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Everything posted by rats404

  1. rats404


    I'm on the case - watch this space...
  2. rats404

    Hardest riddle available on the Internet

    ...and what a clever way of generating lots of viral marketing traffic to the sites that google brings up... Â
  3. rats404


    thx for the quick response - i'll tweak the settings to get it as close as I can to the Cat Afghan terrain with some dirty dust - just take a look at any real IED initiations on video to see what I mean. Once I get something I'm happy with I'll post my settings back here.
  4. rats404


    Great addon - just been using it in an opfor mission for the V3 Cat Afghanistan I'm working on. The proximity IED (IED4) is great when used under a parked civvy truck. Thanks guys  - my only comment is that the dust is a bit too bright yellow compared to the terrain I'm using it on - but it's not a complaint - just a comment. Rats404
  5. rats404

    What is the proper term for...

    Yes mum :-)
  6. rats404

    Tears of the sun seals

    You may well be aware of this but the weapon is designed with a relatively high dispersion factor in the barrel rifling. The rounds spread in an "Eye" shape rotated by 90 degrees - like a 0 but more pointed at top and bottom. This is so that bursts stay within a relatively narrow arc horizontally but spread up and down range to help the gunner hit a target where range estimation is always a bit tricky. so in short - don't make it *too* accurate - you will never get good groups with a real one, it's an area weapon.
  7. rats404

    Tears of the sun seals

    I've fired the British version of this (the GPMG) many, many times in a previous life (!) and this addon looks superb. It's a great weapon IRL, powerful and reliable. Thanks for all your hard work so far. Rats404
  8. rats404

    What is the proper term for...

    Actually, having reviewed the thread in the context of the original post - I think Avon is right. A typical call would be "Anchor bullseye 250 at 20". Loiter is what the aircraft does - Anchor is the command used over the radio. Apologies for doubting you Avon. Rats 404
  9. rats404

    What is the proper term for...

    Definitely loiter, if they are tasked to stay in a general area awaiting further orders or tasking like a specific call for CAS from a Forward Air Controller. http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=70 includes the term in context. Rats404
  10. rats404

    Falklands mod progress

    Fearsome stuff... very nicely done. These will be great for raiding parties.
  11. rats404

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    BB - just another Brit looking forward this outstanding addon - and as far as the uberrealism malarkey is concerned, we could use JJR's opfor as Regt guys and wouldn't be far wrong in some cases. As an aside, there are unconfirmed (and open source) reports that on odd occasions, UKSF have been operating in Iraq wearing U.S. kit - so that muddies the waters even more. Thanks for all the hard work so far. Rats404
  12. rats404

    Usmc uh-1n

    Thx PrepH another mirror (http:) Rats404
  13. rats404

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    tiny detail, but I think it's an MG 34 - has a round drilled barrel heat shield - MG42 is squarer with longer slots for cooling...dearie me, I really should get out more... http://www.megaegg.ne.jp/~a-oga01/mg34-06.jpg http://www.mg42.info
  14. rats404

    East VS West - Episode 02

    hehe... very cool guys. But you forgot the "No chickens were harmed in the making of this episode" disclaimer in the closing credits...
  15. rats404

    Small Arms Qualification Range

    Really nice addon - very useful for comparison testing of different sighting systems - iron, eotech, reflex etc. Thx Rats404
  16. rats404

    Usmc uh-1n

    Possible bug report - Maybe it's my setup, but when AI are flying these and you are a grunt on the ground, gun reloading and threat warning reciever sound is as if you were in Heli (i.e. loud) no matter how far away UH1 is. But great work so far, really fun, and a nice set of loadouts, beautiful modelling and texturing. mirror (http) Rats404
  17. rats404

    Usmc uh-1n

    Great stuff PrepH and all those who assisted - thx Mirror Here Cheers Rats 404
  18. rats404

    TM Cougar files for OFP helis

    Just got myself a TM Cougar setup and was wondering if anyone has macro files for the Ofp helis - KeyCat - could you send me your F16/TQS file for me to pick apart?
  19. rats404

    Olafsland2 and Slavonia

    Very nice Blink Dog - Slavonia in particular will be great for some KFOR missions I'm working on for UK guys. Thx
  20. rats404


    Hang in there Bobcatt - we'll get it when you're good and ready, and I for one will be very grateful. The Vodnik will be an excellent addon for us all. Can't wait to start barrelling around Cat Afghanistan in one of those...
  21. rats404

    The Regiment

    ROFL... hehe... ahh the 80's, the Booth Hall.... :-)
  22. rats404

    The Regiment

    Well, the video shows Johnny Mac and Eddie Stone (I think, he's looking a bit porky). Â JM was on the assault team on Op Nimrod and is a good bloke, but ES is a bit of a... So they've got advisors who know their stuff, but how much that affects the final product is a moot point...
  23. rats404

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Great Mod - really excellent. I'm getting a few error messages regarding some of the addons, but I'll investigate further myself (including on this forum, of course!) before boring you all. Thanks again mate. I've been revisiting some of my own missions and they rock big time now under eecp.
  24. rats404

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Just wanted to say thanks so much for the dedication and hard work that has gone into this so far. What a terrific community we have with OFP. Don't worry about the few bugs that have just appeared. MS has been selling software with bugs a plenty for years, even with with huge test teams, and it hasn't done them any harm ;-) Keep up the great work, it's really appreciated.