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Posts posted by ricbar89

  1. Clearing a building shouldn't take 40 mins. All the other stuff like blowing up the crashed helo and collecting stuff like hard drives, PCs and other evidence are in these 40 minutes too, i think.

    Me too. Apparently they even went house to house in the surrounding area to make sure noone had done a runner, probably to collect info from the local population as well.

  2. Hi Tonci87

    I think it indicates they were being methodical.

    The difference between how a good ArmA coop team do it, looking for zero casualties and reduced colateral dammage; versus a PvP COD player who is looking for the kills, not worried about civilians and knows they will get back in next respawn.

    Reality is more like the former.

    I also think they were giving the targets verbal oportunity to surrender while amassing sufficient weight of fire to overwhelm each target in turn.

    The fact that so many of the noncombatants got out of it alive seems to support this view.

    I think they were proabably using VBS and Lazershot in a live shoot room model of the whole building and practiced this until they got zero casualties every time.

    They will have used LIDAR to get a milimetre perfect model of the outside then some software to get load bearing wall positions from concrete sag. They may also have trawled old Satelite images of the areas around the time of the building being built. Maybe got hold of the Archetects models and asked the builders. Hey that is a nice house I want one like that, can you design me one just like it, here is a lot of money. Heck they probably used Infrared and millemetre radar to get room layout.

    And they will have guessed and made models with additional stud walls and randomly thrown them at each team.

    They probably specialised and trained particular teams per floor; heck it might have been per room. Then each specialized team would have then trained the others how to do their job.

    They will have played through the scenarios time after time after time in VBS to begin with, critiquing everyones solutions untill they were perfect; playing both OPFOR and BLUEFOR to iron out the kinks. They will have worked out how to ensure each room could be taken with no one on the BLUEFOR killed. And what to do if one was killed and I am guessing the hazing you got if you got killed would be horrendous.

    Then they will have moved to the livefire lazershot shoot rooms.

    They probably each played the bad guys on consoles in VBS while the live team shot real weapons in shoot room.

    And as I said they will have practiced it and practiced it until they got zero casualties.

    Kind Regards walker

    You have a real bad habbit of stating "what you think" while making it come across as fact.

    Anyway back on point, are you sure the firefight went on for 40 mins? I thought they were just on the ground for 40 mins.

  3. .. Isn't that what I said ricbar, it's not rendering them if you walk off. And since the consoles memory is low, it can't just save the Ai's location to despawn/respawn them as you walk in/out of the AO ..

    Its nothing to do with what its played on, PC or console its the engine that cant do it. And it not just about saving the AI location or something else, its a whole lot more complex.

    So no its not really what you said.

  4. Just curious why? Never played and think it's interesting that a BI game would play out better on a console.

    Elite was kinda CWC 1.5 (forget the fact CWC was patched to 1.9 something lol)

    Better graphics (bar the draw distance)

    Better models

    Better AI

    Some other changes like refinments to the maps.

    I think it was running on the ARMA engine too.

    The only thing that let it down was the crappy resolution image from the standard definition era and the crappy draw distance. Both those things would be fixed if it was ported back to PC.

  5. I would guess this would be to consoles low memory - not allowing them to save the data for all AI's as you move about the island; to despawn/respawn them, in memory.

    A flaw that was uncovered in DR when you remove the "tether" in COOP games.

    This is actually the fault of EGO engine. It cannot render more then one location at a time. It has a history of this.

    It was the reason CM gave for F1 2010 when people asked why they cant watch the other cars on the track (remember the whole are the races real fiasco), EGO cant do it. It has to render one location around the player, and nothing more.

    Hence why everyone is kept in the same area in coop or were forced into a small box in pvp.

  6. Of course people get worked up over a British company misnaming an American force by calling one of their precious Marines a 'Soldier'.

    Which isn't unusual or slightly odd in any way.

    They're not misnaming them though, a marine is a type of soldier, a naval soldier.

    This preciousness over "Marines not being soldiers" is just a dumb fad that as far as i know is a total non-issue with everyone (including other Marine forces) but the US Marine Corp.

  7. I don't really considered the EU as an equal or even world power. Not that I'm bashing them, but that they are a product of liberal ideology mixed with a lot of Keynesian economic philosophy. They could be great if they got rid of the welfare state mentality and lowered taxes. Or they could look at Germany at how successful they've been.



    Im not quite sure what this is meant to prove? Isnt the GDP of the EU as a whole higher then the US?

  8. You just really like making stuff up, don't you? Cough up some proof. Provide a link to a review that says Arma 2's campaign, Harvest Red, was broken at release. If you link to Tiscali I think you might just get laughed at. Also provide a link that shows me Arma 2 suffered in terms of sales because of it.

    We accept the bugs because we know BIS are dedicated to fixing them, which is very rare in the current gaming industry.

    Erm you dont need reviews, takes 30 seconds in search to find plenty of people saying the same thing...






    And theres not many responses that seem to argue with it.

  9. I partly agrees with you Vilas... I do believe games developer do follow the mainstream's "want" and designed their games but for CM I might beg to differ.

    Simple, they would have came out with Desert env on their first game rather than publishing a game based on a middle of nowhere and in woodland env. Why now and not then since the masses demand already "shouting" for aghan/iraq based games then...

    I believe there is a sort of an un-announced direct competition here.

    When CM started DR i think it was at least a half arsed attempt to follow the original CWC with a "superpowers at war" type scenario which is probably why they went with Skira Island. But as developement went on with the technical limitations of EGO and CM leaning more to the mainstream we were left with DR.

    Seems to me the next step for CM would be to go with a "Afghan" like scenario.

  10. I had information about OA around January 2010. IRC, in January 2010, some were still hoping for fixing patches or DLCs for DR.

    Listen, i actually couldn't care less about CM. One way or another. I don't hate them, but i will never be bullshited by them either, or any other game company for that matter.

    The only game i have pre-ordered in my life was OA (and the DLCs) and fallout 3. For everything else, i wanna test it myself before spending money.

    Maybe i am a bit biased about BI.

    I like the scope of their product, and the fact that they support their player base and community.

    Their game is far from perfect, it has a lot of flaws, and let downs when looking into small details. But taken as a whole, there is no other product (or company) going after the same things as arma franchise.

    So please, don't take me with the blind hate thing. I would be more than pleased with a competitor to BIS title, whoever that might be. I just don't see it happening for at least a few years more.

    You still haven't answered: why are you still around those forums. Most people here have a common denominator: they own a BIS product. Do YOU own A1/A2/OA? Or you're waiting for BIS to port their games to consoles?

    Not only do you get your knickers in a twist but you also appear to have your head up your arse, explain why i must justify myself to you? :rolleyes:

    Strange question actually, for someone who “couldn't care less about CM†and apparently will not be buying RR you spend a lot of time in a RR topic.

    Jeez, some people eh.

    As for the rest, dont care.

  11. You realize that OA was in development since before Arma 2 released, yes?

    Yes but whats that got to do with CM apparently copying BIS? Nobody outside BIS knew until a few months before release, which was still months after CM had started work on RR if i recall correctly.

    Looking at your post history on those forums, i do wonder why you even spend time around here...

    I see you are naive enough to get in the CM PR bucket yet again. Good Luck with that

    haha what? I have stated on this forum DR was a big disappointment and that ill probably only get RR once the price comes down? Seems to me unless everyone jumps on the blindly hate CM bandwagon and laps up every bit of negativity without question certain users like yourself get your knickers in a twist. :rolleyes:

    Guess what, different people have different opinions, deal with it.
