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Everything posted by rstratton

  1. if so how come other directx 9 games i make mods for handle half a million poly models no problem
  2. rstratton

    Arma2 servers are a problem

    they have their server config set to autoban when mis matched data is encountered
  3. you'd make 2 diff cockpit models. low detailed cockpit would be for the external view lod's. high detailed for pilot view lod
  4. u can sign a pbo without binarizing it. ive unrapped the binarized rvmats and they are the exact same as the original
  5. rstratton

    Anyone need a Control Tower?

    http://sharecg.com/ good site here
  6. rstratton

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    why not try fixxing some of the 391 issues on the issue tracker. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/issues im sure quite a few of them could be fixxed in a few minutes or less
  7. rstratton

    Is it me or the game?

    turn your video memory and antialiasing down some
  8. rstratton

    Anyone need a Control Tower?

    upload all your unwanted models to a file hosting site im sure somebody will find something useful
  9. rstratton

    Sentinel AH-1Z Pack for Arma2

    make a shiny black one plz
  10. rstratton

    Dedi: HowTo setup Difficulty Level?

    try putting this into your servers arma2profile version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; shadingQuality=3; shadowQuality=3; soundEnableEAX=1; soundEnableHW=0; activeKeys[]= { "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty1", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty2", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty3", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty4", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty5", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty6", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty7", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty8", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty9", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty10", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty11", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty12", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty13", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty14", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty15", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty16", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty17", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty18", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty19", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty20", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty21", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty22", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty23", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty24", "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty25" }; class Difficulties { class recruit { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0.65000004; precisionFriendly=1; precisionEnemy=0.65000004; }; class regular { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; HUDGroupInfo=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=0.75; skillEnemy=0.75; precisionFriendly=0.75; precisionEnemy=0.75; }; class veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=0.85000002; skillEnemy=0.85000002; precisionFriendly=0.85000002; precisionEnemy=0.85000002; }; class mercenary { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; Tracers=1; UltraAI=1; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionFriendly=1; precisionEnemy=1; }; }; sceneComplexity=300000; viewDistance=1600; terrainGrid=35; volumeCD=5; volumeFX=5; volumeSpeech=5;
  11. rstratton

    .mdl (FS2004) to .p3d?

    mike used 3d ripper dx to capture those models
  12. rstratton

    Skybox image

    from the ca.pbo config skyTexture = "ca\data\data\sky_semicloudy_sky.paa"; skyTextureR = "ca\data\data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa"; seaTexture = "ca\data\seatexture_co.paa"; clouds[] = {"ca\data\mrak1.p3d", "ca\data\mrak2.p3d", "ca\data\mrak3.p3d", "ca\data\mrak4.p3d"}; skyObject = "ca\data\obloha.p3d"; starsObject = "ca\data\stars.p3d"; pointObject = "ca\data\point.p3d"; horizontObject = "ca\data\horizont.p3d"; haloObject = "ca\data\sunhalo.p3d"; sunObject = "ca\data\sun.p3d"; rainbowObject = "ca\data\rainbow.p3d"; moonObject = "ca\data\moon.p3d";
  13. rstratton

    Extending borders

    here is how to enable the infinite terrain on an island http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=33661.0
  14. rstratton

    viewdistance and other dissapointments

    the t90 has missiles
  15. rstratton

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    what versions of 3ds max will this work on?
  16. rstratton

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    holy fuck thats somethin i been wishing for
  17. a gtx 260 216 core model is about 180$ give or take bt its gonna take alot more money than that to play arma 2 smoothly.
  18. missing objects is the cause
  19. rstratton

    ArmA 2 (Cant finish installing)

    if its only missing the uninstaller just use the task manager to kill the installer process
  20. only the terrain.png can be 16 bit color interlaced
  21. rstratton

    Someone up for creating a MICRO UAV?

    how about a 1/4 scale ah6?
  22. u gonna make a "low" plants mod for arma2 as well?
  23. any way to do this with the rockets fired from the tunguska as well?