two, filebank and visitor. Vould someone please explain those? Filebank is quite obviously some sort of model/texture base? I'm not a modder (even though I would love to be) but anyway it would be good to know what the hell you gurus are talking about I guess I could do some moddin' but I don't want to spend my whole life in front of a computer, atleast not now when it's summer in Finland
That is great
Do the VW Doppel synchro, used by many armies & peacekeeping forces.
Yep, I thought so. Too bad, hopefully modder have enough dedication to create something anyway for us grunts Ond, uh, what is that missile launcher thingy? Some sort of MLRS or AA/AT missile platform? Looks great!
Hmm, after upgrading to 1.55 and then to 1.58 I'm unable to give laser target to A-10 LGB pilots. It's supposed to happen from the 'target' menu, right? Also it seems that I cannot identify enemy units. Tanks moving along the road in front of me and I can't lock or give targets to others (as in no targets in sight) and the tanks are only 50-150m away from me. Anyone else having this kind of problem?
This is great news The BRDM looks really good, hopefully you have enough time and motivation to finish them. I guess these could be the best addons yet
Yep, lots of hype and screenshots and not a single new unit after the hawk. Maybe they're too hard projects the modders have started. They could have done something simple in the beginning and not start with these lunatic Operation Flightpoint units
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ May 14 2002,09:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">well, the M4 SOPMOD (Special Operations Peculier Modifications) is capable of accepting a silencer, so since 3 people would be carrying them, you could easily use them for silent take downs if the situation called for it. a 5.56 round would be a hell of a lot better than a 9mm round in any outdoor situation. And my experiment wouldnt be limited by ammo, it would be limited by life. I was thinking about how far you could push a squad of this kind before they were gone, not before they were out of ammo, so changing the ammo typed wouldnt be necissary. They'd have all they needed. And yeah, i meant to say the Demo guys would be carrying AT4's. Sorry, i'll go change that.<span id='postcolor'> Wouldn't the AT-4 be a bit too powerful and too heavy? I'd give the squad something like this: AN-94 + GP25 SAW/Minimi SVD, Barret RPG-18 aka Mukha - Disposable version RPG-22 - Disposable version The tanks did not have that reactive armor or anything, so they would be quite vulnerable to basic hollow charges in RPG (or western equivalent) And mukha can be used against bunkers and fortifications. I Guess one infantry battalion with modern fighting technology could have done a lot in WW2 Â
Noo, you're all wrong. I would have given the Gerrys attack helicopters
Hopefully never Ok, the idea was to attract people's attention. Just wondering when will we see the first oxygen ground vehicles or some new ideas. So far all the addons and ideas seem to be air units (and most of them are really useless and/or insane) Something what many of us want see are missing and not even mentioned by the mod makers: BTR armed russian recon vehicle, humwee w/mg self propelled artillery And somebody should edit bmp and m113 so that grunts would sit on top when in gargo
In case few things happen in life, I'm in Kabul with U.N. next year Maybe I'll start packing those mine detectors and flak vests... "And the weather forecast for Kabul tonight is as follows: Rocket rain and occasional "stone the peacekeeper to death" incidents"
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (hkg3 @ May 08 2002,12:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would be nice if someone made one of these.........<span id='postcolor'> Stay tuned for mad max IV
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Speeeedy @ May 08 2002,10:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but he has some good points like the claws<span id='postcolor'> Yes he does, but the claws are maybe somewhat over-realistic. The APC's don't have turn-out possibility for the passegers either etc. They would be nice functions but IMO maybe a bit too cosmetic. (can't believe I say that, because I'm the guy who wants troops to be able to ride on top of vehicles)
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Norfolk @ May 08 2002,07:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well if that is the Howizter 109, it's totally wrong. I work with a artillery unit (13 Bravo - Army National Guard). There are claws on the back of the Howizter that are dropped, then the howizter does a jolt back thus locking it into place. You may want to look into that if your on the development team. Also if the people making that read this, add illumination rounds. We fire a lot of them at night, it's the only way to get the sights of crest if your changing direction. Â The Howizter isn't the smartest move in my honest opinion, to much required. You have the range poles, there are 3 procedures to the gunners reflector and much more. You also have the powder cutting and I could go on forever. It's a 20-30 seconds process that takes hours to explain, and it takes a crew of atleast 6 to work (crew chief, gunner, driver, loader, advance crew which requires 2 people if your going to do it quickly). One last thing about the powder, the charge of the powder is another issue. Charge 6 white back will kick up a ton of dust and smoke while a charge 3 will give you a small poof.<span id='postcolor'> It's a game
Damn, they did play some excellent hockey. Heh, hopefully we shall now get payback against Russia
Damn, they did play some excellent hockey. Heh, hopefully we shall now get payback against Russia
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (M|N|0N @ May 07 2002,12:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">grrr i wish ppl would look through the first 3 pages on this forum... THIS IS THE THIRD POST!!! saying we need more ground units and right now all that is being made is air units!!! GRR!!!! we need to make sub forums for modelling ... Requests and a pimp section when modellers can post there work without things getting mixed up with requests and all the othe stuffs =:/<span id='postcolor'> I know this is the Xst thread about ground troops. Believe me, I've read all of them. I'm just so frustrated with "should I do a C-5 or hercules" "no, make migs and harriers" threads. How many posts about planes? A lot more than ground stuff
BMP-2 and good crew can wreak havoc quite nicely Not to mention it's excellent AT capabilities combined with agility and decent speed.
Vixer, that looks great! Is it available already? Or do you need beta testers One thing, direct or indirect fire?
IMO this is just useless crap. What a waste of oxygen.