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Everything posted by roshnak

  1. roshnak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    If he just wants the sudden drop off from 15 to 11 kph to instead by gradual, then I'm not sure a panic button like ACE had is really called for. Not when sprinting, though.
  2. roshnak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Let's put it this way: The current stamina system was designed to prevent people from doing the exact thing that you're upset you can't do. Soldiers with long range guided missile launchers (and carrying far more missiles than is reasonable, to be honest) are not supposed to be entering enemy held cities and towns and engaging in close quarters battle. Have you seen many videos of guys fighting house-to-house with Javelins on their backs? That's why light, single-use, disposable AT weapons like the LAW and AT4 were introduced. If you were to take a PCML and a single missile you might be carrying a more reasonable loadout for the kind of combat it sounds like you're engaging in. Also, I don't understand why you keep describing the slowdown as a dead stop to near walk speeds. It's not. My videos clearly show a gradual slow down from 18 to 15 kph starting at around 40% fatigue and ending at around 60% fatigue, at which point there is a quick drop-off to 11 kph. This is definitely slower than a standard jog (14 kph) but it's still more than twice as fast as a walk (5 kph). That said, there are some valid complaints that could be made. The lack of a proper light anti-tank weapon in the game does force people to take a heavier launcher than is really reasonable for dealing with light armor at close range (such as MRAPs), and pretty much all of the military weapons in the game are armored. The drop off from 15 to 11 kph is also pretty abrupt, and could stand to be smoothed out over time like the drop-off from 18-15 kph is. P.S. 130 meters is way too great a distance for you to be out of cover while under enemy fire. This is the kind of distance where, if you have to run it out of cover, you should be trying to screen your movement with smoke or something.
  3. roshnak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Missile Specialist (AT) is carrying an MPRL Compact and 3 missiles (+1 loaded), not a PCML, and is carrying more weight at 86% maximum load (this is a lot). With this loadout, I can sprint for 28 seconds, covering 123 meters of ground before hitting the slowest sprint/jog speed of 11 kph. Again, walking speed is 5 kph. I also have to say that I think that 130 meters is pretty far in any kind of urban environment, leveled or not. You're clearing several houses at that distance, giving you ample opportunity to duck into cover.
  4. roshnak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Which isn't even what's happening in Arma. You're just slowing down a little bit.
  5. roshnak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I edited my post, but it's the default Rifleman (AT) loadout. You can see that it's a pretty heavy load at nearly 70% total capacity. E: Is there a way to display the actual weight in pounds or kilograms? There really should be.
  6. roshnak

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Here you go Edit: Re-ran the test to measure distance. I can sprint roughly 149 meters (about 32 seconds of sprinting) with the default AT Rifleman loadout before hitting the minimum spring/jog speed of 11 kph. For reference, walking speed is 5 kph.
  7. I think you are misunderstanding my request. I'm not asking you to justify your opinions (although, honestly, you probably should). The reason that I was asking you to post a video is because several players have encountered a bug that caused the inertia to be highly exaggerated. The way that you were describing the inertia sounded like the same sorts of things others who were experiencing that bug said. If you don't care to find out whether or not your game is bugged, and just want to turn off the sway entirely, you can follow Jona33's advice. You should know, however, that this variable will have to be set by the mission maker (otherwise it would grant you an unfair advantage over other players). It's also worth noting that several weapon addons (RH weapons, for example) do not seem to be properly configured for inertia, and whatever default values they are being assigned are very intense. If you are using any of these addons, they could be contributing to your inertia problems. Edit: What do you consider to be few paces? I'm not having any trouble doing what you're describing in Arma 3. Granted, I kind of cheated, since I didn't pull up my sights until I had turned around, but who would spin 180 degrees with their sights up to their face, anyway?
  8. First of all, I doubt either of us put the practice into this drill in Arma that the guy in the video put into it in real life. Don't you think that if you shot it in Arma as often as would be required to get good at this drill in real life you would be able to bring that time down? I would also like to note that I tried the same drill without sway (by toggling freelook whle in ironsights), and my results weren't significantly different. Although, to be fair, doing this changes the aiming sensitivity, so that probably threw me a little. What do you mean by "the 'bounce' as the sway kicks in?" Are you referring to what was happening in St. Jimmy's video? This seems to just prove that the system can work, though, doesn't it? By the way, the stock isn't moving through the player's head not because of the front sight boundaries, but because the wepaon is pivoting from the shoulder, which is something that I think should be happening in Arma 3 as well.
  9. I got a little ahead of myself and hit pretty close to the edge of a target. This sounds like a description of learning how to shoot to me. Yeah, the system is kind of gamey, but this is a video game. Unless you hook a rifle up to your computer, you're not going to replicate the experience and skillset of shooting. People aren't using 3rd person to hide the weapon sway, they're using it to show off the character models, animations, and environment, and to give themselves better situational awareness. They were doing this long before weapon sway was introduced. I think we would all like to see the weapon pivoting from the shoulder instead of wherever it's pivoting from now. I'm not sure why it doesn't. I can only imagine that it is some limitation with the way they are using the camera to generate the sight misalignment. If it's not, then I would hope that they would change this ASAP.
  10. To address the first point, I doubt we'll see any ability to adjust the values through the gameplay options. I believe there is a mod that removes or lessens the weapon sway, at least, though. As for how I'm using the new mechanics: it has definitely changed the way I play, although I wouldn't say that it has done so substantially. When you say you're using move and shoot tactics, do you mean that you used to shoot at targets while moving? That is something that I never really did outside of room clearing type situations where I'm not likely to miss the target anyway. I've found, however, that the best way to engage targets at longer range while moving is to wait for the crosshair to naturally pass over the target. This is much easier to do if you are holding your breath. On a related note, while searching for some reference on shooting while moving (I was trying to confirm something, but, to be honest, I got lazy and gave up when it didn't show up within the first 3 search results), I found this quote from this article: When you refer to "weapon rotation sway," I'm assuming that you're talking about the inertia effects? If that's the case, then I would ask if you've ever played the game Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, because the weapon inertia in Arma 3 seems to operate on a similar concept. In Raven Shield, if you turned too quickly, the crosshair would bloom and your weapon would become less accurate. This sort of simulated the loss of control and stability that would come with a rapid body movements and emphasized the smooth, controlled actions that are so often touted as a tenet of "operator" types (slow is smooth..., etc.). I would like to see some improvements on this model in Arma (have the inertia based more on acceleration than overall speed, for example), and some good suggestions have been offered in this thread, but the basic principle remains: Don't move your mouse too quickly or your aim is gonna be thrown a bit. By the way, if you tape a laser pointer to the end of that broom in your example, it might change your perspective a bit. Edit: I don't think it's your imagination -- it's definitely inconsistent. There is a bit of a delay before the sway kicks in after you stop rotating, which feels pretty off. I think removing the delay or ramping up the sway during the turn would do a lot to make it feel more natural, along with making it so that the sway always begins at the same point during the "sway cycle." I do think it might be cool if the sway was influenced by the direction and force (probably actually acceleration and deceleration) of your turn. I think there are several ways the system could be tweaked to feel better, to be honest.
  11. Yeah, I think it might be a bit much to have both sight misalignment and increased weapon sway caused by inertia, especially since it seems to be causing inconsistent behavior. I'd prefer if, instead of the increased sway, inertia just influenced the sight realignment time. What would you like to be reading?
  12. I'll just echo this part, as I think it's pretty important and seems to have kind of gotten lost in many of the posts in this thread. It's great that the AI is taking into account whether or not their target is concealed by tall grass, but I'm still interested in whether the AI is taking into account whether their own concealment is obstructing their view.
  13. I'm not insistent on attributing his experience to anything. That's why I'm asking these questions. You're the one who is jumping to conclusions based on your own feelings. Here's an idea: instead of trying to argue with me about what 7th_Serf really means, we could just wait for him to reply and tell us. I'm not sure, but I think the "wrong" section of the video is the intended behavior. The gun continuing to move a little bit after you stop turning seems like what you would expect the inertia system to do, although it does seem to be a bit extreme. Either way, it's definitely weird and probably wrong that the behavior is inconsistent. Does the same thing happen with vanilla weapons? Edit: After some testing, I would say that the sideways movement doesn't feel quite natural. It seems like there is a weird delay before it kicks in sometimes. I think that the sideways movement is caused by the increased sway caused by inertia, and the reason that it only moves sideways like that sometimes is because the sway is getting picked up at that point in its cycle. I'm not sure if it's intentional, but it definitely feels weird.
  14. I did. Three times. With multiple example videos. Did you even read the posts that I've been referring to? Number one: In which I suggest that he may be encountering the inertia bug and provide a video from another user as an example. Number two: In which I ask him to elaborate on whether it is the inertia or sway that is causing him to feel nauseous, and provide a video of high sway as an example. Number three: In which, having clarified that it is the sway that he is having a problem with, I ask him to explain exactly what he's experiencing, suggesting that a video would be helpful. I then provide my own video of what normal sway looks like and ask for confirmation that this is what he is experiencing. Number four (this is where you come in): In which I refer 7th_Serf back to post number three, stating that I would still like clarification on what exactly he is experiencing. Okay.
  15. roshnak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Don't think anyone has reported this yet. While in iron sights, you can use the zoom and IR modes while turned out of the commander's seat on the M1A2s
  16. 7th_Serf never said anything about having a problem with the sway only kicking in after the inertia has settled, so I didn't address it. I agree that it's not ideal, however. Would you feel better about the system if the sway was present throughout the sight misalignment period? This is a serious question. What are you talking about? How am I flinging accusations at anyone? I merely stated that his experiences don't line up with my own and that I suspect he is either exaggerating his experiences (not at all uncommon in this thread), or he is suffering from a bug in the inertia system (also not uncommon, and certainly not his fault). I don't really want to get into this again, but we have had as many military personnel (including one I know personally) saying that the system is closer to right than not as we have had saying the opposite. Could the system still be tweaked? Of course, but that doesn't mean that it's completely wrong or unrealistic. Either way, surely you would agree that the Arma 2 system resulted in battles at extreme and unrealistic ranges and made it trivial to engage targets at 500+ meters. Nowhere have I said that nothing can or should be done to improve the system. In fact, I have done the opposite. I have repeatedly stated that it is not helpful to simply claim the system isn't realistic, but that people should instead actually suggest ways of changing or improving the system while still accomplishing the things that BIS is trying to accomplish with the current sway and inertia mechanics.
  17. If that is the case, why does he keep talking about inertia? In the post that I referred Serf to, I addressed the issue of the sway and inertia not acting exactly as they do in real life. I wrote a whole paragraph on it. No one (recently) has claimed that those systems are 100% realistic -- they aren't supposed to be, so arguing that they aren't is missing the point. If someone has a problem with those systems, they would be better served by suggesting alternative ways to accomplish what those systems do, in what they perceive to be a more realistic manner. Although, I believe that the sway, at least, is more realistic than some people would like to give it credit for. But, again, none of this matters if what Serf is suffering from the not-too-uncommon inertia bug, which he may very well be. What he is describing (5 seconds for sway to settle following sight misalignment, 7+ seconds to acquire and engage a target) are not consistent with what I'm experiencing. I am certainly capable of acquiring and engaging targets in 2-3 seconds with the new mechanics. I can only conclude that, assuming he isn't just whipping his aim around like he's playing Quake, 7th_Serf is either exaggerating his experiences, or suffering from the inertia bug.
  18. Have you read my last post on the previous page? I'm still trying to figure out exactly what you're experiencing and whether or not the behavior is intentional. I've certainly never experienced 5 seconds of sway resulting from inertia.
  19. It would definitely be better if the pivot point was at the shoulder, but I'm not sure if that's possible with the camera trick system that they're using.
  20. To address your concerns about the sway, at the start of that video I am worn out from running. I was about 60% fatigued, standing, not using the hold breath feature (which is brutally overpowered), and not attempting to control the sway at all. I think a video of what you're experiencing and what you don't like about it would really help. Without one, I can really only guess at what exactly you're experiencing, and I can't tell you whether it's normal or not. Is the inertia that you're experiencing more dramatic than what is shown in this video? A few notes about the inertia system: The severity of inertia/sight misalignment and the resulting sway is based on your turn speed. Try not to rotate extremely quickly if you don't have to, as it will result in a great deal of sight misalignment and excessive sway. Some sort of inertia system was absolutely a thing that people were requesting following the release of Arma 3. While I, personally, was fine with it, there were many people on these forums that were very unhappy with the unlimited turn rate that was introduced in Arma 3. You say that in real life you utilize muscle control, body movement, and arm position to negate weapon inertia -- the argument could be made that the necessity to execute smooth mouse movements to prevent inertia driven sway, or to use manual mouse movements to do so negate sway that results from quick movements is roughly analgous to what you described. I think that it's also worth noting that BIS has stated that it is not their intention to create a one-to-one simulation of the experience of handling a firearm.Doing so can't really be accomplished with a mouse and keyboard, and they decided instead to implement what some would consider "gamey" mechanics to roughly represent the various weapon characteristics. Weapon sway, while not completely realistic and perhaps exaggerated, is designed to make using a weapon more skill based than it previously was and to curb the common situations in previous games where players would routinely engage targets at ranges far exceeding what would be considered reasonable in the real world. The weapon inertia is designed to represent the decreased mobility and agility that comes with carrying a heavier or longer weapon over a lighter or shorter one. With that in mind, it may be more helpful to suggest alternative ways to represent those characteristics if you find the current system unsatisfactory (although I suspect that it's unlikely to change much, if at all, at this point). Of course, if the inertia that you're experiencing is significantly more dramatic than what was shown in the above video, then this is all moot because you just have a bugged install.
  21. I should start off by saying that I think you are misunderstanding what people are talking about with the "freelook bug." The freelook bug has nothing to do with TrackIR or weapon sway. Currently, if you have an aiming deadzone enabled, the weapon has no inertia effects as long as it is moved around within the aiming deadzone. When I was referring to a bug you may have been experiencing, I was talkin I was under the impression that you were referring to exaggerated weapon inertia, not weapon sway. If you aren't experiencing what is shown in the video from my previous post, you are most likely not suffering from that bug. On to the next thing: I don't really understand how the weapon sway is making you feel nauseated. Except in the case of long range and night vision/thermal optics, the sway does not affect the screen at all (which is what I think would be the most likely thing to cause nausea). Are you saying that the example in the following video makes you feel ill? I ask because the optic is basically behaving like any other object that moves around in the game world. Is it something about the pattern or timing that is making you feel sick? Do you think that you would experience the same thing if it were a dragonfly or something buzzing around in front of the screen with the same pattern of movement?
  22. roshnak

    SOC WIP Thread

    He's referring to texture maps, not terrains.
  23. The fact that you are describing the inertia as vomit inducing makes me think that you might have encountered a bug in the intertia system. Does the inertia in your game look like the following video?
  24. There's no way to really know the answer to this question, BIS is never going to switch engines, and it's extremely unlikely that any other companies are going to try to make a game like Arma, so why even bother thinking about it?
  25. roshnak

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    This does not seem like a useful addition to me, or at least not something worth spending development resources on. There aren't currently any actions in the game that can't be managed by the pilot during even the most hectic situations. If there was some sort of sensor package for the copilot to operate, that would makes sense. Allow the copilot to take command of the aircraft in case of an emergency? Sure. Let the copilot fiddle with buttons while the pilot is flying? Seems pretty pointless.