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Everything posted by rekster

  1. rekster

    The Citadel Wargames Server

    I highly recommend coming over and playing at the Citadel. I got to play the latest version of "Pilot Down", and it is even better then before. There are also some missions that never got released, but are great to play. So if you want to get to see them, you are going to have to come to the Citadel.
  2. I noticed that on the screen shot page for the WGL Island pack you have Messor Island shown. However when I grabed the Island pack it was missing in the addons. Screen shot of it was also included in the Download, so I guess it was suppose to be in the package.
  3. Congrats to the WGL team for all the great work you did. Hope you guys get to enjoy the summer, and take some time off for awhile. You deserve it. I look forward to playing with the New WGL until Armed Assault comes out.
  4. rekster

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    @Silola Thanks for the reply. I did do it like you just showed. I also added the hint to know the script would start, and I would never see the hint. I sent a copy to MrN, so maybe he will point out if I made a typo. I plan to make it MP, and have tried it they way you wrote on our server. When I put the call to the script in "Dac_Group_Soldier.sqs" I finally got it to work.
  5. rekster

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    MrN I did try it with the script on server. I also added a hint. The script never started. So I went and put this script "AddMagChangeout.sqs" in the "Dac_Group_Soldier.sqs". I edit #creatunit0 to look like this #createunit0 ;;Create Init Line String to be used in createUnit command _leadertyp createunit [getpos _unitdummy,_unitdummy,_setFleeing,_setskill,_setrank] ;;This will run the correct loadout and add the HDmag interchange event handler to the soldier []exec "AddMagChangeout.sqs" DAC_Init_Values set [1,(DAC_Init_Values select 1) + 1] ?((DAC_Com_Values select 1) == 1) && (!(DAC_InSpawn)) && (DAC_Activate == 0):DAC_InitText = format["%1|",DAC_InitText];_countu = DAC_Init_Values select 1;_countg = DAC_Init_Values select 0;cuttext[format["Units are generated . . .\n%1%2(%3)",DAC_InitText,_countu,_countg],"plain down",0.1] _leaderman = units _unitdummy select 1 if(format["%1",_groupname] == "Null") then {[_leaderman] join grpnull;_leaderman setpos _startpos} else {[_leaderman] join _groupname;_leaderman setpos _spawnpos;deletevehicle _groupname;goto "shortbreak"} _sj = 1 goto "creategroup" When I did that I get the HD Mag changeout to work. I do get one error when a unit dies. I get the "No entry '.model'" error. Not sure what the cause of this is. I do still have to finish updating the HD Mag changeout, but it is working. If you like I can PM you with a link to download the little test I put together. If anyone know what the no entery model means, I would like to know that. Plus is there a better place to put the script I did?
  6. rekster

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    @MrN I tried the script the way you recommend, but the HD mags did not change. To make sure the script was working I put a JAM HD soldier near me, with the init line in it. When I killed that soldier, I got normal mags, so the script is working. It will just not execute with DAC. So I stilll need to figure out where to put the line, so the eventhandler will be applied to the soldiers as they are created.
  7. rekster

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Thanks for the help MrN I realized last night that Strano's [RR] script was done for Jam ver 2. I will have to update it for Jam ver 3, then I will give it a try.
  8. rekster

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Siola, would like to first say great job with DAC. It is definately something that I will use in future missions. Mapfact is a great asset to the OFP Community and look forward to its continued support when Armed Assault comes out. I have edited the Unitconfig to add JAM 3 units. If you would like me to pm you with it, to add in future versions of DAC let me know. I do have a editing question I hope you can help me with. Strango [RR] wrote a script the will change out JAM HD mags for normal mags when an Ai or Human with HD mags dies. It is meant to normally go in the init line of the unit or it can go into the init.sqs as long as you start with the name of the soldier you want to add the event handler to. What I am asking is were do I need to put the line in your scripts so that when a soldier is created, it will have the event handler added? Example of the line I want to add this addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "MagChangeOut.sqs"}] Also something that you may wish to add in future versions, is a tracking script that you can be enabled or disabled for DAC. That way if you want to have a mission, were your unit is being chased, you can have the enemey Ai already know were you are, and be able to call for support from other zones. I am no script writer, so I do not know how to do this. Otherwise I would try it myself.
  9. rekster

    ArmA.dk Mission database

    I have tried to register with your sight. It states that a confirmation e-mail will be sent. I have not received the e-mail, and I did give the correct e-mail address. If you want I can PM you with the info I put in at the sight for registration. It looks like a well done, sight and I would like to be able to register.
  10. rekster

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    First I just want to say thanks for all the hard work done on the DMA CoIn Coop Engine. This is a great mission to play when just wanting to get in some coop, but not wanting to play a mission that is the same everytime. Having the missions be random, definately adds a lot of fun to the game. I have only noticed on thing you may want to chage. When I was playing a Defend the Base mission the commander that issues missions was killed. So even after resting, I could go over to his corpse and get another mission. It might be better to just use the PC's, the same as I would for resting, or put a script in that makes sure that after a rest, the commander issuing orders is alive again. I hope to this coming weekend get a chance at editing. I put crCTI 0.84 on Libya, and I am loving that island. Hopefully I can add the CCE on it, as well. Good luck, and keep up the good work.
  11. rekster

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    I was able to test with Franz ver 1.3, at my clans server, and we did not have any issues with lag. There was only one minor bug that can not be fixed. That was if you have a gunner played by a human, he / she will not see any systems damage, while the pilot will. So the gun could be damaged, and only the pilot will see any indication that is the problem. Not a big deal. @Franz if you need to test, any future ver. of the Apache or anything else you plan to release at my Clans server, just let me know.
  12. rekster

    CTI44 Dedicated CRASH

    So you are still getting the texture error, or just have not had a chance to try the updated shermans out?
  13. rekster

    CTI44 Dedicated CRASH

    So Blitzer did changing the Shermans out, solve your problem?
  14. rekster

    DSF CTI:TI 0.1 Alpha Release

    Tried it at our Clan Server. - Kept getting Temp group error - When I got enough to build the Scud, it would not build any of them. - Enemy Ai did not go after the towns.
  15. rekster

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    @xnodunitx I am replying to your question about lag, and those that have had lag, what are the computer specs. My PC Specs: 3.2 ghz CPU from Intel 2 gig of RAM ATI x850 video Windows XP for Operating system. I do want to point out that if I play a mission local on my PC, I do not get lag. I only get lag when play at my Clans Server. I am assuming the lag is do to client vs server scripts, but I am no expert in that area. I put this chopper into a CTI, and when the chopper is produced, I will get lag in the mission. No chopper, lag goes down. FCM league is also testing with this chopper in one of its missions. There has been some lag. However in the FCM mission we are also testing the mission with the New ECP, so not sure if the lag has something to do with ECP and the Apache scripts working / not working together. In the testing done of the new Apache, is it just on a LAN with a Local PC, or do you have a server to test missions in MP? If you need help in a place to test the addon on a Server let me, I think I can help out. I realize some scripting can work fine on a client, but put it on a server, and things can change fast. Even though I mentioned lag, I do want to stress I love this addon, and look forward to any future versions. I realize it is a lot of work, and testing you do to get it out. So thanks for the addon and all the hard work.
  16. rekster

    DSF CTI:TI 0.1 Alpha Release

    Any plans to make a coop version of the DSF CTI? This looks interesting. I will have to try it when I get home.
  17. rekster

    CTI44 Dedicated CRASH

    Here is a link to www.ofp.info. It mentions on this page that the texture maps were fixed, so maybe there is hope. This page also has the download link. Good Luck. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=8744
  18. Wondering if any has done a JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) type script were one can type in the grid coordinates, which are sent to an Aircraft for a JDAM strike? If not does anyone have something similiar that one could modify to simulate a JDAM strike. I am thinking of doing a mission were SF with Radio call in grid coordinates, (Perhaps type in via a gui that pops up for the Radio Operater) Using this with say the B-52 addon, I could simulate what was done in Iraq / and Afghanistan. I am not asking anyone to go write it, but if one is out there, I would not mind playing with it.
  19. Yes I have use the CoC Tomohawks in MP, and they work nice. I just wish the MLRS from them was MP friendly. When I use that, it tends to crash in MP.
  20. I got a chance to read through the PDF. This looks like it will really improve a mp coop mission, or any mission needing Ai. FCM league added to many of its missions and alert system, so that when Ai saw a Player it would raise and alarm and alert other units. This alarm could be varied (Diff. Levels of alarm) and do anything from just putting other units into Combat mode, to actually have them know were the player unit / group was and hunt them down. Will the Ai-Addon be able to do something similiar? I also read in the PDF, that units will be spawned, and you can set the units spawn to be via a trigger. So we do not have to have all the units on the map a the same time. Nice. Are elements that made the Group Link II script so great being considered for future versions? Such as have the element of surpressive fire, Smoke, and call in air or arty support for Ai? Being that units can be spawned via trigger, will one have the option to set how many times a Ai unit / squad will be respawned? My thought is if you have an area that you want heavily defended, and the player should be trying to avoid patrol's, vs kill all of them. In that situation you would want patrols that take losses to be reinforced via spawning or if a squad is wiped out, an new one would be spawned to replace it. Also a nice feature FCM adds to its missions is that it likes to have Ai use HD mags, but set it so when they Ai die the mags are changed out to normal mags. That way the weapons can be picked up and used by the Player / group. So far, DAC has definately got my interest up. Looks like Mapfact has done it again. Thanks Mapfact.
  21. rekster

    CTI44 Dedicated CRASH

    If the tanks Prime used retain the same class names, then you need to have the new addons at server, and client. I would try it out by yourself, and make sure that was the issue. If so, then you can have your clients download and install the correct ones. However if Prime changed any of class names, then you also have to edit the mission with the new class names. Sorry I do not have a simple solution for ya. I honestly have not tried any of Primes updated tanks, and have not read the readme on just what he fixed. If you download them, check the readme and see what he did. Hopefully this will fix the problem.
  22. This sounds great. Will it be MP friendly?
  23. rekster

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    First I want to say that I love this addon. The attention to detail is amazing. Finally an Apache were the pilot can move the chain gun around. I have noticed that the Apache Longbow can be a little laggy at times. Since the ability to turn of various scripts has been added to this addon, does anyone have any recomendation as to which ones being turned off, help the most with the lag? Also in the next update, I would suggest having the options manual fire, get out / eject, and autopilot put at the top of the menu. Those are the most used, and would be nice not to have to scroll down the list just when one is trying to eject / get out. Sometimes by the time you get to the eject / get out option it is to late. Als the the tweaking you did to the MI-24 was very nice. Any plans to do something similiar to the Cobra? Keep up the good work, and I look forward to future updates.
  24. rekster

    CTI44 Dedicated CRASH

    It is one of the addons, that has the texture ratio set wrong. The Server can not handle it, and will crash. (I forget what texture ratios the Server can handle.) I had put together a crCTI 44 (Based on vers 7 of crCTI) and took me awhile to get ride of the addon causing the issue. The one I had was from the M4 sherman tank pack. This was before Prime updated the Sherman tanks. I would start looking at the Shermans tanks as a possible cause. If you are not using Primes shermans, you may want to swap out the shermans with his version. If you like I can PM you with a copy of the version I did. I never fully finished it. While it did not crash, it did get laggy when the German tanks started getting produced in large numbers. It needs tweaking. It used all the addons that were part of the CTI 44 stuff. (I did this in Jan. of this year, and CTI 44 may have updated there addons this year.) If anyone has a list or knows exactly which addons cause the problem in CTI 44, that would be very helpful. The issue of constant server crashes caused people in my clan to give up on it.
  25. I lood forward to the UAV and Satelite. I do want to state to Chaos, that you did a great job with the scripting, and design. It is very clean, and I have not seen any bugs. I do hope in the next update, you might be able to add more info on how to modify / customize it.