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Everything posted by rstratton

  1. rstratton

    Purchasing Models

    Product Specifications Media Type: 3D Models Published: Aug 13, 2002 Geometry: Polygonal Polygons: 154,010 not without alot of optimization. would be easier to make a whole new model
  2. rstratton

    OFM Uhao

    very nice work. fps on the ground is pretty decent but when flying a helicopter the game dies after a awhile
  3. rstratton

    bad version - Server rejected Connection

    remove the check files line from the server.cfg and disable equalmodrequired
  4. rstratton

    a question

    i was wondering why nobody has thought to make painting templates for the arma vehicles in order to make re skinning much quicker? u know like a multi layer psd file with body lines , logo's, paint surfaces, and dirt all having their own layer.
  5. rstratton

    Shawk al Tarif - V0.99 Beta

    tried to run 10k viewdistance and it killed my game
  6. so im sitting here trying to figure out how in the hell i can get one of the bis sample model to show up in game as a replacement for the default one. its an a10. anyways what i really want to do is get what rksl studios did to the a10 to override the default bis a10. anyone willing to help me out with this>?? i can be contected via msn at rstratton79526@msn.com
  7. rstratton

    Normal Mapped reflective glass ?

    add some more polygons ffs
  8. rstratton

    F-22A Raptor

    It wont work just using the config. it a rework of the geometry that does the "magic" yup im aware of that
  9. rstratton

    F-22A Raptor

    you should use the flight model changes from the rksl studios a10 flight model demo
  10. rstratton

    3DS Max

    it may be possible, but who is gonna take the time to figure it out?
  11. rstratton

    Request: Semi-transparent texture

    did u try adjusting the black level on the alpha channel by typing the number values in instead of trying to pick color with ur cursor?
  12. rstratton

    KA50 can shoot down aircraft in ArmA why?

    well if they dont know its coming how can they evade it
  13. rstratton

    Is possible make a GL animation on M4?

    should be possible to make any kind of animation with proper knowledge and tools.
  14. rstratton

    ArmA Modelling Basics

    it would be so awesome if you could have more power over normals n such. the main thing o2 is missing IMo is the abilty to detach a group of polygons to individual elements. trying to get sharp edges in one spot is a huge pain in the ass . its so stupid when u want sharp edges and it breaks all verticies for all polygons selected
  15. rstratton

    M1114 Uparmored

    i was gonna suggest u combine this with the slx vehicles
  16. rstratton

    FAV's Beta

    rear wheels are not aligned. y and z axis abit
  17. rstratton

    Cylinders and spheres

    I completely agree with you DM. I only use O2 to make all our models including the UV sets. Its just a matter of getting to know the application well and improving your skills. To make ArmA as well as the Future ArmAII models/addons there is absolutely no need to use any 3rd party applications. I use O2, texview and Photoshop. I think my work speaks for itself. I see you also learned the LOD manipulation basics..... i did not say u cant create models in O2. mearly saying there are way more efficient/less time consuming ways to create models.
  18. rstratton

    Cylinders and spheres

    o2 wasnt designed to be the tool to create the models , but more to edit the models and convert them to p3d format
  19. rstratton

    Oil Pump

    i swear to god one time i crashed a littlebird into one and it destroyed it
  20. rstratton

    lag nade

  21. rstratton

    Custom Island on Dedicated Servers

    search for kegety's arma tools. it contains a program called unrap. it will decode the binarized rvmats. just rename the output files to .rvmat after u delete the originals. notepad ++ is a good program but u can only open like 25 files at a time
  22. rstratton

    Run Viewer without ArmA Installed

    why not buy an external hard drive or usb thumbdrive and stick the game on that
  23. rstratton

    Custom Island on Dedicated Servers

    for starters your rvmat files cannot call for .png textures unles your textures are in png format
  24. rstratton

    La Samula & Syr Darain

    the rig model is binarized or else id have fixxed it long time ago
  25. i had tried maxmem=512 didnt work, later on i tried 1280 and it didnt crash for the hour i played after my post. before 1.11 and 1.12 i have never ever had to use the maxmem command line arguement nor have i had ctd's repeatadly. the mission i was playing was a modified version evolution. i will do more testing later see if i get it workin better