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Everything posted by ruff

  1. ruff

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I've read somewhere in the Ai changelog that they've changed Ai detection so that if you're less than 10-15m Ai automatically knows your position? doesnt this affect addons such as melee mods? i thought it would be cool if you could sneak up to ai when their back is turned and do a stealth take down.
  2. ruff

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are there any plans for the future to have your beautiful ak-103, ak-104, ak-105 railed barrel versions in tan and OD colours as it would look so cool to put them in a multicam uniformed unit to simulate Russian sf in Syria.
  3. Also how about the spar16 with Vfg and afg with a flashlight & laser combination attachments that actually fits the rifle.
  4. Addon that enables you to change enemy and friendly Ai advanced skill setting like in Eden Enhanced in game (while playing an sp mission).
  5. Tanoa - US special operation forces encounter Russian special operations forces occupying the evacuated Tanoa airport. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677742996140/2D21D69C9530B177F791906899A072A18A06184B/ Tensions rise as US spec ops question the presence of Russian SF. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677742996890/B5BB2FB8C3C107FA8EF630B14032791DBF960723/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677742998642/89D0F802FC7341DE8675B4751BDBA19B868304EE/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677743011780/AFED28F8B5DA3ED19B4B03E3A25FA1FAB7C0EE2E/ US spec ops are out numbered and out gunned. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677743000723/2475E4F4AB64C03CA474B5E83F8C564D684589C8/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677743003122/3081A36A7235AE50CABEBCC78AE20AF59F30D1D0/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677743004366/00D3D307B62DAC21E7954CAF73C41465E403B23B/ US spec op sniper over watches the confrontation ready to give a helping hand. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677743011143/73E99EB9C1E4ACBFA053DC547F9EA68DD1CF4B7A/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842585677743008530/70B0D61AC1042634FED28D58669E9E05BF6BEE28/ Note: wrecked the scene cause of the stupid tag. Mods - MilG, VSM, wsxcgy's Extra RHS Uniform Re-textures, SMA, CUP, WAINO, TAC VEST, spec4 vests, hidden identity v3, airframe, russian weapons from steam workshop
  6. UK E-Squadron before an op. Mods - MilG, VSM, Kiory skull mask, wsxcgy's Extra RHS Uniform Re-textures, SMA, CUP, WAINO, TAC VEST, Crye Gen 3 Uniforms (NATO Retexture) by ardvarkdb
  7. Tactical face mask which the UK sas uses to hide their identity. Seen some images of UK sas wearing them in Manchester. Apparently they got the idea from airsofters so they had one specially made for them that attaches to their opscore helmet. od, coyote brow, black would be awesome. Also with shemag tactical glasses or goggles combination would be excellent.
  8. i just wanted to ask for the longest time. Why are all the rails attachments upside down when attached to the guns of this mod? is it because of the custom animations?
  9. ruff

    Spartans MK14 EBR's

    I cant seem to use any of the scopes from other mods with this gun. I've downloaded the steam version. anyone else having the same problem?
  10. In regards to the above request. Is it possible to leave the G3 uniforms flagless. I like the G3 uniform flagless for black ops/ covert themed missions.
  11. ruff

    Hidden Identity v3

    I was thinking of the veil and cap combination option for headgear if cunico's taking suggestions. Gives you the option of using face shemaghs underneath. Like the the waiknako addons.
  12. ruff

    Hidden Identity v3

    love this! my favorite is the face shemagh with clear goggles!
  13. Was any of the mixed camo of the kryptek removed? just wanted to know as I would just keep the old version if it is. still an awesome retextures!
  14. How bout boonie hats, caps and face masks with the G3 camos? i love how you covered amcu, Atacs, MTP in G3! Thank you!
  15. Awesome please have versions where there are no flags for black ops missions
  16. ruff

    Original Ghost Recon Campaign - Released!!

    Thank you for considering us!
  17. ruff

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    i love the update!! thank you!
  18. loved the final mission!!!! thank you!!!
  19. ruff

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    great update but i also liked the grenadier load out and team leader load outs with camel back and pistol holsters on the non belt versions. Any chance of them coming back in the future? also were you planning to scrap your facemasks and headgear? It doesnt appear in the new version. Personally I've saved them in my folder as they are actually my favorite facemasks and shemagh combinations. Thanks again for the update!
  20. maybe if you've updated them it might it reset the download count?
  21. thank you for these missions. im up to mission 8 and its pretty awesome atmosphere and gameplay. Im finding difficulty just right.
  22. ruff

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    VFG on the 10 416!!!!! thank you!!
  23. No ace for Sp for me. Just adds another issue if they decide to update.