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Everything posted by Rg

  1. Rg

    Faces / Uniforms

    If your custom face.jpg that you posted above is what you used to get the results on the picture to the right in game, consider yourself lucky. For me, even the template that placebo posted a while back turns the skin color white in game. It's as if you were to brighten up the picture by 100+% in photoshop to get this result. Please BIS, get a fix for this.
  2. Rg

    Faces / Uniforms

    Thx, I just tried it out and it works. Sadly, it looks really bad with such a low resolution. At least now I can work on it and test it out, but hopefully BIS can fix this issue in a future patch.
  3. Rg

    Faces / Uniforms

    Well, I just did a quick test in OFP and my custom face is the correct brightness. So, why would my custom face for Armed Assault (both are jpg's) be ghost white? Any ideas? Is there a work around?
  4. Rg

    Faces / Uniforms

    Ah. Well... it looks like i was mistaken. Anyway, i'm now using 512x256 PAA instead. Has 85KB and i don't have that brightness problem. But on the other hand the face isn't so hi res. I also have that same problem of my skin tone being ghost white. How come all other faces/skin tones in game look correct, but a custom has incorrect brightness? What format did BIS save the other faces as? Is PAA my only option? If so, what program do you have to use?
  5. I would suggest 1280x960 with no AA, rather then 1024x768 with low AA. When I tested that, I only lost about 1, maybe 2 frames max. I think the game looks better with the higher resolution then 1024x768 with low AA, because both are going to have the same jagged lines except the pixels won't be as visable with 1280x960. As a reference, I scored a horrible 1789 in ArmA-Mark http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....4;st=15 Thats with the "Normal" preset. Then I scored 1858 with custom settings (1280x960,N,N,H,N,L,N,N,L,H) When I get a new computer, hopefully I'll be playing it at 1600x1200.
  6. Rg


    I win! Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.80GHz ALL-IN-WONDER X800 266 MB 2x512 MB DIMM 266.0 MHz
  7. Rg

    official complaint to BIS

    I never thought I would read posts like this for ArmA that are always prevalent after a games release. Well, I was completely wrong. I'm just glad those people give the game the chance it deserves (under an hour is more then enough) before declaring it to be "rubish".
  8. Rg

    official complaint to BIS

    Well........shucks . ArmA is too realistic for you. To me, it's not realistic enough. Does that mean I can't enjoy what is there now? No. I fully welcome a WGL type realism mod. Maybe, you'll get a less realistic mod if you wait a little bit. BTW I changed a lot of controls around to fit what I had in ofp with some new stuff and I'm as fluid as ever. It would have taken me a long time to learn if I used the default. (Ex. everything I do now is toggled on/off - leaning, walk/run, freelook). It makes things much easier for me.
  9. Rg

    What planes are there!?

    I thought the flight model for planes was much improved over ofp? Now, choppers on the other hand.......improved, but still needs to be worked on.
  10. Rg

    TrackIR use...

    Dslyecxi, Thanks for the video. I do have a few questions though...... -------------------------------------- 1) "preview build" meaning before the gold Czech version or the actual gold Czech version? 2) If your looking in different direction then the direction your gun is facing, when you press for iron sights, does the iron sight view appear in the direction your looking at or in the direction your gun is facing (where your cross-hair is pointing if you actually use it)? 3) Can you zoom closer to the actual sight by using the Z-axis? 4) Does the X-axis or Z-axis work for vehicles and aircrafts or is it just Pitch and Yaw?
  11. Yes. hehe, thank you sir. now to until we find out when.....
  12. Glad to hear. Placebo, any idea if this would be before or after the 505 release or can you at least confirm that a download version will be available at some point in time?
  13. Rg

    Armed Assault videos

    My jaw dropped when he parachuted out at the end. The violence of it, the sound, and looking at your body with TrackIR......... Awesome!
  14. Yea, it's a really sad situation to see for BIS and the community.
  15. Rg

    Helicopters in AA

    No AH-64? That was my favorite, because the flight model felt more real then the other choppers due to the slower response/slightly sluggish/"weightier" feel. I really hope the flight model in ArmA will still be worked on for a possible fix in future patches. As others are saying, it's way to sensitive/twitchy and doesn't give the impression of any weight.
  16. Rg

    ArmA Photography

    http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(05).jpg I was REALLY hoping for an animation to bring up your compass and map while in game. Realistically, pulling out your compass could take at least 3 seconds and taking out you map could take at least 5 seconds. We should NOT be able to read our compass and map instantly. You need to be in a safe place/situation to take time to use these.
  17. Rg

    Ask a mod

    Are you going to fix the problem since you are getting some new fame?
  18. Rg

    Armed Assault FAQ

    ^ Good question Q: Can we use (2) USB devices? (Possibly (1) joystick for Flying and (1) gamepad for Driving) A:?
  19. Rg

    TrackIR use...

    Aw damn! I guess I'll be finding all this out when you do I realise that you will still be making a video for the ones that are considering buying TrackIR.
  20. Rg

    TrackIR use...

    Ahhhhh you already have the game man?? Can't wait for the video (I know you will make it good), but can you at least answer a few of the questions I posted above regarding axis' to the 3 elements of the game?
  21. Rg

    TrackIR use...

    I don't see how those videos show TrackIR. It looks like mouse movement/free look. Well, I guess no one that has the game also has TrackIR
  22. Rg

    TrackIR use...

    Yes, anyone with the game and TrackIR please respond. What axis' are supported for.....on foot/driving/flying? On Foot ------------ 1) Which axis do you lean with (X axis)? 2) Can you zoom into your iron sights more by moving your head closer to the screen (Z axis)? Driving/Flying ------------ 1) Is X and Y supported in vehicles/aircrafts? 2) If so, can you lean toward the sides of the cockpit looking out making landing easier and have better awarness? Anything I missed that is striking about the TrackIR support for ArmA?
  23. Rg

    Armed Assault FAQ

    "-Morphicon stated it will not use Starforce, this means german speaking areas do not have to worry about it." Is that still an accurate statement? Or will they and 505 be using starforce?
  24. Rg

    Will there be a Demo?

    ^Either the info Kev is giving needs to be sticky'd or The FAQ needs to be updated with that info.
  25. Rg

    Everyone Who Has ArmA Read This!

    If you have a system that can run FSX on high settings, I think you'll be doing quite well with ArmA.