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Posts posted by ricbar89

  1. The people in the comments section of every piece of RR PR release so far beg to differ, and that's not including the people here - i.e. the fans of the namesake. ;)

    Opinions, everyone has one...including Baff.

    And DR didnt live up to expectations, in fact it didnt come close, but it wasnt anywhere near bad as people make out.

    In its own right it was a decent tactical shooter, something were (consoles in particular) short off these days.

    Theres mine ^

  2. /facepalm

    How is IR, JiP, more than twice bigger maps (and now infinite), real friction and kinetic energy on bullets, penetration, ricochet, leaning, modules like first aid, multi-turrets, FSM, and we're far from exhaustive, how is that "just better graphic" ?

    BI could have made many things better, could have made wiser choices in their priority, but seriously, "just better graphics", this idiocy should not be told anymore... get real...

    But its all improvements to what feels like the same game. Not necessarily a bad thing but it is.

    And im not sure if his point about "just better graphics" was meant to be taken that literally anyway.

  3. No. It's different people expressing different opinions. Then, other people (like you) compile hundreds of different people into a single personality for you to call hypocrisy on. +1 internets for you.

    Noone is saying anything about people expressing opinions, its the trends of those opinions that are the subject.

    You can argue about it either way but to any neutral viewer of this forum the opinions of most here on are hardly balanced when it comes to Codemasters OFP games.

    ---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

    Its just weird. They dedicate trailers to sweet talking Marines, how tough they are etc, and then they proceed to call them soldiers?

    Marines are soldiers...

  4. I like it, i would call it sim lite. Theres not a million bottons to press and there isnt to much depth and theres certainly a few questionable choices but its doesnt feel like your some invincible machine flying around loosing missile after missile.

    Graphical effects are pretty nice and the damage model is pretty cool. You can look pretty torn up after a long fight.

    FLIR cam is quite nice and the gun sound and recoil effect totally shows up ARMA.

    @MrBurns how can a game made for console be a console port? Also the steering is nothing like BF to me.

    Also hold down on the dpad to look around.

  5. uh..... Gore is completely fine. I'm sure this game will be trash, but it's a little ironic that Arma players are concerned about the realism level in RR; yet you complain about realistic damage to the character models. A 50 Cal would rip someone to shreds.

    Many here will go out of their way to find reasons to hate this game. Gore is a good example, ive seen countless posts here with everyone in agreement a gore system would be welcome in ARMA2 yet CM put it on RR and its only there "as its the next big thing to impress the kidies".

  6. Modern Day USMC vs. Aliens FTW!!



    Finally, an alien invasion movie from the point of view of grunts, instead of a bunch of Entourage wanna brats! Yes, I'm looking at you SKYLINE! And said grunts arent going to betray their species to some giant alien chick.

    As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected. It's up to a Marine Staff Sergeant (Aaron Eckhart) and his platoon to draw a line in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike any they've ever encountered before.

    Oh dear, i think that may say it all.

  7. Rumours. The photo is an iconic one from the Vietnam war. There was no other media or info accompanied by the image.

    Actually there was some info like the game "would be set across Southeast Asia, Centeral Europe and Africa" and i remember an interview with Marek talking about how the Vietnam bit was hard accurately create and how bad te war was etc.

    Enjoyable read, still Ricbar thanks for reminding me who told me about the multiplayer streaming fiasco as I completely forgot about it last month when I was telling someone about it in the old'e'ol OFP IRC chat page. Still as for my 2 pence on this game (Or in exchange rate would that be around 1.6 pence?) I won't be buying the sequel on release, I might be blind enough to go for the honey once but I won't be stung a second time! ;)

    Hey Tyro didnt notice you, been a while. :)

  8. Weeeell, I kinda promised myself i'd stay out of this, buuuut from my source in cm ( btw i'm the guy who announced on the DR forums that cm would be dropping all support for DR long before Helios was cleared to "release it" ) has told me a few things about the new game and a bunch of other stuff:

    1. The development budget for RR has been slashed and the team told to reuse whatever assets there are already available ( read re-skins and more "focused" gameplay ( or is that cut features )...ahem ;D). Expect a poor mans version of BFBFC2 et al.

    2. Sion got demoted from producer to "creative director" to save some face.

    3. The cm folk ( no matter what the public face has to say ) are/were really pissed at templar showing them up. I've been told that "narcissistic dickhead" was one term that was used, though I can't verify that and should be taken as heresay or opinion.

    4.One of the reasons why there is no Mission Editor, refer to 3. There is no way they would want a better game made by enthusiasts building upon existing work. Maybe DLC but not decided yet. The "uncoupling" excuse was pure bullshit.

    On side notes and public information "Black" will departing cm after bodycount after a major internal bustup ( he's only sticking around because of contractual obligations ) and can't wait to leave ( from all accounts ).

    The Jumpgate mmo has bombed and is now shelfware.

    Turbine will take back the LOTR ip license from cm in less than 2 years ( something they can't wait to happen ).

    And yes my "source" is already looking for other jobs.

    Amazing, i had a guy send so much shit like this befire Dragon Rising came out...

    "I worked on the project, so it is indeed in production (or was). My point was that this project is a big mis-managed fiasco. They have been only showing canned videos and a lot of FMV which has no realistic bearing on the game. They hired a lot of people to work on the project and did everything they could to make it look like it was an attractive purchase for an outside company. Extensive marketing via Develop magazine regarding the Neon engine later renamed to EGO about how it powers all the Codemasters games. In truth that tech is a total cluster fuck as it is based on PSSG which is a internally failed piece of technology within Sony that nobody uses."

    "There has been a lot of massive turnover because most people on the team see right through the mess and look for greener pastures."

    "Ask for multiplayer in a large streaming environment... (they already cut streaming in MP only because it wouldn't fit).[< i recieved this in Dec08, months before CM would announce it]Make them admit it. Ask them to demonstrate tanks in action with the awesome muzzle effect and the complex interactions of weapons firing (and unfolding multistage missiles that really hit a target). Ask for a detailed AI battlefield demonstration where you see the results of enemies reacting to a player's actions. Remember this game is supposed to come out next year, so they've got to have something to show, right?"

    "When streaming was cut from MP, it just means that we restrict the player to a much smaller area to fight in -- much like how Battlefield and most of MP games handle it. SP game will still have streaming."

    "I guarantee that the game will fail. Either it will be canceled or it will ship and have really bad reviews and will be inferior to all the common FPS games available -- meaning the awesome feature combinations won't exist at all."

  9. That's exactly what is so good, but also exactly why standard infantry isn't issued with them. Even though a suppressor will increase your muzzle velocity and make you more accurate neither of them will make any real difference for a grunt's capability to fire, it'll add weight and cost money, and they'll make so much noise anyway (especially when the machine guns open up) that it defeats the purpose of being harder to discover.

    An assault rifle does have good enough reach to benefit from the sound masking, but probably not for line infantry. Special forces, snipers/spotters and recon squads on the other hand though...

    Dont get me wrong i can see benifit to a suppressors on a assault rifle, but on the subject of the MP5SD i always thought of it as a "silent" (very quiet) weapon, something you could use fairly up close and personal without giving the game away so didnt think it would be supersonic.

    I blame CWC, it made next to no noise in that. :p

  10. Because the 'sub' in 'submachinegun' is for its size. Not the velocity of its bullets :)

    Pistol rounds are borderline-supersonic already (some are above, some below. Depends on caliber, load and bullet weight), and when you put them in the longer barrel of a submachinegun the velocity goes up even more.

    And that's for example why the MP5SD drops its ammunition to subsonic with its pressure-lowering barrel/suppressor design: It can then use standard, fairly high-velocity 9mmP ammunition and still avoid the supersonic crack.

    Huh, i always thought it was bullet speed it got the name from. :)

    But yeah the supersonic silenced bit makes little sense, assault rifles with supressers have pretty limited use, you're still going to alert everyone all the same but your exact location wont be as easy to find and thats about it.

    Oh look one of those pictures.
