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Everything posted by ryankaplan

  1. ryankaplan

    uprooting trees

    actually i was told by a ginger know-it-all flyboy wannabe that goes by the name of jinef, that in world war two in some places, germans literaly rode their tanks thorugh forests to surprise the enemy or reach unreachable spots/ i've no info on what sort of trees they were. I don't know about what can uproot whatnot, but what i do know is that ofp needs a serious 'crack' sound when uprooting trees. Anyone who's played the Call of duty single player missions will know, (when you're the soviet tank comm) that uprooting trees gave such a satisfying sound in that game, you did it with pleasure. or rather, i did anyway.
  2. ryankaplan

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    i've sort of grown used to the game...and i think 'ArmA' is a good short term for armed assault, since it actually means something. In Latin, Arma means 'Weapons'. You may argue that latin is bullshit and nobody speaks it anymore, which i agree with, but it beats 'ofp'. edit:spellings
  3. ryankaplan

    ArmA Progress Updates

    about people commenting on 'shiny textures'. I'm pretty sure most of you live in Britian, germany, and other north europen countries may find that shiny, but i lived the first 9 years of my life in turkey, and beleive me, it can alot shinier than that. infact it sometimes gets so shiny in the summer, the new asfalt roads are too shiny to look at for more than 10 seconds. To me it just looks like a beautiful summer day.....where people are killing eachother.
  4. ryankaplan

    ArmA Progress Updates

    graphically, looks very nice. Everything else however seems to straight out of ofp elite. The switching is another engine limitation broken in my opinion, and don't mind it (welcome it) since i am more interested in MP/co-op/big company vs company missions. The units need to be modernised. Vulcans i hope are the south sides AA defence, since americans don't use them any more. The Enemies in old russian gear&camo are probably the north side's soldiers rather than russians. The American soldiers however....still in the 1980s USMC camo. Still called black ops as well...like some sort of hollywood production. A 'black op' as far as i know is a slang term for inteligence operations which involves stealing something. Little things and the attention to detail are what makes the difference. ...thankfully the video is old....phew.
  5. ryankaplan

    Red Hammer campaign

    red hammer was a load of bollocks, typical of czechs to never right or create or draw anything good about russians (understandably, given their history with them). I enjoyed the missions, but hated the hollywood story.
  6. ryankaplan

    release over steam

    i think, simply and truly steam is da pwnzor. I used to hate its guts because of super loading times, but now it's almost perfect. It provides alot more profits for bis for once. However, a steam only release should not even be mentioned. What i would do, not that i know much about marketing (actually, i did get a high A in the marketing section of Business Studies) is: -Release over steam when the game is done ONLY to distribute, not to be played over steam like CS or DOD. -When they have found a good publisher, start selling hard copies of the game. Steams advantages: Bigger share of the revenues made by selling of the game goes to BIS. Automatic Advertising to a large amount of players via steam(i believe there is a realism lover in every CS n00bpwnzor, somewhere inside). Having basicly the best anti-cheat and anti-piracy games software in the world. And ofcourse the fact that we won't have to wait for BIS to find a publisher. Just look at red orchestra and what they have achieved. And they are only a mod team (or were anyway).
  7. ryankaplan

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    yeah, twas very nice yesterday indeed. I especially liked the Paratrooper Platoon taking over the bridge one, even though i was the platoon medic and had to stay behind most of the time. (didn't have to, but chose to. Wasn't much use due to fdf's one hit one kill policy.) Any way i have a few screenshots to post from the thursday and saturdays games. WGL game-A Platoon lead by me advances in a line formation while my squad stays stays at the back as reserve :P . This is before we were rushed by 8 Resistance APCs who wasted half our platoon while the east were advancing happily to the objective. ScFan42 is the remnants of a whole platoon (svens section was alive, but they....wouldn't respond due to 'sexy missus syndrome'. Scfan ended up beating the map by himself. The Dirty Finnish Paratrooper platoon Led by Jinef get ejected. Pity i couldn't capture the amount of parachutes in the air, as most of them was behind me. A mission with about 20 objectives. You had to basicly put down a whole rebellion. Here, a small fireteam is peeking their heads over the ridge to cover the advancing team to the right. Huge Scale mission on WGL5, Here the armoured (company?) is waiting for the mechanised infantry to clear out the forest to their right of any possible hostiles, while pwnage squad lead by me is watching over the hill.
  8. I am making a mission for wgl5. As you may or may not know, wgl gives almost every soldier in the game a secondary weapon called a rucksack. The rucksack is like a Law, you select it from your action menu "Weapon Rucksack", then reload the appropriate 'Ammunition' Eg.'RuckM16Mags'(just like a RPG7VL with different types of rockets) and 'fire'. The firing runs a script which makes the soldier play a putsatchelstanding animation and a m16 mag appears at your feet, which you or your friend may pickup. The Ruckammo, takes pistol slots. Problem with this is, it is a pain in the ass when your trying to have AI rearm via the Action(6) menu as you have to give the ai about 15 orders to rearm. You can imagine what it's like trying to rearm all 11 AI members of your squad. In MP, this slows down the game two fold, and forces players to order ai to pickup enemy weapons, effectively becoming targets for other players with ai. What i need is a script makes the ai automatically rearm themselves. the simplest way i can think of is a script which; -Detects if soldier is out prmary weapon ammo -detects primary weapon of soldier (mission only uses m16, m249, m60, m16m203) -detects if the soldier has any rucksacks mags (ruckm16, ruckm60, ruckm249) -if the soldier has any corresponding weapon with ruckammo, deletes one ruckmag, and adds 1 or 3 primary weapon ammo (1 if m249, 3 if m16). The biggest challenge though, is that this mission i'm making is meant to be a company sized mp mission with each player leading a ai squad. (146 men on west side in total). If i run a loop script on 146 men, it's going to be ever so slighly laggy. Is there any way i could achieve what i want to do without too much lag? Could functions or addeventhandlers be used in anyway? i have tor will o add an action to every ai for the player to activate? Thanks in advance to anyone who helps or tries to help.
  9. ryankaplan

    Auto Rearm for Primary Weapon

    Unfortunatly that's not what i'm looking for, thanks anyway, i think i'll post this in a wgl forum. I made most of the script already anyway. Just need to figure out how to find out how many magazines a soldier is missing now.
  10. ryankaplan

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    why does your game look so shite kommisar? turn AF to and texture sizes to full you fool. here is what your game should look like: Good Looking Game And that's without AntiAlly, which should also be up to at least 2x. I get that on a radeon9600 with a athlon 2800+ and 512mb ram. I know your pc is alot better than mine. About the game with DMA: The american Army and Sf units seem to be well camouflaged for any environment: US Special Foces @ DMAwgl5 US Army @ DMAwgl5 The resistance is also quite well camoed: Viva la resistance@DMAwgl5 The US Marines are a bit dark, for desert, are not bad for green islands, and are perfect for forests and islands with WGL replacement textures: US MArine Corps @DMAwgl5 The Russians stick out alot in desert but are brilliant for green islands, especially nogova. 42nd Kazahk 42nd Kazahk
  11. ryankaplan

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    very nice games last night. We also scientificly proved the superiority of 42nd kazahk honour guard battalion + few american mercs over the ancient phalanx toting spartans. My computer conviniently died on itself just when i was leading, so i just went to bed. see you guys on thursday probably
  12. ryankaplan

    New Czech Interview

    i hope they have made ai improvements on single soldiers as well. At the moment all i've heard is about squad based ai. OFP's squad based ai is already not bad (even though, most people don't notice it.) but singular ai beings are dum as fark. Also, some form of platoon ai structure connecting ai squads together would be nice.
  13. ryankaplan

    Providing Flashpoint Support post 'AA'

    if arma is not a dissapointment, i'll delete all 14gb of ofp addons and mods from my harddisk, hence solving my harddisk space problme at the same time.
  14. ryankaplan

    New Czech Interview

    I don't see no shining on the vehicles what soever. Ground is pretty shiny though, but that's because jinef only recently watered it.
  15. ryankaplan

    The atmosphere

    if you want it like that, then, call of duty can be very realistic too if you mod it and play on hardcore setting. it's net code is great, you can use vehicles, multiple gunners, better graphics and the rest. what i'm getting at is that it would ruin the point of ofp or arma completely. even though i've not been in an army nor in a firefight ever, but i'm sure engagements are not very dramatic or cinematic. most of the time it would probably just be aim at a blob 300 meters away, shoot and see the blob fall.
  16. ryankaplan

    CiA co-op night

    indeed, i believe to shoot someone is not the best way to go, unless they started killing you off. You should take these into considerations -some players (like myself) always play without AI (except in zeus, which has ai voices disables anyway). Hence when i hear an order via ofp comm, i generally naturally ignore it as AI. This is because i almost always use teamspeak. -Because you guys don't seem to talk much in teamspeak, other than enemy reports, because, well, you don't like people talking about random shite on ts, some players, like me, will not get to know who is talking, hence you don't know hen the leader is talking. you can't always read the text at the bottom becuase you're engaging opfor, sometimes you just miss it because you've had a long day. My recommendations are either use teamspeak fully, or at least at the start introduce yourselves. If they ignore you, pop them once in the leg, and surely they'll notice you're there. Plus, imo, everybody screaming (not literaly) to eachother on ts helps with immersion. You can type "FIX BAYONETS, CHARGE...THE...BASTARDS", and hope for an effect, or you can scream it :P i might come on sunday, now that i've read the 1st post fully after rather than skipping half of it 6 times and know the password now.
  17. ryankaplan

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Sorry, but i do play with woggle5 alot in Zeus, and i thought most of the basic rifle sounds were a complete bag of shite. I was Especially annoyed how you could hear a bullet land 1km away and how you could hear a gunfight going on literally on the other side of Everon. After a few co-ops and a whole load of "GET DOWN, WE'RE TAKING FIRE.....AH HOLD ON THAT'S THE OTHER TEAM ENGAGING 6 KMS AWAY....z0rs"s i decided i'd fix things, knowing that WGL team aren't bastards and won't mind since it's quite the community project. I posted it in the forums for whoever wants it as well. Killswitch (who i think is a member of the Woggle5 team) saw it, posted about it, so i thought you guys would know about it. Play Hexenkessel, that's pvp :P. If you mean jinef style Platoon vs Platoon, then, either you can wait for jinef (not recommended) or make your own mission and say you spent a whole day on it so we'll play it
  18. ryankaplan

    CiA co-op night

    can someone pm me the ip please?
  19. ryankaplan

    Realistic Armor

    omg. bis don't have the time omg. bis don't have the resources omg. bis isn't doing it for a reason! omg. it will affect the original campigns too much omg. insert other shitty reason here on a more serious note, prepare to get flamed for asking for something. I second what llaumax wrote btw.
  20. ryankaplan

    Latest screenshots available

    yes, from what i know. i suspect it'll be model and texture changes, not repositioning of anything. that's the biggest load of bullshit reason i heard for not including multiple gunners. All that would change in the game(original campaigns) would be the tanks would have an extra mg gunner, if the commander feels brave enough. All the other vehicles don't have extra guns anyway. If they don't have that and also not even have the possibility of having that with addons, then they might as well delay the game until 2010, or whenever they can manage to get it done by.
  21. ryankaplan

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    check this thread in the zeus forums for a temporary sound fix for wgl5 until wgl5 team has fixed it. WGL sound fix
  22. ryankaplan

    DSF Nuke Scud Update

    does it work in multiplayer with all it's glory?
  23. ryankaplan

    OFP Field Manual, where to be found?

    jinef you fool. sort out the ofpcc mission before you go recruiting people. Why would he choose zeus instead of the glorious 42nd Kazahk Honour Battalian anyway?
  24. ryankaplan

    MODUL SKY beta version

    it's nice textures and so, on but the horizon looks damned weird in my opinion, especially when the weather is bad. The sky is very dark blue and the horizon (the bit where the sky joins the ground in the distance) looks too pale.
  25. ryankaplan

    Multiple guns??

    we shouldn't need to hope for this. This is a must in a game like ArmA. Even rts games have multiple guns nowadays (w40k, dawnofwar has super tanks which can fire and target independently at multiple targets). This will enable proper tanks, proper apcs with shooting hatches. Proper jeeps with the possibilty of shotting your lmg while riding shotgun, or even engaging an air target with an AAlauncher(if that is possible in real life), and last but not least, Battleships :P