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About requietum

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  1. requietum

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    @silola: Thanks for all your help. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Well it seems we were right and the group limit was the problem. I had to make sure the different zones' group count didnt exceed the 63 group per side limit of the editor, otherwise any spawned units over that limit would appear uncrewed. I am having one more little bug. It would seem that the AI squads that are spawned by the DAC will not attack heavy tanks, even the rpg soldiers. The AT soldiers I place manually in the editor fire on heavy tanks just fine, but the DAC ones seem like they try to hide instead. They attack BMPs and bradleys but not M1s. Could this be in the AI settings of the DAC scripts? Would this behavior be caused by them being set to stealth? or danger? Any help on this is much appreciated.
  2. requietum

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Good morning @Silola: Again thanks for your help. I will try what you suggest when I get back to my primary machine, as I am away from my computer right now. However I was thinking, I notice in the editor one can only place up to 63 groups of units per side. Does DAC somehow override this limit? If not then perhaps that is the problem. It only spawns the groups up to the limit then only spawns them as empty, or spawns them then deletes the crew. Another thing I notice is that after DAC has initialized and generated units and it reduces certain groups it then says " has been deleted" several times consecutively, without a name for what it is deleting just a blank space. I wonder if this is a symptom of the same issue, or something else. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
  3. requietum

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    @silola: Thanks for your help. Yes it works just fine, excepting the uncrewed vehicles and I am only using the BIS units. Not all of the vehicles are uncrewed just some of the DAC spawned ones. Example: tank platoon will be spawned by DAC but all tanks in it are uncrewed. Other platoons of the same type and size will be fine or sometimes it is mixed so that some of the tanks in a platoon will be crewed and others not. Is there some kind of limit on the number of units that I'm not aware of? So that perhaps it cannot spawn drivers for these vehicles?
  4. requietum

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Thanks guys. Well I had all the zones using Time >1 so that wasn't it however I did figure out that defining the zone size in the zone parameters instead of having it measure itself seems to bypass the problem. The only thing I am having a problem with now is vehicles are showing up empty. Anyone know why this is? DAC is an awesome development, I can't wait to get this working right. I'd appreciate if anyone knows why vehicles are showing up empty, or rather uncrewed. Thanks all. And thanks Silola for this awesome thing.
  5. requietum

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    I've recently begun trying to integrate DAC into an MP mission I'm working on but I've hit a snag. When I run the mission it doesnt load all the AI zones and worse yet the "Zones are measured" loading bar keeps flashing on the screen even when it is done. The loading bar keeps getting larger and then eventually crashes the game back to windows. Does anyone know why this is or what I can do to fix it? I'm really in a bind with this and would like to fix it ASAP. Also at the end of the erroneous white stripe loading bar is says scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef. I appreciate any help with this. Thanks all.