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Everything posted by roshnak

  1. roshnak

    Combat mode dependent walking animation

    Is this suggestion for AI or players? Because there is no way to set your own combat mode that I am aware of. You can toggle combat pace, but that would only work for two of the animations.
  2. roshnak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You're right, it's probably a safe bet that no one will look for a BTR under helicopters. On the other hand, someone might mistakenly look for a BTR under IFVs or for a BMD under APCs. The distinction probably isn't as clear to everyone as you might think.
  3. I agree. Is this a suggestion for the sway pattern, or the amount of sway, or both? Do you just think that they should revert the changes to weapon sway altogether and go back to the old method? These two things seem contradictory to me. It seems like you are saying two conflicting things are good here. Or are you saying that the old way was flawed because the there was no natural point of aim? Either way, there is a natural point of aim in the Arma 3 system in that the sway follows a distinct pattern, so you could argue that the bore will always return to every point within that pattern at some point in its cycle. Is it possible that the sway pattern is just too long/complicated, and it would be better if it was shortened so that the weapon returned to a given point quicker? I'm also pretty certain that your aim point would not wander away like you're describing in the old system (I could be wrong on this, I don't have Arma 2 installed so I haven't had the opportunity to test it). I may have really misread this section and, if so, I apologize.
  4. CCRP wouldn't make much sense, but CCIP would be incredibly useful for using guns and rockets accurately from longer ranges, which would allow for planes to play more defensively and thus also stronger/heavier air defense in missions. As it is, planes are mostly either useless or overpowered in missions. I think that CCIP would actually be a pretty good step towards allowing more balanced use of planes in a wider variety of scenarios. I could be totally wrong about this and it might not play out the way I'm imagining at all, but it would still be nice to not have to rely as much on guesswork when using guns on ground targets.
  5. I was referring to comments that, by your own admission, are hyperbolic (i.e. not reasonable or accurate). This is not true, and you know it. I have repeatedly engaged in discussions about changing the system and almost always ask people the people who are raging about the system how they would like to see it changed, as well as making my own suggestions for changes, in this thread and the threads that preceded it. I brought up the possibility of tweaking or replacing the sway and inertia systems in the very post that you quoted. There was a perfectly interesting and constructive discussion going on before you decided to (again) complain about people's posting. Why don't you stop critiquing other people's posting and actually talk about weapon sway and inertia? I believe that enex asked for your input on the previous page, and I would be interested to hear your thoughts on those topics as well.
  6. How do you define "somewhat realistic?" There are many features in Arma that are at least as unrealistic as weapon sway and inertia in different ways. Weapon sway being exaggerated does not mean that it is not somewhat realistic. Could it use tweaking? Maybe. Is there perhaps another system that might be more palatable for you that would accomplish the same goals? Possibly. Does weapon sway have a basis in reality? It absolutely does. People experience weapon sway in real life. It might not be exactly like they do in Arma 3, but it is there. Who is dismissing people's discontent? It's fine to be frustrated with the system, but at some point people have to actually start being reasonable or there can be no discussion. All you do in this thread is defend people's right to make false statements and hyperbole. How is your post about other people's posting any better than anyone else's post about other people's posting? Edit: Of course this is all irrelevant, since enex wasn't dismissing anyone's arguments, and, in fact, included a criticism of his own in his post.
  7. roshnak

    Original OFP (ArmA CWA) DLC

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_47#Operational_history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikorsky_H-19#Operational_history ?
  8. No, but it remains a valid response to anyone whose sole complaint is something like, "I don't like the weapon sway because it's unrealistic and my gun doesn't sway this much in real life. Anyone who likes this has never shot a gun before in their lives." It's not irrelevant to point out to those who are new to this discussion that BIS is aware that the system isn't completely realistic and that it serves specific gameplay purposes. People aren't saying that the system is beyond critique. Almost every time actual constructive criticism is brought up, a civil discussion follows in which both sides tend to find common ground. It happened multiple times over the last 20 posts or so.
  9. roshnak

    woman=1; config parameter

    I wouldn't say that BIS nailed it with Arma 2, since women in that game were missing animations for holding weapons.
  10. roshnak

    Sound Hardware Acceleration?

    Yeah, Razer Surround is okay. One of the problems with it and also things like Dolby Headphone and CMSS-3D/whatever Creative's new thing is called, though, is that they have trouble with elevation. I think older Arma games used OpenAL, which had some custom drivers that supported HRTFs for proper sound spatialization. I'm not really sure why they dropped it. Either way, anything is better than the really jarring effect of having guns being fired to your right only played in the right headphone speaker.
  11. Unless you are using 2D scopes, this is exactly what happens in Arma 3.
  12. roshnak

    Sound Hardware Acceleration?

    There is a whole subforum for you to ask these kinds of questions. Maybe try asking there. Which just makes me wish that Arma 3 had proper sound spatialization.
  13. That was a dumb thing to assume. Within effective ranges for a given weapon, it is absolutely not a dice roll. Bullets go where the barrel is pointing (more or less -- there will be some dispersion based on ammunition load, barrel length, etc., but this will generally not come into play except at extreme ranges), and are then acted upon by environmental factors like wind and gravity (and other stuff if you want to get real complicated). All of your "marksmanship fundamentals" stuff affects where the barrel is pointing. What?
  14. I have played America's Army, and I know that there is weapon sway. In addition, and operating independently from weapon sway, there is also a cone of fire, which is influenced by stance, movement speed, injury, suppression, and proximity to a team leader. An expanding cone of fire based on these factors was a substantial factor in accuracy. Because of this, your suggestion to simply look to America's Army for an ideal level of weapon sway is not a good one, since weapon sway was not the sole determinant of accuracy in America's Army, and it is in Arma 3.
  15. America's Army had a cone of fire on top of weapon sway, so this isn't a good comparison. What? Since 2035 hasn't happened yet, I don't think you can say what equipment will be available by then, or how said speculative technology will affect weapon handling. This sounds not fun at all.
  16. roshnak

    Why does ArmA 3 have console FoV?

    Many competitive games have an option to change the FOV. If players who take competing very seriously aren't worried about it being unfair, why would you be?
  17. roshnak

    Why does ArmA 3 have console FoV?

    You didn't say that. You said that comparisons with other shooters aren't relevant. They are when you are comparing whether playing one shooter or another makes you feel sick. As for the reasoning behind it, having the ability to set your FOV in the options wouldn't significantly compromise that reasoning, especially if the zoom-in and -out functions locked to specific FOVs. Edit: Also, since FOV is apparently linked to aspect ratio, what may look fine on a 16:9 monitor might feel claustrophobic on a 16:10 monitor. This is likely to vary from individual to individual, which is a pretty good reason for including the ability to change FOV in the options.
  18. roshnak

    Why does ArmA 3 have console FoV?

    Except that certain FOVs cause discomfort in some players. The OP specifically states that the default FOV is causing motion sickness.
  19. So then what was the point of all this again?
  20. So does it basically change the system to the more traditional shooter model of just limiting sprint time? And do you plan on releasing a version for others to test when you have it more fully fleshed out? I'm interested to see how it plays.
  21. I don't usually think about it because I've never been tired enough to experience it in normal gameplay (as in, unless I'm doing it on purpose for a video). As for this part: First of all - this is debatable. Are we talking about whether the pattern of sway has anything to do with reality? Are we talking about the amplitude? The speed? Are we talking about whether or not it is realistically difficult to aim the weapon when the game is telling you that you are at 70% of your maximum fatigue level and you are too tired to sprint and can't even jog at a normal pace (i.e. dead tired, this is the point that VBS won't let you progress past without pushing a special button)? Second of all - Why is that logic any more or less valid than any other? Edit: And for the record, when I have talked about being fine with the level of weapon sway, this has never been the kind of sway I was talking about, because, again, the only time I have ever experienced the amount of weapon sway displayed in those videos was when I was recording them. Edit again: Also, it's probably worth noting that all of the sway after the initial hold breath period in the quoted video is significantly higher than what it would normally be, since it's being added to the "just ran out of breath" sway (this is probably not a good effect).
  22. 60% fatigued, not holding breath, and making no effort to control weapon sway. This video was made intentionally to show a high degree of weapon sway, after someone claimed that it was nauseating. edit: Check out what big difference hold breath makes
  23. Sway is the up, down, left, and right movement of the weapon when you are aiming (I believe it's actually always swaying, but it's most obvious when aiming down the sights). Inertia is the sight misalignment that occurs when you rotate. This is sway: This is inertia: It's not quite that simple, though. One of the functions of inertia is that it causes a period of increased sway following a rotation, the amplitude of which is based on the rate of turn and the type, weight, and length of the weapon you are holding. So sway is influenced by fatigue, stance, and inertia. Inertia is influenced by the size and weight of the weapon you are holding.
  24. This is what happens in happens in Arma 3. There is no point when you will become so fatigued that you can no longer move. As for your forced march quote: It's right there. You keep describing all these hard things that military personnel have to do at various points during training or in extreme battlefield conditions. Do you think that they aren't exhausted after that? Again, I have to ask: Are you speaking from personal experience, from talking to people who have actually done this stuff, or just from reading a lot on the subject?
  25. What do you mean? That video is illustrating sway, which the left and right sway is a part of. There aren't any actions, that I know of, which would amplify left and right sway but not up and down sway.